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Abus sur enfants / adolescents


- 1. Interventions
MONTUSCHI F., Education sexuelle, "pornographie" et identité, A.A.T., 84, 1997, pp. 144-150.
ARBUTHNOTT D. et ARBUTHNOTT K., Imaginaire et imagerie mentale dans le travail avec les adolescents, A.A.T., 48, 1988, pp. 187-192. .
RUBBERS B., La nécessaire dépendance, A.A.T., 75, 1995, pp. 140-144.
ALLEN J.R. et ALLEN B.A., La violence : influences de la première enfance, de la famille, du contexte social, A.A.T., 103, 2002, pp. 95-109.
ESTIENNE F., Le mini-scénario : son application avec des adolescents en logothérapie, A.A.T., 26, 1983, pp. 100-102. C.A.T., 4, pp. 63-66.
MAGNI L., Le modèle de la psychè de groupe, A.A.T., 59, 1991, pp. 99-103. C.A.T., 8, pp. 74-78.
GILES T.R., Quelques modalités d'interventions en l'absence de contrat thérapeutique, A.A.T., 20, 1981, pp. 214-216. C.A.T., 7, pp. 228-229.
- 2. Thérapie


Adulte (état du moi)

- 1. Aspects structuraux, Adulte intégré
HOSTIE R., (Edit.) Adulte et Petit Professeur, A.A.T., 10, 1979, p. 50..
DUPIN C.M., (Forum) De l'usage du Parent dans ma pratique, A.A.T., 107, 2003, pp. 55-56.
ENGLISH F., La quête humaine de la vérité, A.A.T., 81, 1997, pp. 36-37.
RAMOND C., L'Adulte intégré, A.A.T., 63, 1992, pp. 141-144.
CLARKSON P. et GILBERT M., Le modèle originel des états du moi chez Berne, A.A.T., 53, 1990, pp. 3-14.
ERSKINE R.G., Structure du moi, fonction intrapsychique et mécanismes de défense : les concepts originels de Berne, A.A.T., 53, 1990, pp. 16-22.
OHLSSON T., Un mandala pour les états du moi Adulte, A.A.T., 53, 1990, pp. 27-36.
- 2. Aspects fonctionnels
KRUMPER M., Deux sous-systèmes de l'Adulte : Ac et Aa, A.A.T., 10, 1979, pp. 74-75.
CONWAY A. et CLARKSON P., Inductions hypnotiques quotidiennes, A.A.T., 48, 1988, pp. 156-164.
PHELAN B.N. et PHELAN P.E., Le fonctionnement intégral de l'Adulte, A.A.T., 10, 1979, pp. 70-73. C.A.T., 6, pp. 195-198.
GREGOIRE J., Logique de l'Adulte, logique de l'Enfant., A.A.T., 26, 1983, pp. 84-88. C.A.T., 3, pp. 56-60.
- 3. aspects collectifs
FILLIOZAT R., L'A.T. et la conscience de l'Adulte occidental, A.A.T., 52, 1989, pp. 169-172. Perspectives multiculturelles et A.T., Eds A.T., 2012, pp. 67-69.
- 4. Interventions, décontamination
WHITE T., Contrats de non-psychose, A.A.T., 102, 2002, pp. 53-58.
CORNELL W.F., La honte : affect inhibiteur, contaminations, réparation relationnelle, A.A.T., 81, 1997, pp. 6-14.
LAMMERS W., L'A.T. et le traitement de l'asthme chez l'adulte, A.A.T., 62, 1992, pp. 84-92.
NOVELLINO M. et MOISO C., L'approche psychodynamique en A.T., A.A.T., 70, 1994, pp. 66-72.
SCHLEGEL L., Qu'est-ce que l'analyse transactionnelle ?, A.A.T., 85, 1998, pp. 17-32.
GREGOIRE J., Réaction à l'article de L. Schlegel "Qu'est-ce que l'analyse transactionnelle ?" dans la revue allemande d'A.T., A.A.T., 85, 1998, pp. 33-37.

Affirmation de soi

WOODS K., La séquence du jeu psychologique et sa fonction défensive, A.A.T., 126, 2008, pp. 1-7.

Ages et passages de la vie adulte

NOVEY T.B., 'Age moyen' et management., A.A.T., 11, 1979, pp. 100-106. C.A.T., 1, pp. 239-245.
SILVESTRI S., Fils et filles de divorcés : un modèle thérapeutique basé sur la redécision, A.A.T., 68, 1993, pp. 181-192.
KRUSE T.L., L'A.T. pour les personnes âgées, A.A.T., 39, 1986, pp. 140-145. C.A.T., 7, pp. 199-204.
BAUM-BAICKER C., Le traitement de la dépression chez les personnes du troisième âge, A.A.T., 23, 1982, pp. 157-160. C.A.T., 5, pp. 249-252.
FIELDING E.B., Scénarios culturels et personnes âgées, A.A.T., 38, 1986, pp. 64-70. Perspectives multiculturelles et A.T., Eds A.T., 2012, pp. 83-89.


KOUWENHOVEN M., Contrats d'abstention et sanctions thérapeutiques, A.A.T., 37, 1986, pp. 3-13.
HOYT M.F., 'en voie de guérison': une manière de limiter ses possibilités?, A.A.T., 102, 2002, pp. 78-79.
VANWYNSBERGHE J. et PELC I., Guérir l'alcoolisme : mythe ou réalité ?, A.A.T., 47, 1988, pp. 133-136. C.A.T., 8, pp. 273-276.
NOCE J.S., NOCE S.F. et McLELLAN A.T., La fonction parentale collective dans une communauté pour alcooliques, A.A.T., 22, 1982, pp. 109-112. C.A.T., 6, pp. 207-210.
VANWYNSBERGHE J., La thérapie des patients alcooliques : de bonnes règles pour un bon contrat., A.A.T., 47, 1988, pp. 127-132. C.A.T., 8, pp. 267-272.
KOUWENHOVEN M., La thérapie des systèmes parentaux absents et déficients, A.A.T., 28, 1983, pp. 185-190. C.A.T., 4, pp. 116-121.
MARGOLIS G., Le client invisible, A.A.T., 14, 1980, pp. 76-78. C.A.T., 6, pp. 68-70.
SALERNO M.T., CARONE A.R. et ALBANO O., Les clubs d'alcooliques en traitement., A.A.T., 59, 1991, pp. 115-119. C.A.T., 8, pp. 277-281.
KOUWENHOVEN M., Systèmes parentaux absents, déficients et déviants, A.A.T., 28, 1983, pp. 179-184. C.A.T., 4, pp. 110-115.
MAES J.M., Utilisation des circuits du sentiment-parasite interconnectés dans le traitement de l'éthylisme, A.A.T., 23, 1982, pp. 152-156. C.A.T., 3, pp. 94-98.

Alimentation (trouble de l')

- 1. En général
STOLZ S.G., Alimentation et problèmes de limites, A.A.T., 40, 1986, pp. 169-174. C.A.T., 5, pp. 200-205.
FILLIOZAT R., (Edit.) De chair et d'os ?, A.A.T., 40, 1986, pp. 154-155.
RIEBEL L., Elaborations subjectives et troubles de l'alimentation, A.A.T., 40, 1986, pp. 175-182. C.A.T., 5, pp. 206-213.
FISK S.B., Le traitement hospitalier des troubles de l'alimentation, A.A.T., 43, 1987, pp. 130-134.
LEACH K., Les méthodes de traitement de l'obésité et de la boulimie féminines à la lumière de l'A.T., A.A.T., 102, 2002, pp. 69-77. C.A.T., 8, pp. 303-311.
GRIFFIN S., Problèmes de nourriture, problèmes de poids, A.A.T., 40, 1986, pp. 161-167. C.A.T., 5, pp. 193-199.
SMEAD V.S., Termes diagnostiques des troubles de l'alimentation : avantages et inconvénients, A.A.T., 40, 1986, pp. 156-160.
- 2. Anorexis et boulimie
LENON R.A., La gestion médicale de l'anorexie nerveuse, A.A.T., 43, 1987, pp. 109-114..
KLEIN M., Le scénario de l'anorexique, A.A.T., 45, 1988, pp. 45-48. C.A.T., 8, pp. 299-302.
VOGNSEN J., Le traitement stratégique bref de la boulimie, A.A.T., 40, 1986, pp. 187-193. C.A.T., 5, pp. 218-224.
KINOY B.A., Les groupes d'entraide pour l'anorexie et la boulimie, A.A.T., 40, 1986, pp. 194-200. C.A.T., 5, pp. 225-231.
LEACH K., Les méthodes de traitement de l'obésité et de la boulimie féminines à la lumière de l'A.T., A.A.T., 102, 2002, pp. 69-77. C.A.T., 8, pp. 303-311.
ACHIMOVICH L., Les scénarios suicidaires dans les familles d'anorexiques, A.A.T., 43, 1987, pp. 135-144.
KLINE D.M., Problèmes de poids : un groupe pour anorexiques et boulimiques, A.A.T., 43, 1987, pp. 115-122. C.A.T., 8, pp. 285-291.
RUMNEY A. et STECKEL T., Reparentage et anorexie nerveuse : traiter en adulte ses besoins de dépendance, A.A.T., 43, 1987, pp. 123-129. C.A.T., 8, pp. 292-298.
SCHIFF J.L., Traitement de l'anorexie nerveuse, A.A.T., 3, 1977, pp. 156-158. C.A.T., 2, pp. 225-227.
MAINE M., Traiter efficacement l'anorexie nerveuse : l'avis des patientes après leur guérison, A.A.T., 43, 1987, pp. 100-108..
ANDREWARTHA G., Trois cas d'anorexie traités par l'A.T., A.A.T., 28, 1983, pp. 166-178. C.A.T., 4, pp. 274-286.
- 3. Obésité et problèmes de poids
ETKIN M., Obésité et folie, A.A.T., 13, 1980, pp. 38-41. C.A.T., 7, pp. 166-169.
LISTER M., ROSEN K. et WRIGHT A., Perdre du poids en groupe sans faire régime, A.A.T., 40, 1986, pp. 183-186. C.A.T., 5, pp. 214-217.
GRIFFIN S., Problèmes de nourriture, problèmes de poids, A.A.T., 40, 1986, pp. 161-167. C.A.T., 5, pp. 193-199.

Analyse des modèles existentiels et A.T.

ENGLISH F., Honte et contrôle social : une mise à jour, A.A.T., 76, 1995, pp. 149-162.
ENGLISH F., Le leurre du fondamentalisme, A.A.T., 91, 1999, pp. 109-116.
ENGLISH F., Où vont les scénarios ?, A.A.T., 66, 1993, pp. 51-62.

Analyse Transactionnelle

-1. Evolution dans le temps BAZIN J. L., (Forum) Réponse à stimulus, A.A.T., 126, 2008, p. 52. -2. Réflexions critiques MARX C., (Forum) Et en même temps..., A.A.T., 126, 2008, pp. 53-54. TOSON D., (Forum) Ma réaction sera en forme de comparaison,, A.A.T., 126, 2008, pp. 57-59.

Analytique dynamiciènne (psychothérapie) et A.T.

DEBREYNE C., Le scénario, formation et changement : parallèle entre le processus de la psychothérapie analytique et l'analyse transactionnelle, A.A.T., 39, 1986, pp. 115-120. C.A.T., 7, pp. 41-46.

Angoisse et anxiété

FRIEDMAN M. et SHMUKLER D., Anxiété, créativité, sentiment parasite, A.A.T., 28, 1983, pp. 191-196. C.A.T., 3, pp. 105-110.
KLEIN M., Etre heureux ... et humain, A.A.T., 49, 1989, pp. 13-26.
CHANG V. et JAMES M., L'angoisse et la projection dans les jeux psychologiques et dans les scénarios, A.A.T., 58, 1991, pp. 89-96.
MASSEY R.F., Les conceptions du transfert et l'A.T., A.A.T., 64, 1992, pp. 175-192.
KLEIN M., Les ennemis de l'amour, A.A.T., 67, 1993, pp. 127-134.
SIMERLY R.T. et KARAKASHIAN S.J., Psychothérapie et S.I.D.A. : aspects cliniques et pratiques, A.A.T., 57, 1991, pp. 11-23.
WILMOTTE J., Traitement de la névrose d'angoisse, A.A.T., 23, 1982, pp. 142-148. C.A.T., 4, pp. 253-259.

Appareils mentaux

ROMANINI M.T., Le Parent du psychothérapeute et le psychothérapeute Parent., A.A.T., 80, 1996, pp. 131-142. C.A.T., 6, pp. 35-46.
ROMANINI M.T., Le Parent, instrument de la relation au groupe humain, A.A.T., 80, 1996, pp. 157-168. C.A.T., 6, pp. 226-237.
FORNARO A., Les noyaux de l'identité personnelle et familiale au sein du Parent., A.A.T., 84, 1997, pp. 135-138.

Apprentissage (troubles de l’)

DORTU J.C., Comment lever une résistance à l'apprentissage, A.A.T., 26, 1983, pp. 89-90. C.A.T., 3, pp. 134-135.
SICHEM V., Inhibition intellectuelle et utilisation du circuit du sentiment-parasite, A.A.T., 67, 1993, pp. 107-114, (E. A.A.T. 68 p. 169).
SICHEM V., Le cerveau propose, l'environnement dispose et l'individu "décide", A.A.T., 62, 1992, pp. 64-70.
SICHEM V., L'inhibition intellectuelle dans la relation au savoir, A.A.T., 67, 1993, pp. 100-106.


Archétypes et A.T.

ENGLISH F., Où vont les scénarios ?, A.A.T., 66, 1993, pp. 51-62.


EDMUNDS G., Jeux psychologiques et décisions financières, A.A.T., 126, 2008, pp. 33-46.


UZABEL J. et SCHOEPKE B., A.T. et entraînement à l'assertivité, A.A.T., 12, 1979, pp. 186-187. C.A.T., 6, pp. 263-264.
ROSENTHAL NOVEY P. et NOVEY T.B., Apprendre aux femmes à négocier avec les hommes, A.A.T., 32, 1984, pp. 175-181. C.A.T., 3, pp. 247-253.
MARX C., Besoin, désir, envie ... et frustration, A.A.T., 27, 1983, pp. 146-149.
NOVEY T.B. et ROSENTHAL NOVEY P., Blocages relationnels, A.A.T., 25, 1983, pp. 4-12. C.A.T., 7, pp. 205-214.
KANDATHIL C., C'est donc si simple ?, A.A.T., 25, 1983, pp. 33-34. C.A.T., 6, pp. 76-77.
HAIMOWITZ C., Demander pour être proche, A.A.T., 14, 1980, pp. 71-73. C.A.T., 6, pp. 265-266.
CAMPOS L.P., Déployer sa puissance, A.A.T., 7, 1978, pp. 134-137. C.A.T., 6, pp. 257-260.
PICKETT L., Des ateliers multiculturels pour la formation des enseignants, A.A.T., 79, 1996, pp. 92-102. Perspectives multiculturelles et A.T., Eds A.T., 2012, pp. 131-140.
LANKFORD V., Désensibilisation aux affrontements durs, A.A.T., 24, 1982, pp. 193-194. C.A.T., 4, pp. 171-172.
TUDOR K., Intégrer l'A.T. et la Gestalt dans des groupes d'enfants, A.A.T., 68, 1993, pp. 150-158.
CAMPBELL J.H., Le cercle du potentiel, A.A.T., 26, 1983, pp. 69-72. C.A.T., 6, pp. 267-269.
HUSS C., Le potentiogramme, A.A.T., 24, 1982, pp. 167-171. C.A.T., 4, pp. 164-168.
WAYNE HART E., Les niveaux de l'affirmation de soi, A.A.T., 7, 1978, pp. 143-144. C.A.T., 6, pp. 261-262.


LAMMERS W., L'A.T. et le traitement de l'asthme chez l'adulte, A.A.T., 62, 1992, pp. 84-92.


HOLTBY M.E., Origine et insertion des messages inhibiteurs, A.A.T., 2, 1977, pp. 70-74. C.A.T., 2, pp. 28-32.
KRAUSZ R., Scénarios organisationnels, A.A.T., 71, 1994, pp. 100-110.


ROMANINI M.T., Autisme infantile et A. T., A.A.T., 28, 1983, pp. 197-201. C.A.T., 4, pp. 287-291.
BALA J., L'A.T. et le traitement de l'autisme, A.A.T., 46, 1988, pp. 90-96.
GAUDIERI M., L'autisme infantile : hypothèse étiologique et approche thérapeutique, A.A.T., 68, 1993, pp. 170-178.


WISSINK L.M., Accroître l'estime de soi par l'auto-parentage : une validation expérimentale de l'A.T., A.A.T., 77, 1996, pp. 41-48.
PRICE R., Hypnose, régression et auto-parentage, A.A.T., 41, 1987, pp. 40-48.
JAMES M., L'autoparentage: théorie et processus, A.A.T., 29, 1984, pp. 5-11. C.A.T., 4, pp. 122-128.
ROMANINI M.T., Le Parent, instrument de la relation au groupe humain, A.A.T., 80, 1996, pp. 157-168. C.A.T., 6, pp. 226-237.
MORONEY M.K., Parentage et reparentage en A.T. : cinq méthodes, A.A.T., 54, 1990, pp. 69-76.
MAYSTADT M., (Forum) Réflexions sur l'usage du Parent dans la pratique en Guidance, A.A.T., 107, 2003, pp. 57-58.
DAGOSTINO L., Restructurer le Parent organisationnel, A.A.T., 66, 1993, pp. 75-81.

Autocratie et totalitarisme

- 1. En général
JAOUI G., (Forum) Accusation dérive sectaire, A.A.T., 110, 2004, pp. 64-66.
ENGLISH F., La quête humaine de la vérité, A.A.T., 81, 1997, pp. 36-37.
Van POELJE S., Le développement des systèmes autocratiques, A.A.T., 79, 1996, pp. 106-111. Pouvoir & autorité, Eds A.T., 2010, pp. 109-120.
ENGLISH F., Le leurre du fondamentalisme, A.A.T., 91, 1999, pp. 109-116.
JACOBS A., Le nationalisme, A.A.T., 91, 1999, pp. 101-108.
JACOBS A., Le pouvoir autocratique, A.A.T., 46, 1988, pp. 51-66. Pouvoir & autorité, Eds A.T., 2010, pp. 65-90.
GHIRINGHELLI H., BERNARD C. et LE BIHAN-SCHMIDT M., L'emprise dans les foules et les groupes, A.A.T., 107, 2003, pp. 7-16.
JACOBS A., Les structures autocratiques : groupes, organisations, nations, acteurs, A.A.T., 66, 1993, pp. 87-96. Pouvoir & autorité, Eds A.T., 2010, pp. 91-107.
McFARREN C., Narcissisme : "Je suis OK - tu n'es pas OK", A.A.T., 103, 2002, pp. 118-123.
JACOBS A., Théorie, idéologie et reparentage, A.A.T., 77, 1996, pp. 20-39.
- 2. Sectes
POURTOIS M.T., (Forum) Des rumeurs et des sectes, A.A.T., 104, 2002, pp. 183-184.
HYAMS H., Dissociation: définitoin, diagnostic, manifestations, thérapie et lien avec les sectes, A.A.T., 102, 2002, pp. 59-68.
ALLEN J.R. et ALLEN B.A., La violence : influences de la première enfance, de la famille, du contexte social, A.A.T., 103, 2002, pp. 95-109.
HILDENBRAND C., Lettre à propos du rapport M.I.L.S 2002 concernant les dérives sectaires, A.A.T., 103, 2002, pp. 124-125.
McFARREN C., Narcissisme : "Je suis OK - tu n'es pas OK", A.A.T., 103, 2002, pp. 118-123.


SICHEM V., Cheminer vers l'autonomie au départ de la symbiose saine, A.A.T., 69, 1994, pp. 11-14.
NOE J.P., (Edit.) Éditorial, A.A.T., 70, 1994, pp. 50-51.
McGRATH G., Ethique, frontières, contrats : appliquer les principes moraux, A.A.T., 75, 1995, pp. 99-108.
BAUTE P.B., Intimité et autonomie : des tranquillisants sociaux ?, A.A.T., 15, 1980, pp. 145-148. C.A.T., 5, pp. 50-53.
BAUTE P.B., La chaise de l'autonomie en fin de thérapie, A.A.T., 1, 1977, pp. 37-39. C.A.T., 6, pp. 49-51.
HINE J., La nature bilatérale et continue des jeux psychologiques, A.A.T., 74, 1995, pp. 73-86.
RUBBERS B., La symbiose: une relation de dépendance parmi d'autres?, A.A.T., 87, 1998, pp. 105-111. C.A.T., 6, pp. 247-254.
THUNISSEN M.M., Le développement structural de l'état du moi Enfant, A.A.T., 104, 2002, pp. 173-180. C.A.T., 8, pp. 256-263.
CLARKSON P., Le pentagone du changement : les aboutissements de la thérapie, A.A.T., 49, 1989, pp. 3-12.
GREGOIRE J., Réaction à l'article de L. Schlegel "Qu'est-ce que l'analyse transactionnelle ?" dans la revue allemande d'A.T., A.A.T., 85, 1998, pp. 33-37.
GREGOIRE J., (Edit.) Relations et symbiose : histoire et questions d'aujourd'hui, A.A.T., 83, 1997, pp. 82-84.
DAGOSTINO L., Restructurer le Parent organisationnel, A.A.T., 66, 1993, pp. 75-81.
MARX C., (Edit.) Vivre engagé, A.A.T., 73, 1995, pp. 2-4.


NOE J.P., L'autorisation, A.A.T., 80, 1996, pp. 143-150. C.A.T., 6, pp. 101-108.


RAMOND C., Autorité et abus d'autorité, A.A.T., 63, 1992, pp. 100-102. Pouvoir & autorité, Eds A.T., 2010, pp. 61-64.
NOE J.P., La Puissance, A.A.T., 87, 1998, pp. 112-117..
REUSS H., L'autorité saine, A.A.T., 84, 1997, pp. 130-134.

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      .active (string) = 1
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      .position (string) = 12
      .active (string) = 1
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      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/analyse-des-modeles-existentiels-et-a-t
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      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/analyse-transactionnelle
      .position (string) = 14
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      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/analytique-dynamicienne-psychotherapie-et-a-t
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      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/angoisse-et-anxiete
      .position (string) = 16
      .active (string) = 1
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      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:07
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      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/anorexie
      .position (string) = 17
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:07
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:07
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      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/appareils-mentaux
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      .active (string) = 1
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      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:06
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      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/apprentissage-troubles-de-l
      .position (string) = 19
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:07
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:07
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      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/archeopsyche
      .position (string) = 20
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:07
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:07
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      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/archetypes-et-a-t
      .position (string) = 21
      .active (string) = 1
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      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:07
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      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/argent
      .position (string) = 22
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:08
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:08
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      .title (string) = Assertivité
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/assertivite
      .position (string) = 23
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:07
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:07
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      .end_time (NULL) =
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      .title (string) = Asthme
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/asthme
      .position (string) = 24
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:07
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:07
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      .title (string) = Attachement
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/attachement
      .position (string) = 25
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:07
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:07
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      .end_time (NULL) =
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   [967] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 967
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-attributions
      .title (string) = Attributions
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/attributions
      .position (string) = 26
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:08
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:08
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
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   [969] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 969
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-autisme
      .title (string) = Autisme
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/autisme
      .position (string) = 27
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:08
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:08
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
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   [981] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 981
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-auto-parentage
      .title (string) = Auto-parentage
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/auto-parentage
      .position (string) = 28
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:08
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:08
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
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   [971] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 971
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-autocratie-et-totalitarisme
      .title (string) = Autocratie et totalitarisme
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/autocratie-et-totalitarisme
      .position (string) = 29
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:08
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:08
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
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   [973] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 973
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-autonomie
      .title (string) = Autonomie
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/autonomie
      .position (string) = 30
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:08
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:08
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
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   [983] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 983
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-autorisation
      .title (string) = Autorisation
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/autorisation
      .position (string) = 31
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:08
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:08
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
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   [723] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 723
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-autorite
      .title (string) = Autorité
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/autorite
      .position (string) = 32
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:05
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:05
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
      ->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = {      }
$LISEmotscles_items (array) = [
   [719] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 719
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-abandon
      .title (string) = Abandon
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/abandon
      .position (string) = 1
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:05
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:05
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
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   [728] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 728
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-abus-sur-des-enfants-ou-des-adolescents
      .title (string) = Abus sur enfants / adolescents
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/abus-sur-des-enfants-ou-des-adolescents
      .position (string) = 2
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:06
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:06
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
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   [732] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 732
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-actualites-en-a-t
      .title (string) = Actualités en A.T.
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/actualites-en-a-t
      .position (string) = 3
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:06
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:06
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
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   [736] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 736
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-adaptations-liees-a-la-personnalite
      .title (string) = Adaptations liées à la personnalité
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/adaptations-liees-a-la-personnalite
      .position (string) = 4
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:06
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:06
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
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   [725] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 725
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-adolescents
      .title (string) = Adolescents
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/adolescents
      .position (string) = 5
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:05
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:05
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
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   [738] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 738
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-adoption
      .title (string) = Adoption
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/adoption
      .position (string) = 6
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:06
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:06
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
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   [923] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 923
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-adulte-etat-du-moi
      .title (string) = Adulte (état du moi)
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/adulte-etat-du-moi
      .position (string) = 7
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:05
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:05
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
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   [934] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 934
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-affect
      .title (string) = Affect
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/affect
      .position (string) = 8
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:06
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:06
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
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   [936] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 936
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-affirmation-de-soi
      .title (string) = Affirmation de soi
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/affirmation-de-soi
      .position (string) = 9
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:06
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:06
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
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   [939] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 939
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-ages-et-passages-de-la-vie-adulte
      .title (string) = Ages et passages de la vie adulte
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/ages-et-passages-de-la-vie-adulte
      .position (string) = 10
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:06
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:06
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
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   [941] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 941
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-alcoolisme
      .title (string) = Alcoolisme
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/alcoolisme
      .position (string) = 11
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:06
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:06
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
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   [943] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 943
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-alimentation-trouble-de-l
      .title (string) = Alimentation (trouble de l')
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/alimentation-trouble-de-l
      .position (string) = 12
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:06
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:06
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
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   [945] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 945
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-analyse-des-modeles-existentiels-et-a-t
      .title (string) = Analyse des modèles existentiels et A.T.
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/analyse-des-modeles-existentiels-et-a-t
      .position (string) = 13
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:06
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:06
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
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   [2469] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 2469
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-analyse-transactionnelle
      .title (string) = Analyse Transactionnelle
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/analyse-transactionnelle
      .position (string) = 14
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:08
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:08
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
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   [947] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 947
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-analytique-dynamicienne-psychotherapie-et-a-t
      .title (string) = Analytique dynamiciènne (psychothérapie) et A.T.
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/analytique-dynamicienne-psychotherapie-et-a-t
      .position (string) = 15
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:07
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:07
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
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   [949] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 949
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-angoisse-et-anxiete
      .title (string) = Angoisse et anxiété
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/angoisse-et-anxiete
      .position (string) = 16
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:07
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:07
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
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   [951] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 951
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-anorexie
      .title (string) = Anorexie
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/anorexie
      .position (string) = 17
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:07
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:07
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
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   [953] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 953
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-appareils-mentaux
      .title (string) = Appareils mentaux
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/appareils-mentaux
      .position (string) = 18
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:06
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:06
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
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   [955] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 955
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-apprentissage-troubles-de-l
      .title (string) = Apprentissage (troubles de l’)
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/apprentissage-troubles-de-l
      .position (string) = 19
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:07
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:07
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
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   [957] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 957
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-archeopsyche
      .title (string) = Archéopsyche
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/archeopsyche
      .position (string) = 20
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:07
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:07
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
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   [959] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 959
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-archetypes-et-a-t
      .title (string) = Archétypes et A.T.
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/archetypes-et-a-t
      .position (string) = 21
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:07
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:07
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
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   [2473] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 2473
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-argent
      .title (string) = Argent
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/argent
      .position (string) = 22
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:08
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:08
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
      ->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = {      }
   [961] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 961
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-assertivite
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      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/assertivite
      .position (string) = 23
      .active (string) = 1
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      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:07
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      .end_time (NULL) =
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      .position (string) = 24
      .active (string) = 1
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      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:07
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
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      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/attachement
      .position (string) = 25
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:07
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      .position (string) = 26
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:08
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:08
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      .position (string) = 27
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:08
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:08
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      .position (string) = 28
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:08
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:08
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      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/autocratie-et-totalitarisme
      .position (string) = 29
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:08
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:08
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      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/autonomie
      .position (string) = 30
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:08
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:08
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      .position (string) = 32
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:05
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:05
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$LISE_action (string) = default
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      .modified_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:08
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         .15 (string) = 949
         .16 (string) = 951
         .17 (string) = 953
         .18 (string) = 955
         .19 (string) = 957
         .20 (string) = 959
         .21 (string) = 2473
         .22 (string) = 961
         .23 (string) = 963
         .24 (string) = 965
         .25 (string) = 967
         .26 (string) = 969
         .27 (string) = 981
         .28 (string) = 971
         .29 (string) = 973
         .30 (string) = 983
         .31 (string) = 723
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      .create_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:10
      .modified_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:10
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         .7 (string) = 1000
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      .index (integer) = 1
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      .position (string) = 3
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      .id_hierarchy (string) = 29
      .hierarchy_path (string) = c
      .create_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:13
      .modified_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:13
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         .5 (string) = 1013
         .6 (string) = 1017
         .7 (string) = 1020
         .8 (string) = 1019
         .9 (string) = 1023
         .10 (string) = 1026
         .11 (string) = 1025
         .12 (string) = 1029
         .13 (string) = 1031
         .14 (string) = 1033
         .15 (string) = 1035
         .16 (string) = 2471
         .17 (string) = 1037
         .18 (string) = 1039
         .19 (string) = 1041
         .20 (string) = 1043
         .21 (string) = 1045
         .22 (string) = 1047
         .23 (string) = 1050
         .24 (string) = 1049
         .25 (string) = 1054
         .26 (string) = 1053
         .27 (string) = 1058
         .28 (string) = 1057
         .29 (string) = 1061
         .30 (string) = 1063
         .31 (string) = 1067
         .32 (string) = 1070
         .33 (string) = 1073
         .34 (string) = 1072
         .35 (string) = 1076
         .36 (string) = 1078
         .37 (string) = 1080
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      .prevdepth (integer) = 1
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      .index (integer) = 2
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      .description (string) =
      .active (string) = 1
      .position (string) = 4
      .parent_id (string) = -1
      .hierarchy (string) = 00004
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      .hierarchy_path (string) = d
      .create_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:15
      .modified_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:15
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         .5 (string) = 1093
         .6 (string) = 734
         .7 (string) = 1095
         .8 (string) = 1097
         .9 (string) = 1099
         .10 (string) = 1101
         .11 (string) = 1103
         .12 (string) = 1105
         .13 (string) = 1107
         .14 (string) = 1109
         .15 (string) = 1111
         .16 (string) = 1114
         .17 (string) = 1113
         .18 (string) = 1117
         .19 (string) = 1120
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      .prevdepth (integer) = 1
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      .index (integer) = 3
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      .category_id (string) = 30
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      .name (string) = E
      .description (string) =
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      .position (string) = 5
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      .hierarchy (string) = 00005
      .id_hierarchy (string) = 30
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      .create_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:18
      .modified_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:18
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      .key2 (NULL) =
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         .5 (string) = 1161
         .6 (string) = 1164
         .7 (string) = 1166
         .8 (string) = 1168
         .9 (string) = 1170
         .10 (string) = 1173
         .11 (string) = 1172
         .12 (string) = 1176
         .13 (string) = 1178
         .14 (string) = 1181
         .15 (string) = 1184
         .16 (string) = 1183
         .17 (string) = 1186
         .18 (string) = 1189
         .19 (string) = 1191
         .20 (string) = 1193
         .21 (string) = 1195
         .22 (string) = 1197
         .23 (string) = 1199
         .24 (string) = 1201
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      .prevdepth (integer) = 1
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      .index (integer) = 4
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      .name (string) = F
      .description (string) =
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      .position (string) = 6
      .parent_id (string) = -1
      .hierarchy (string) = 00006
      .id_hierarchy (string) = 31
      .hierarchy_path (string) = f
      .create_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:19
      .modified_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:19
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      .key2 (NULL) =
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         .1 (string) = 1206
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         .5 (string) = 1218
         .6 (string) = 1219
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      .prevdepth (integer) = 1
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/f/31/25
      .index (integer) = 5
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      .name (string) = G
      .description (string) =
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      .position (string) = 7
      .parent_id (string) = -1
      .hierarchy (string) = 00007
      .id_hierarchy (string) = 32
      .hierarchy_path (string) = g
      .create_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:19
      .modified_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:19
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      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
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      .index (integer) = 6
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      .name (string) = H
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      .position (string) = 8
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      .hierarchy (string) = 00008
      .id_hierarchy (string) = 33
      .hierarchy_path (string) = h
      .create_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:20
      .modified_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:20
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         .3 (string) = 1237
         .4 (string) = 1239
         .5 (string) = 1241
         .6 (string) = 1243
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      .index (integer) = 7
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      .category_id (string) = 34
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      .position (string) = 9
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      .create_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:22
      .modified_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:22
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         .6 (string) = 1257
         .7 (string) = 1259
         .8 (string) = 1261
         .9 (string) = 1263
         .10 (string) = 1265
         .11 (string) = 1267
         .12 (string) = 1269
         .13 (string) = 1271
         .14 (string) = 1273
         .15 (string) = 1275
         .16 (string) = 2465
         .17 (string) = 1277
         .18 (string) = 1279
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      .hierarchy_path (string) = j
      .create_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:22
      .modified_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:22
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      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
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         .1 (string) = 1281
         .2 (string) = 1285
         .3 (string) = 1287
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      .depth (integer) = 1
      .prevdepth (integer) = 1
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      .index (integer) = 9
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      .name (string) = L
      .description (string) =
      .active (string) = 1
      .position (string) = 11
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      .hierarchy (string) = 00011
      .id_hierarchy (string) = 37
      .hierarchy_path (string) = l
      .create_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:23
      .modified_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:23
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      .key2 (NULL) =
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         .2 (string) = 1291
         .3 (string) = 1295
         .4 (string) = 1297
         .5 (string) = 1299
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      .prevdepth (integer) = 1
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/l/37/25
      .index (integer) = 10
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      .alias (string) = m
      .name (string) = M
      .description (string) =
      .active (string) = 1
      .position (string) = 12
      .parent_id (string) = -1
      .hierarchy (string) = 00012
      .id_hierarchy (string) = 38
      .hierarchy_path (string) = m
      .create_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:25
      .modified_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:25
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      .key2 (NULL) =
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         .4 (string) = 1309
         .5 (string) = 1311
         .6 (string) = 1313
         .7 (string) = 1315
         .8 (string) = 1317
         .9 (string) = 1319
         .10 (string) = 1321
         .11 (string) = 1323
         .12 (string) = 1325
         .13 (string) = 1327
         .14 (string) = 1329
         .15 (string) = 1331
         .16 (string) = 1333
         .17 (string) = 1335
         .18 (string) = 1337
         .19 (string) = 1339
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      .prevdepth (integer) = 1
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/m/38/25
      .index (integer) = 11
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      .name (string) = N
      .description (string) =
      .active (string) = 1
      .position (string) = 13
      .parent_id (string) = -1
      .hierarchy (string) = 00013
      .id_hierarchy (string) = 39
      .hierarchy_path (string) = n
      .create_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:26
      .modified_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:26
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      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
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         .1 (string) = 1343
         .2 (string) = 1345
         .3 (string) = 1347
         .4 (string) = 1349
         .5 (string) = 1351
         .6 (string) = 1354
         .7 (string) = 1356
      ->children (array) = [
      .depth (integer) = 1
      .prevdepth (integer) = 1
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/n/39/25
      .index (integer) = 12
      .menutext (string) = N
      .parent (boolean) =
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   [13] (object of type: LISECategory) = {
      .category_id (string) = 40
      .alias (string) = o
      .name (string) = O
      .description (string) =
      .active (string) = 1
      .position (string) = 14
      .parent_id (string) = -1
      .hierarchy (string) = 00014
      .id_hierarchy (string) = 40
      .hierarchy_path (string) = o
      .create_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:26
      .modified_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:26
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
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         .2 (string) = 1362
         .3 (string) = 1364
         .4 (string) = 1366
         .5 (string) = 1368
         .6 (string) = 1370
         .7 (string) = 1372
         .8 (string) = 1374
      ->children (array) = [
      .depth (integer) = 1
      .prevdepth (integer) = 1
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/o/40/25
      .index (integer) = 13
      .menutext (string) = O
      .parent (boolean) =
      .current (boolean) =
   [14] (object of type: LISECategory) = {
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      .alias (string) = p
      .name (string) = P
      .description (string) =
      .active (string) = 1
      .position (string) = 15
      .parent_id (string) = -1
      .hierarchy (string) = 00015
      .id_hierarchy (string) = 41
      .hierarchy_path (string) = p
      .create_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:33
      .modified_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:33
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
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         .1 (string) = 1378
         .2 (string) = 1380
         .3 (string) = 1384
         .4 (string) = 1382
         .5 (string) = 1386
         .6 (string) = 1388
         .7 (string) = 1390
         .8 (string) = 1392
         .9 (string) = 1394
         .10 (string) = 1398
         .11 (string) = 1400
         .12 (string) = 1402
         .13 (string) = 1406
         .14 (string) = 1405
         .15 (string) = 1408
         .16 (string) = 1410
         .17 (string) = 1412
         .18 (string) = 1414
         .19 (string) = 1416
         .20 (string) = 1418
         .21 (string) = 1420
         .22 (string) = 1422
         .23 (string) = 1424
         .24 (string) = 1426
         .25 (string) = 1428
         .26 (string) = 1430
         .27 (string) = 1432
         .28 (string) = 1436
         .29 (string) = 1434
         .30 (string) = 1438
         .31 (string) = 1440
         .32 (string) = 1444
         .33 (string) = 1447
         .34 (string) = 1448
         .35 (string) = 1450
         .36 (string) = 1452
         .37 (string) = 1454
         .38 (string) = 1456
         .39 (string) = 1458
         .40 (string) = 1460
         .41 (string) = 1462
         .42 (string) = 1464
         .43 (string) = 1466
         .44 (string) = 1468
         .45 (string) = 1472
         .46 (string) = 1470
         .47 (string) = 1474
         .48 (string) = 1476
         .49 (string) = 1478
         .50 (string) = 1482
         .51 (string) = 1481
         .52 (string) = 1484
         .53 (string) = 1486
         .54 (string) = 2467
         .55 (string) = 1490
         .56 (string) = 1492
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      .prevdepth (integer) = 1
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/p/41/25
      .index (integer) = 14
      .menutext (string) = P
      .parent (boolean) =
      .current (boolean) =
   [15] (object of type: LISECategory) = {
      .category_id (string) = 43
      .alias (string) = r
      .name (string) = R
      .description (string) =
      .active (string) = 1
      .position (string) = 16
      .parent_id (string) = -1
      .hierarchy (string) = 00016
      .id_hierarchy (string) = 43
      .hierarchy_path (string) = r
      .create_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:35
      .modified_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:35
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
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         .1 (string) = 1498
         .2 (string) = 1494
         .3 (string) = 1500
         .4 (string) = 1502
         .5 (string) = 1504
         .6 (string) = 1506
         .7 (string) = 1508
         .8 (string) = 1510
         .9 (string) = 1512
         .10 (string) = 1514
         .11 (string) = 1516
         .12 (string) = 1528
         .13 (string) = 1518
         .14 (string) = 1530
         .15 (string) = 1532
         .16 (string) = 1534
         .17 (string) = 1536
         .18 (string) = 1538
         .19 (string) = 1540
         .20 (string) = 1542
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      .prevdepth (integer) = 1
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/r/43/25
      .index (integer) = 15
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      .current (boolean) =
   [16] (object of type: LISECategory) = {
      .category_id (string) = 44
      .alias (string) = s
      .name (string) = S
      .description (string) =
      .active (string) = 1
      .position (string) = 17
      .parent_id (string) = -1
      .hierarchy (string) = 00017
      .id_hierarchy (string) = 44
      .hierarchy_path (string) = s
      .create_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:38
      .modified_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:38
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
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         .1 (string) = 1546
         .2 (string) = 1548
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         .5 (string) = 1554
         .6 (string) = 1556
         .7 (string) = 1558
         .8 (string) = 1560
         .9 (string) = 1562
         .10 (string) = 1564
         .11 (string) = 1570
         .12 (string) = 1572
         .13 (string) = 1574
         .14 (string) = 1576
         .15 (string) = 1578
         .16 (string) = 1580
         .17 (string) = 1582
         .18 (string) = 1583
         .19 (string) = 1585
         .20 (string) = 1589
         .21 (string) = 1588
         .22 (string) = 1592
         .23 (string) = 1594
         .24 (string) = 1599
         .25 (string) = 1598
         .26 (string) = 1602
         .27 (string) = 1603
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      .prevdepth (integer) = 1
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/s/44/25
      .index (integer) = 16
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      .name (string) = T
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      .position (string) = 18
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      .hierarchy (string) = 00018
      .id_hierarchy (string) = 45
      .hierarchy_path (string) = t
      .create_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:40
      .modified_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:40
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      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
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         .6 (string) = 1619
         .7 (string) = 1618
         .8 (string) = 1623
         .9 (string) = 1622
         .10 (string) = 1625
         .11 (string) = 1628
         .12 (string) = 1631
         .13 (string) = 1634
         .14 (string) = 1635
         .15 (string) = 1637
         .16 (string) = 1641
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      .depth (integer) = 1
      .prevdepth (integer) = 1
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/t/45/25
      .index (integer) = 17
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      .parent (boolean) =
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   [18] (object of type: LISECategory) = {
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      .alias (string) = v
      .name (string) = V
      .description (string) =
      .active (string) = 1
      .position (string) = 19
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      .create_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:40
      .modified_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:40
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      .key2 (NULL) =
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      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/v/47/25
      .index (integer) = 18
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$item (object of type: LISEItem) = {
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   .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/autorite
   .position (string) = 32
   .active (string) = 1
   .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:05
   .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:05
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