• 04 78 28 28 18


- 1. Eric berne
BARNES G., Les métaphores de l'énergie : I. Leur choix, leur justification et leur usage chez Berne, A.A.T., 98, 2001, pp. 45-55.
BARNES G., Les métaphores de l'énergie : II. Les applications schiffiennes, A.A.T., 98, 2001, pp. 57-67.
BARNES G., Les métaphores de l'énergie : III. Considérations théoriques fondamentales, A.A.T., 98, 2001, pp. 68-80.
CORNELL W.F., Si Berne avait rencontré Winnicott, A.A.T., 100, 2001, pp. 155-160.
- 2. L’A.T. après Eric Berne
WILMOTTE J., (Edit.) Ancrage et approfondissement, A.A.T., 58, 1991, p. 50.
SUMMERTON O., Dix ans et plus d'analyse des jeux, A.A.T., 21, 1982, pp. 53-56. C.A.T., 3, pp. 76-79.
RUBBERS B., (Edit.) Éditorial, A.A.T., 82, 1997, p. 42.
De MOL A., (Forum) En hommage à Jacqui Schiff, A.A.T., 106, 2003, pp. 61-62.
NASIELSKI S., (Edit.) Entre théorie, pratique et histoire : d'Eric Berne et Jacqui Schiff à Graham Barnes, A.A.T., 98, 2001, pp. 42-44.
DELEU G., DEPAUW Y., Van WETTERE J.P. et WILMOTTE J., Eric, n'oublie pas tes psychiatres..., A.A.T., 52, 1989, pp. 155-163.
WILMOTTE J., (Edit.) Esprit critique et intégration, A.A.T., 51, 1989, p. 98.
NOE J.P., Etre transactionnaliste aujourd'hui, A.A.T., 52, 1989, pp. 153-154.
NASIELSKI S., (Edit.) Etre transactionnaliste aujourd'hui ?, A.A.T., 52, 1989, pp. 146-148.
NASIELSKI S., In memoriam : Jacqui Schiff, A.A.T., 104, 2002, pp. 141-142.
NASIELSKI S., (Forum) Jacqui Schiff : un génie renvoyé dans le futur, A.A.T., 106, 2003, pp. 62-63.
NOE J.P., (Forum) La différence, la mise à l'écart, la rumeur. Pourquoi se méfie-t-on de l'A.T. ?, A.A.T., 104, 2002, p. 182.
GOULDING R.L., La foi en question, A.A.T., 21, 1982, pp. 13-16. C.A.T., 3, pp. 14-17.
SCHIFF J.L., La passivité et sa confrontation : un aperçu historique, A.A.T., 47, 1988, pp. 122-126.
JAOUI G., La recherche en analyse transactionnelle, A.A.T., 52, 1989, pp. 151-152.
HOSTIE R., (Edit.) L'A.T. de 1970 à 1980, A.A.T., 21, 1982, pp. 2-4.
FILLIOZAT R., L'A.T. et la conscience de l'Adulte occidental, A.A.T., 52, 1989, pp. 169-172. Perspectives multiculturelles et A.T., Eds A.T., 2012, pp. 67-69.
CLARKSON P., L'analyse transactionnelle, une psychothérapie humaniste, A.A.T., 78, 1996, pp. 51-56.
JAOUI G., Le destin institutionnel de l'A.T., A.A.T., 52, 1989, pp. 149-150.
LITT CALLAGHAN V., Légendes anciennes, légendes nouvelles, A.A.T., 21, 1982, pp. 5-6. C.A.T., 3, pp. 12-13.
GREGOIRE J., Leonhard Schlegel, prix Eric Berne 2002, A.A.T., 107, 2003, pp. 1-5.
BARNES G., Les métaphores de l'énergie : II. Les applications schiffiennes, A.A.T., 98, 2001, pp. 57-67.
HILDENBRAND C., Lettre à propos du rapport M.I.L.S 2002 concernant les dérives sectaires, A.A.T., 103, 2002, pp. 124-125.
CRESPELLE A., (Edit.) Longue vie à l'enfant A.T. !, A.A.T., 39, 1986, pp. 98-100. Télécharger.
GREGOIRE J., (Edit.) Relations et symbiose : histoire et questions d'aujourd'hui, A.A.T., 83, 1997, pp. 82-84.
WILMOTTE J., (Edit.) Retour aux sources, A.A.T., 53, 1990, p. 2.
HOSTIE R., Rêve éveillé et imagerie mentale en A.T, A.A.T., 48, 1988, pp. 177-186. Ajouter au panier.
DUPIN C.M., (Edit.) Scénario et états du moi, A.A.T., 92, 1999, pp. 122-123. Télécharger.
CORNELL W.F., Théorie du scénario et recherches sur la croissance, A.A.T., 58, 1991, pp. 68-84.
GREGOIRE J., (Edit.) Théorie transactionnelle et états du moi, A.A.T., 97, 2001, pp. 2-5.
JACOBS A., Théorie, idéologie et reparentage, A.A.T., 77, 1996, pp. 20-39.
COMITE DE REDACTION DES A.A.T. et NASIELSKI S., Y a-t-il un transactionnaliste à l'intérieur  ?, A.A.T., 52, 1989, pp. 165-167.
- 3. "Actualités en A. T.", sa vie, ses lecteurs
WILMOTTE J., (Edit.) Au revoir et... merci !, A.A.T., 60, 1991, p. 146.
NASIELSKI S., Comment nous évaluons les articles originaux, A.A.T., 52, 1989, pp. 185-186.
JAOUI G., (Edit.) Éditorial, A.A.T., 49, 1989, p. 2.
SICHEM V., (Edit.) Éditorial, A.A.T., 96, 2000, p. 122.
SICHEM V., (Edit.) Éditorial, A.A.T., 100, 2001, pp. 122-123.
SICHEM V., (Edit.) Éditorial, A.A.T., 78, 1996, p. 50.
QUAZZA J.P., (Edit.) Éditorial, A.A.T., 100, 2001, p. 124.
NOE J.P., (Edit.) Éditorial, A.A.T., 95, 2000, pp. 82-83.
NOE J.P., (Edit.) Éditorial, A.A.T., 74, 1995, pp. 50-51.
HOSTIE R., (Edit.) Éditorial, A.A.T., 41, 1987, pp. 2-3.
GREGOIRE J., Exit Cyprian St. Cyr, A.A.T., 52, 1989, pp. 187-189.
CORNELL W.F., La honte : affect inhibiteur, contaminations, réparation relationnelle, A.A.T., 81, 1997, pp. 6-14.
HOSTIE R., L'A.T. n'est pas un météorite, A.A.T., 78, 1996, pp. 69-71.
Van WETTERE J.P., (Edit.) Le temps est venu, A.A.T., 77, 1996, p. 2.
FILLIOZAT R., Les A.A.T. conviennent-elles à leurs lecteurs ?, A.A.T., 57, 1991, pp. 46-48.
SICHEM V., (Comm.) Les Actualités en Analyse Transactionnelle sont en deuil, A.A.T., 91, 1999, pp. 82-83.
RUBBERS B., (Edit.) Menu de Noël, A.A.T., 85, 1998, pp. 3-4.
Van WETTERE J.P., (Edit.) Merci Jean et à bientôt, A.A.T., 61, 1992, p. 2.
SICHEM V., (Comm.) Présentation, A.A.T., 81, 1997, p. 2.
HOSTIE R., (Edit.) Présentation, A.A.T., 1, 1977, pp. 2-3.
FILLIOZAT R., (Edit.) Qui mange qui ? ou la théorie des strokes appliquées au quotidien des A.A.T., A.A.T., 57, 1991, pp. 2-3.
HOSTIE R., (Edit.) Trois années d'Actualités en Analyse transactionnelle, A.A.T., 12, 1979, pp. 146-147.
ALLEYSSON E., (Edit.) Un forum dans les Actualités en Analyse Transactionnelle, A.A.T., 103, 2002, pp. 90-92.
WILMOTTE J., Votre revue, ses lecteurs, ses auteurs, A.A.T., 52, 1989, pp. 182-184.
- 4. L’A.T. dans l’histoire de la psychologie
GREGOIRE J., (Edit.) Constructivisme, constructionnisme et A.T., A.A.T., 93, 2000, pp. 2-5.



DUPIN C.M., (Edit.) Éditorial, A.A.T., 81, 1997, pp. 3-5.
EVANS K.R., Guérir la honte : une perspective gestaltiste, A.A.T., 83, 1997, pp. 91-96. C.A.T., 6, pp. 147-152.
ENGLISH F., Honte et contrôle social : une mise à jour, A.A.T., 76, 1995, pp. 149-162.
McCLENDON R.A. et KADIS L.B., Honte et décisions anciennes, A.A.T., 76, 1995, pp. 184-192.
NASIELSKI S., (Edit.) La honte, A.A.T., 76, 1995, pp. 146-148.
CORNELL W.F., La honte : affect inhibiteur, contaminations, réparation relationnelle, A.A.T., 81, 1997, pp. 6-14. Ajouter au panier.
HYAMS H., La honte : l'ennemi intérieur, A.A.T., 81, 1997, pp. 15-20.
ERSKINE R.G., La honte et l'attitude "sans reproche" : perspectives transactionnelles et interventions cliniques, A.A.T., 76, 1995, pp. 163-182.
ENGLISH F., Le parasitage, A.A.T., 7, 1978, pp. 119-121. C.A.T., 1, pp. 172-174.
NATHANSON D.L., Les transactions de honte, A.A.T., 81, 1997, pp. 27-35.
HYAMS H., L'Œdipe de Sophocle, un mythe de la honte : sa relation à Freud et à sa théorie, A.A.T., 81, 1997, pp. 21-26. WOODS K., La séquence du jeu psychologique et sa fonction défensive, A.A.T., 126, 2008, pp. 1-7. WOODS K., Théorie des jeux psychologiques et niveaux de défense : une présentation de cas, A.A.T., 126, 2008, pp. 8-18.

Hospitalier (milieu)

RAMOND C., Processus parallèle dans les organisations, A.A.T., 71, 1994, pp. 123-126.


voir Rire

Hypnose éricksonienne et A.T.

NASIELSKI S., (Edit.) D'où vient l'histoire à raconter ?, A.A.T., 50, 1989, pp. 50-51.
PRICE R., Hypnose, régression et auto-parentage, A.A.T., 41, 1987, pp. 40-48.
CONWAY A. et CLARKSON P., Inductions hypnotiques quotidiennes, A.A.T., 48, 1988, pp. 156-164.
CORNELL W.F. et OLIO K.A., La dimension affective du traitement d'abus corporels subis dans l'enfance, A.A.T., 72, 1994, pp. 179-192.
CLARKSON P., Le champ interpersonnel en A.T., A.A.T., 70, 1994, pp. 59-65.
ALLEN J.R. et ALLEN B.A., Les états du moi, le Soi et le scénario, A.A.T., 61, 1992, pp. 36-48.
PHILLIPS M., Les options ericksoniennes en thérapie redécisionnelle, A.A.T., 54, 1990, pp. 77-87.
PRICE R., L'héritage de Milton Erickson et ses implications pour l'A.T., A.A.T., 50, 1989, pp. 52-58.
GELLERT S.D., Scènes-clés, A.A.T., 2, 1977, pp. 89-91. C.A.T., 2, pp. 114-116.

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      .title (string) = Humour
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/humour
      .position (string) = 142
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:20
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:20
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      .end_time (NULL) =
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      .title (string) = Hypnose éricksonienne et A.T.
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/hypnose-ericksonienne-et-a-t
      .position (string) = 143
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:20
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:20
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
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      .key3 (NULL) =
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$LISE_action (string) = default
$categories (array) = [
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      .name (string) = A
      .description (string) =
      .active (string) = 1
      .position (string) = 1
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      .id_hierarchy (string) = 16
      .hierarchy_path (string) = a
      .create_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:08
      .modified_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:08
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      .key2 (NULL) =
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         .5 (string) = 738
         .6 (string) = 923
         .7 (string) = 934
         .8 (string) = 936
         .9 (string) = 939
         .10 (string) = 941
         .11 (string) = 943
         .12 (string) = 945
         .13 (string) = 2469
         .14 (string) = 947
         .15 (string) = 949
         .16 (string) = 951
         .17 (string) = 953
         .18 (string) = 955
         .19 (string) = 957
         .20 (string) = 959
         .21 (string) = 2473
         .22 (string) = 961
         .23 (string) = 963
         .24 (string) = 965
         .25 (string) = 967
         .26 (string) = 969
         .27 (string) = 981
         .28 (string) = 971
         .29 (string) = 973
         .30 (string) = 983
         .31 (string) = 723
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      .prevdepth (integer) = 1
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/a/16/25
      .index (integer) = 0
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      .alias (string) = b
      .name (string) = B
      .description (string) =
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      .position (string) = 2
      .parent_id (string) = -1
      .hierarchy (string) = 00002
      .id_hierarchy (string) = 17
      .hierarchy_path (string) = b
      .create_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:10
      .modified_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:10
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      .key2 (NULL) =
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         .4 (string) = 994
         .5 (string) = 996
         .6 (string) = 998
         .7 (string) = 1000
         .8 (string) = 1001
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      .prevdepth (integer) = 1
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/b/17/25
      .index (integer) = 1
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      .current (boolean) =
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      .category_id (string) = 29
      .alias (string) = c
      .name (string) = C
      .description (string) =
      .active (string) = 1
      .position (string) = 3
      .parent_id (string) = -1
      .hierarchy (string) = 00003
      .id_hierarchy (string) = 29
      .hierarchy_path (string) = c
      .create_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:13
      .modified_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:13
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      .key2 (NULL) =
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         .5 (string) = 1013
         .6 (string) = 1017
         .7 (string) = 1020
         .8 (string) = 1019
         .9 (string) = 1023
         .10 (string) = 1026
         .11 (string) = 1025
         .12 (string) = 1029
         .13 (string) = 1031
         .14 (string) = 1033
         .15 (string) = 1035
         .16 (string) = 2471
         .17 (string) = 1037
         .18 (string) = 1039
         .19 (string) = 1041
         .20 (string) = 1043
         .21 (string) = 1045
         .22 (string) = 1047
         .23 (string) = 1050
         .24 (string) = 1049
         .25 (string) = 1054
         .26 (string) = 1053
         .27 (string) = 1058
         .28 (string) = 1057
         .29 (string) = 1061
         .30 (string) = 1063
         .31 (string) = 1067
         .32 (string) = 1070
         .33 (string) = 1073
         .34 (string) = 1072
         .35 (string) = 1076
         .36 (string) = 1078
         .37 (string) = 1080
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      .depth (integer) = 1
      .prevdepth (integer) = 1
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/c/29/25
      .index (integer) = 2
      .menutext (string) = C
      .parent (boolean) =
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      .alias (string) = d
      .name (string) = D
      .description (string) =
      .active (string) = 1
      .position (string) = 4
      .parent_id (string) = -1
      .hierarchy (string) = 00004
      .id_hierarchy (string) = 18
      .hierarchy_path (string) = d
      .create_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:15
      .modified_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:15
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      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
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         .1 (string) = 1086
         .2 (string) = 1085
         .3 (string) = 1089
         .4 (string) = 1091
         .5 (string) = 1093
         .6 (string) = 734
         .7 (string) = 1095
         .8 (string) = 1097
         .9 (string) = 1099
         .10 (string) = 1101
         .11 (string) = 1103
         .12 (string) = 1105
         .13 (string) = 1107
         .14 (string) = 1109
         .15 (string) = 1111
         .16 (string) = 1114
         .17 (string) = 1113
         .18 (string) = 1117
         .19 (string) = 1120
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      .depth (integer) = 1
      .prevdepth (integer) = 1
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/d/18/25
      .index (integer) = 3
      .menutext (string) = D
      .parent (boolean) =
      .current (boolean) =
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      .category_id (string) = 30
      .alias (string) = e
      .name (string) = E
      .description (string) =
      .active (string) = 1
      .position (string) = 5
      .parent_id (string) = -1
      .hierarchy (string) = 00005
      .id_hierarchy (string) = 30
      .hierarchy_path (string) = e
      .create_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:18
      .modified_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:18
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      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
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         .1 (string) = 1123
         .2 (string) = 1125
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         .4 (string) = 1159
         .5 (string) = 1161
         .6 (string) = 1164
         .7 (string) = 1166
         .8 (string) = 1168
         .9 (string) = 1170
         .10 (string) = 1173
         .11 (string) = 1172
         .12 (string) = 1176
         .13 (string) = 1178
         .14 (string) = 1181
         .15 (string) = 1184
         .16 (string) = 1183
         .17 (string) = 1186
         .18 (string) = 1189
         .19 (string) = 1191
         .20 (string) = 1193
         .21 (string) = 1195
         .22 (string) = 1197
         .23 (string) = 1199
         .24 (string) = 1201
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      .depth (integer) = 1
      .prevdepth (integer) = 1
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/e/30/25
      .index (integer) = 4
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      .parent (boolean) =
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      .alias (string) = f
      .name (string) = F
      .description (string) =
      .active (string) = 1
      .position (string) = 6
      .parent_id (string) = -1
      .hierarchy (string) = 00006
      .id_hierarchy (string) = 31
      .hierarchy_path (string) = f
      .create_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:19
      .modified_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:19
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      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
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         .1 (string) = 1206
         .2 (string) = 1210
         .3 (string) = 1212
         .4 (string) = 1215
         .5 (string) = 1218
         .6 (string) = 1219
      ->children (array) = [
      .depth (integer) = 1
      .prevdepth (integer) = 1
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/f/31/25
      .index (integer) = 5
      .menutext (string) = F
      .parent (boolean) =
      .current (boolean) =
   [6] (object of type: LISECategory) = {
      .category_id (string) = 32
      .alias (string) = g
      .name (string) = G
      .description (string) =
      .active (string) = 1
      .position (string) = 7
      .parent_id (string) = -1
      .hierarchy (string) = 00007
      .id_hierarchy (string) = 32
      .hierarchy_path (string) = g
      .create_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:19
      .modified_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:19
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
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         .0 (string) = 1222
         .1 (string) = 1224
         .2 (string) = 1226
         .3 (string) = 1228
         .4 (string) = 1230
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      .depth (integer) = 1
      .prevdepth (integer) = 1
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/g/32/25
      .index (integer) = 6
      .menutext (string) = G
      .parent (boolean) =
      .current (boolean) =
   [7] (object of type: LISECategory) = {
      .category_id (string) = 33
      .alias (string) = h
      .name (string) = H
      .description (string) =
      .active (string) = 1
      .position (string) = 8
      .parent_id (string) = -1
      .hierarchy (string) = 00008
      .id_hierarchy (string) = 33
      .hierarchy_path (string) = h
      .create_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:20
      .modified_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:20
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      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
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         .1 (string) = 1234
         .2 (string) = 1236
         .3 (string) = 1237
         .4 (string) = 1239
         .5 (string) = 1241
         .6 (string) = 1243
      ->children (array) = [
      .depth (integer) = 1
      .prevdepth (integer) = 1
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/h/33/25
      .index (integer) = 7
      .menutext (string) = H
      .parent (boolean) =
      .current (boolean) = 1
   [8] (object of type: LISECategory) = {
      .category_id (string) = 34
      .alias (string) = i
      .name (string) = I
      .description (string) =
      .active (string) = 1
      .position (string) = 9
      .parent_id (string) = -1
      .hierarchy (string) = 00009
      .id_hierarchy (string) = 34
      .hierarchy_path (string) = i
      .create_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:22
      .modified_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:22
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      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
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         .1 (string) = 1247
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         .5 (string) = 1255
         .6 (string) = 1257
         .7 (string) = 1259
         .8 (string) = 1261
         .9 (string) = 1263
         .10 (string) = 1265
         .11 (string) = 1267
         .12 (string) = 1269
         .13 (string) = 1271
         .14 (string) = 1273
         .15 (string) = 1275
         .16 (string) = 2465
         .17 (string) = 1277
         .18 (string) = 1279
      ->children (array) = [
      .depth (integer) = 1
      .prevdepth (integer) = 1
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/i/34/25
      .index (integer) = 8
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      .current (boolean) =
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      .category_id (string) = 35
      .alias (string) = j
      .name (string) = J
      .description (string) =
      .active (string) = 1
      .position (string) = 10
      .parent_id (string) = -1
      .hierarchy (string) = 00010
      .id_hierarchy (string) = 35
      .hierarchy_path (string) = j
      .create_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:22
      .modified_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:22
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
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         .0 (string) = 1283
         .1 (string) = 1281
         .2 (string) = 1285
         .3 (string) = 1287
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      .depth (integer) = 1
      .prevdepth (integer) = 1
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/j/35/25
      .index (integer) = 9
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      .description (string) =
      .active (string) = 1
      .position (string) = 11
      .parent_id (string) = -1
      .hierarchy (string) = 00011
      .id_hierarchy (string) = 37
      .hierarchy_path (string) = l
      .create_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:23
      .modified_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:23
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      .key2 (NULL) =
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         .5 (string) = 1299
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      .depth (integer) = 1
      .prevdepth (integer) = 1
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/l/37/25
      .index (integer) = 10
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      .name (string) = M
      .description (string) =
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      .position (string) = 12
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      .hierarchy (string) = 00012
      .id_hierarchy (string) = 38
      .hierarchy_path (string) = m
      .create_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:25
      .modified_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:25
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      .key2 (NULL) =
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         .5 (string) = 1311
         .6 (string) = 1313
         .7 (string) = 1315
         .8 (string) = 1317
         .9 (string) = 1319
         .10 (string) = 1321
         .11 (string) = 1323
         .12 (string) = 1325
         .13 (string) = 1327
         .14 (string) = 1329
         .15 (string) = 1331
         .16 (string) = 1333
         .17 (string) = 1335
         .18 (string) = 1337
         .19 (string) = 1339
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      .depth (integer) = 1
      .prevdepth (integer) = 1
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/m/38/25
      .index (integer) = 11
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      .position (string) = 13
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      .hierarchy_path (string) = n
      .create_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:26
      .modified_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:26
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      .key2 (NULL) =
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         .5 (string) = 1351
         .6 (string) = 1354
         .7 (string) = 1356
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      .prevdepth (integer) = 1
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/n/39/25
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      .position (string) = 14
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      .hierarchy_path (string) = o
      .create_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:26
      .modified_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:26
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      .key2 (NULL) =
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         .3 (string) = 1364
         .4 (string) = 1366
         .5 (string) = 1368
         .6 (string) = 1370
         .7 (string) = 1372
         .8 (string) = 1374
      ->children (array) = [
      .depth (integer) = 1
      .prevdepth (integer) = 1
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/o/40/25
      .index (integer) = 13
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      .parent (boolean) =
      .current (boolean) =
   [14] (object of type: LISECategory) = {
      .category_id (string) = 41
      .alias (string) = p
      .name (string) = P
      .description (string) =
      .active (string) = 1
      .position (string) = 15
      .parent_id (string) = -1
      .hierarchy (string) = 00015
      .id_hierarchy (string) = 41
      .hierarchy_path (string) = p
      .create_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:33
      .modified_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:33
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
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         .0 (string) = 1376
         .1 (string) = 1378
         .2 (string) = 1380
         .3 (string) = 1384
         .4 (string) = 1382
         .5 (string) = 1386
         .6 (string) = 1388
         .7 (string) = 1390
         .8 (string) = 1392
         .9 (string) = 1394
         .10 (string) = 1398
         .11 (string) = 1400
         .12 (string) = 1402
         .13 (string) = 1406
         .14 (string) = 1405
         .15 (string) = 1408
         .16 (string) = 1410
         .17 (string) = 1412
         .18 (string) = 1414
         .19 (string) = 1416
         .20 (string) = 1418
         .21 (string) = 1420
         .22 (string) = 1422
         .23 (string) = 1424
         .24 (string) = 1426
         .25 (string) = 1428
         .26 (string) = 1430
         .27 (string) = 1432
         .28 (string) = 1436
         .29 (string) = 1434
         .30 (string) = 1438
         .31 (string) = 1440
         .32 (string) = 1444
         .33 (string) = 1447
         .34 (string) = 1448
         .35 (string) = 1450
         .36 (string) = 1452
         .37 (string) = 1454
         .38 (string) = 1456
         .39 (string) = 1458
         .40 (string) = 1460
         .41 (string) = 1462
         .42 (string) = 1464
         .43 (string) = 1466
         .44 (string) = 1468
         .45 (string) = 1472
         .46 (string) = 1470
         .47 (string) = 1474
         .48 (string) = 1476
         .49 (string) = 1478
         .50 (string) = 1482
         .51 (string) = 1481
         .52 (string) = 1484
         .53 (string) = 1486
         .54 (string) = 2467
         .55 (string) = 1490
         .56 (string) = 1492
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      .depth (integer) = 1
      .prevdepth (integer) = 1
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/p/41/25
      .index (integer) = 14
      .menutext (string) = P
      .parent (boolean) =
      .current (boolean) =
   [15] (object of type: LISECategory) = {
      .category_id (string) = 43
      .alias (string) = r
      .name (string) = R
      .description (string) =
      .active (string) = 1
      .position (string) = 16
      .parent_id (string) = -1
      .hierarchy (string) = 00016
      .id_hierarchy (string) = 43
      .hierarchy_path (string) = r
      .create_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:35
      .modified_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:35
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
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         .1 (string) = 1498
         .2 (string) = 1494
         .3 (string) = 1500
         .4 (string) = 1502
         .5 (string) = 1504
         .6 (string) = 1506
         .7 (string) = 1508
         .8 (string) = 1510
         .9 (string) = 1512
         .10 (string) = 1514
         .11 (string) = 1516
         .12 (string) = 1528
         .13 (string) = 1518
         .14 (string) = 1530
         .15 (string) = 1532
         .16 (string) = 1534
         .17 (string) = 1536
         .18 (string) = 1538
         .19 (string) = 1540
         .20 (string) = 1542
      ->children (array) = [
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      .prevdepth (integer) = 1
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/r/43/25
      .index (integer) = 15
      .menutext (string) = R
      .parent (boolean) =
      .current (boolean) =
   [16] (object of type: LISECategory) = {
      .category_id (string) = 44
      .alias (string) = s
      .name (string) = S
      .description (string) =
      .active (string) = 1
      .position (string) = 17
      .parent_id (string) = -1
      .hierarchy (string) = 00017
      .id_hierarchy (string) = 44
      .hierarchy_path (string) = s
      .create_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:38
      .modified_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:38
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
      ->items (array) = [
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         .1 (string) = 1546
         .2 (string) = 1548
         .3 (string) = 1550
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         .5 (string) = 1554
         .6 (string) = 1556
         .7 (string) = 1558
         .8 (string) = 1560
         .9 (string) = 1562
         .10 (string) = 1564
         .11 (string) = 1570
         .12 (string) = 1572
         .13 (string) = 1574
         .14 (string) = 1576
         .15 (string) = 1578
         .16 (string) = 1580
         .17 (string) = 1582
         .18 (string) = 1583
         .19 (string) = 1585
         .20 (string) = 1589
         .21 (string) = 1588
         .22 (string) = 1592
         .23 (string) = 1594
         .24 (string) = 1599
         .25 (string) = 1598
         .26 (string) = 1602
         .27 (string) = 1603
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      .prevdepth (integer) = 1
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/s/44/25
      .index (integer) = 16
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      .current (boolean) =
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      .name (string) = T
      .description (string) =
      .active (string) = 1
      .position (string) = 18
      .parent_id (string) = -1
      .hierarchy (string) = 00018
      .id_hierarchy (string) = 45
      .hierarchy_path (string) = t
      .create_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:40
      .modified_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:40
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      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
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         .5 (string) = 1616
         .6 (string) = 1619
         .7 (string) = 1618
         .8 (string) = 1623
         .9 (string) = 1622
         .10 (string) = 1625
         .11 (string) = 1628
         .12 (string) = 1631
         .13 (string) = 1634
         .14 (string) = 1635
         .15 (string) = 1637
         .16 (string) = 1641
      ->children (array) = [
      .depth (integer) = 1
      .prevdepth (integer) = 1
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/t/45/25
      .index (integer) = 17
      .menutext (string) = T
      .parent (boolean) =
      .current (boolean) =
   [18] (object of type: LISECategory) = {
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      .alias (string) = v
      .name (string) = V
      .description (string) =
      .active (string) = 1
      .position (string) = 19
      .parent_id (string) = -1
      .hierarchy (string) = 00019
      .id_hierarchy (string) = 47
      .hierarchy_path (string) = v
      .create_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:40
      .modified_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:40
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      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
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         .3 (string) = 1648
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      .prevdepth (integer) = 1
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/v/47/25
      .index (integer) = 18
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      .parent (boolean) =
      .current (boolean) =
$item (object of type: LISEItem) = {
   .item_id (string) = 1243
   .alias (string) = mot-cle-hypnose-ericksonienne-et-a-t
   .title (string) = Hypnose éricksonienne et A.T.
   .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/hypnose-ericksonienne-et-a-t
   .position (string) = 143
   .active (string) = 1
   .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:20
   .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:20
   .start_time (NULL) =
   .end_time (NULL) =
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