-1. Principes généraux GREGOIRE J., (Forum) L'intégration de nouveaux concepts : ni "anorexique" ni "boulimique", A.A.T., 126, 2008, pp. 59-61. -2. Psychothérapie intégrative MAQUET J. et QUAZZA J.P., (Forum) A.T. et autres approches : intégration ou désintégration ?, A.A.T., 126, 2008, pp. 49-51. -3. Psychothérapie analytique dynamicienne et AT voir Analytique dynamicienne (psychothérapie) et A.T. -4. Traitements psychologiques THUNISSEN M.M., Tout est dans le jeu psychologique : le travail avec les jeux psychologiques et les sentiments parasites, A.A.T., 126, 2008, pp. 23-32.
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.url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/photographie
.position (string) = 234
.active (string) = 1
.create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:29
.modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:29
.start_time (NULL) =
.end_time (NULL) =
.owner (string) = 1
.key1 (NULL) =
.key2 (NULL) =
.key3 (NULL) =
->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = { }
[1428] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
.item_id (string) = 1428
.alias (string) = mot-cle-physis
.title (string) = Physis
.url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/physis
.position (string) = 235
.active (string) = 1
.create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:29
.modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:29
.start_time (NULL) =
.end_time (NULL) =
.owner (string) = 1
.key1 (NULL) =
.key2 (NULL) =
.key3 (NULL) =
->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = { }
[1430] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
.item_id (string) = 1430
.alias (string) = mot-cle-piaget-et-la-t
.title (string) = Piaget et l’A.T.
.url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/piaget-et-la-t
.position (string) = 236
.active (string) = 1
.create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:29
.modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:29
.start_time (NULL) =
.end_time (NULL) =
.owner (string) = 1
.key1 (NULL) =
.key2 (NULL) =
.key3 (NULL) =
->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = { }
[1432] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
.item_id (string) = 1432
.alias (string) = mot-cle-plan-de-traitement
.title (string) = Plan de traitement
.url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/plan-de-traitement
.position (string) = 237
.active (string) = 1
.create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:29
.modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:29
.start_time (NULL) =
.end_time (NULL) =
.owner (string) = 1
.key1 (NULL) =
.key2 (NULL) =
.key3 (NULL) =
->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = { }
[1436] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
.item_id (string) = 1436
.alias (string) = mot-cle-politique-et-sociale-dimension
.title (string) = Politique et sociale (dimension)
.url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/politique-et-sociale-dimension
.position (string) = 238
.active (string) = 1
.create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:29
.modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:29
.start_time (NULL) =
.end_time (NULL) =
.owner (string) = 1
.key1 (NULL) =
.key2 (NULL) =
.key3 (NULL) =
->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = { }
[1434] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
.item_id (string) = 1434
.alias (string) = mot-cle-porte-ouverte-porte-visee-porte-piegee
.title (string) = Porte ouverte, porte visée, porte piégée
.url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/porte-ouverte-porte-visee-porte-piegee
.position (string) = 239
.active (string) = 1
.create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:29
.modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:29
.start_time (NULL) =
.end_time (NULL) =
.owner (string) = 1
.key1 (NULL) =
.key2 (NULL) =
.key3 (NULL) =
->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = { }
[1438] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
.item_id (string) = 1438
.alias (string) = mot-cle-positions-de-vie
.title (string) = Positions de vie
.url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/positions-de-vie
.position (string) = 240
.active (string) = 1
.create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:30
.modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:30
.start_time (NULL) =
.end_time (NULL) =
.owner (string) = 1
.key1 (NULL) =
.key2 (NULL) =
.key3 (NULL) =
->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = { }
[1440] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
.item_id (string) = 1440
.alias (string) = mot-cle-pouvoir
.title (string) = Pouvoir
.url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/pouvoir
.position (string) = 241
.active (string) = 1
.create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:30
.modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:30
.start_time (NULL) =
.end_time (NULL) =
.owner (string) = 1
.key1 (NULL) =
.key2 (NULL) =
.key3 (NULL) =
->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = { }
[1444] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
.item_id (string) = 1444
.alias (string) = mot-cle-prejuges-sociaux
.title (string) = Préjugés sociaux
.url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/prejuges-sociaux
.position (string) = 242
.active (string) = 1
.create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:31
.modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:31
.start_time (NULL) =
.end_time (NULL) =
.owner (string) = 1
.key1 (NULL) =
.key2 (NULL) =
.key3 (NULL) =
->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = { }
[1447] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
.item_id (string) = 1447
.alias (string) = mot-cle-prisons
.title (string) = Prisons
.url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/prisons
.position (string) = 243
.active (string) = 1
.create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:27
.modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:27
.start_time (NULL) =
.end_time (NULL) =
.owner (string) = 1
.key1 (NULL) =
.key2 (NULL) =
.key3 (NULL) =
->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = { }
[1448] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
.item_id (string) = 1448
.alias (string) = mot-cle-prix-eric-berne
.title (string) = Prix Eric Berne
.url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/prix-eric-berne
.position (string) = 244
.active (string) = 1
.create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:31
.modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:31
.start_time (NULL) =
.end_time (NULL) =
.owner (string) = 1
.key1 (NULL) =
.key2 (NULL) =
.key3 (NULL) =
->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = { }
[1450] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
.item_id (string) = 1450
.alias (string) = mot-cle-prix-raymond-hostie
.title (string) = Prix Raymond Hostie
.url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/prix-raymond-hostie
.position (string) = 245
.active (string) = 1
.create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:31
.modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:31
.start_time (NULL) =
.end_time (NULL) =
.owner (string) = 1
.key1 (NULL) =
.key2 (NULL) =
.key3 (NULL) =
->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = { }
[1452] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
.item_id (string) = 1452
.alias (string) = mot-cle-proactivite
.title (string) = Proactivité
.url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/proactivite
.position (string) = 246
.active (string) = 1
.create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:31
.modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:31
.start_time (NULL) =
.end_time (NULL) =
.owner (string) = 1
.key1 (NULL) =
.key2 (NULL) =
.key3 (NULL) =
->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = { }
[1454] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
.item_id (string) = 1454
.alias (string) = mot-cle-procedures-dintervention
.title (string) = Procédures d’intervention
.url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/procedures-dintervention
.position (string) = 247
.active (string) = 1
.create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:31
.modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:31
.start_time (NULL) =
.end_time (NULL) =
.owner (string) = 1
.key1 (NULL) =
.key2 (NULL) =
.key3 (NULL) =
->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = { }
[1456] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
.item_id (string) = 1456
.alias (string) = mot-cle-processus-de-groupe
.title (string) = Processus de groupe
.url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/processus-de-groupe
.position (string) = 248
.active (string) = 1
.create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:31
.modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:31
.start_time (NULL) =
.end_time (NULL) =
.owner (string) = 1
.key1 (NULL) =
.key2 (NULL) =
.key3 (NULL) =
->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = { }
[1458] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
.item_id (string) = 1458
.alias (string) = mot-cle-processus-de-nouvelle-identite-et-a-t
.title (string) = Processus de nouvelle identité et A.T.
.url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/processus-de-nouvelle-identite-et-a-t
.position (string) = 249
.active (string) = 1
.create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:32
.modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:32
.start_time (NULL) =
.end_time (NULL) =
.owner (string) = 1
.key1 (NULL) =
.key2 (NULL) =
.key3 (NULL) =
->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = { }
[1460] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
.item_id (string) = 1460
.alias (string) = mot-cle-processus-therapeutique
.title (string) = Processus thérapeutique
.url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/processus-therapeutique
.position (string) = 250
.active (string) = 1
.create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:32
.modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:32
.start_time (NULL) =
.end_time (NULL) =
.owner (string) = 1
.key1 (NULL) =
.key2 (NULL) =
.key3 (NULL) =
->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = { }
[1462] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
.item_id (string) = 1462
.alias (string) = mot-cle-programmation-neurolinguistique-et-a-t
.title (string) = Programmation neurolinguistique et A.T.
.url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/programmation-neurolinguistique-et-a-t
.position (string) = 251
.active (string) = 1
.create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:32
.modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:32
.start_time (NULL) =
.end_time (NULL) =
.owner (string) = 1
.key1 (NULL) =
.key2 (NULL) =
.key3 (NULL) =
->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = { }
[1464] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
.item_id (string) = 1464
.alias (string) = mot-cle-projection
.title (string) = Projection
.url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/projection
.position (string) = 252
.active (string) = 1
.create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:32
.modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:32
.start_time (NULL) =
.end_time (NULL) =
.owner (string) = 1
.key1 (NULL) =
.key2 (NULL) =
.key3 (NULL) =
->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = { }
[1466] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
.item_id (string) = 1466
.alias (string) = mot-cle-projets-institues
.title (string) = Projets institués
.url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/projets-institues
.position (string) = 253
.active (string) = 1
.create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:32
.modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:32
.start_time (NULL) =
.end_time (NULL) =
.owner (string) = 1
.key1 (NULL) =
.key2 (NULL) =
.key3 (NULL) =
->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = { }
[1468] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
.item_id (string) = 1468
.alias (string) = mot-cle-protection
.title (string) = Protection
.url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/protection
.position (string) = 254
.active (string) = 1
.create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:32
.modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:32
.start_time (NULL) =
.end_time (NULL) =
.owner (string) = 1
.key1 (NULL) =
.key2 (NULL) =
.key3 (NULL) =
->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = { }
[1472] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
.item_id (string) = 1472
.alias (string) = mot-cle-protocole
.title (string) = Protocole
.url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/protocole
.position (string) = 255
.active (string) = 1
.create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:32
.modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:32
.start_time (NULL) =
.end_time (NULL) =
.owner (string) = 1
.key1 (NULL) =
.key2 (NULL) =
.key3 (NULL) =
->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = { }
[1470] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
.item_id (string) = 1470
.alias (string) = mot-cle-psychanalyse-et-a-t
.title (string) = Psychanalyse et A.T.
.url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/psychanalyse-et-a-t
.position (string) = 256
.active (string) = 1
.create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:32
.modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:32
.start_time (NULL) =
.end_time (NULL) =
.owner (string) = 1
.key1 (NULL) =
.key2 (NULL) =
.key3 (NULL) =
->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = { }
[1474] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
.item_id (string) = 1474
.alias (string) = mot-cle-psychanalyse-transactionnelle
.title (string) = Psychanalyse Transactionnelle
.url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/psychanalyse-transactionnelle
.position (string) = 257
.active (string) = 1
.create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:32
.modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:32
.start_time (NULL) =
.end_time (NULL) =
.owner (string) = 1
.key1 (NULL) =
.key2 (NULL) =
.key3 (NULL) =
->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = { }
[1476] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
.item_id (string) = 1476
.alias (string) = mot-cle-psychiatrie-et-a-t
.title (string) = Psychiatrie et A.T.
.url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/psychiatrie-et-a-t
.position (string) = 258
.active (string) = 1
.create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:32
.modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:32
.start_time (NULL) =
.end_time (NULL) =
.owner (string) = 1
.key1 (NULL) =
.key2 (NULL) =
.key3 (NULL) =
->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = { }
[1478] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
.item_id (string) = 1478
.alias (string) = mot-cle-psychiatrie-sociale
.title (string) = Psychiatrie sociale
.url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/psychiatrie-sociale
.position (string) = 259
.active (string) = 1
.create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:32
.modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:32
.start_time (NULL) =
.end_time (NULL) =
.owner (string) = 1
.key1 (NULL) =
.key2 (NULL) =
.key3 (NULL) =
->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = { }
[1482] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
.item_id (string) = 1482
.alias (string) = mot-cle-psychodynamique-approche-de-la-t
.title (string) = Psychodynamique (approche) de l'A.T.
.url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/psychodynamique-approche-de-la-t
.position (string) = 260
.active (string) = 1
.create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:33
.modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:33
.start_time (NULL) =
.end_time (NULL) =
.owner (string) = 1
.key1 (NULL) =
.key2 (NULL) =
.key3 (NULL) =
->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = { }
[1481] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
.item_id (string) = 1481
.alias (string) = mot-cle-psychopathie
.title (string) = Psychopathie
.url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/psychopathie
.position (string) = 261
.active (string) = 1
.create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:33
.modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:33
.start_time (NULL) =
.end_time (NULL) =
.owner (string) = 1
.key1 (NULL) =
.key2 (NULL) =
.key3 (NULL) =
->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = { }
[1484] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
.item_id (string) = 1484
.alias (string) = mot-cle-psychoses
.title (string) = Psychoses
.url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/psychoses
.position (string) = 262
.active (string) = 1
.create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:33
.modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:33
.start_time (NULL) =
.end_time (NULL) =
.owner (string) = 1
.key1 (NULL) =
.key2 (NULL) =
.key3 (NULL) =
->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = { }
[1486] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
.item_id (string) = 1486
.alias (string) = mot-cle-psychosomatiques-troubles
.title (string) = Psychosomatiques (troubles)
.url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/psychosomatiques-troubles
.position (string) = 263
.active (string) = 1
.create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:33
.modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:33
.start_time (NULL) =
.end_time (NULL) =
.owner (string) = 1
.key1 (NULL) =
.key2 (NULL) =
.key3 (NULL) =
->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = { }
[2467] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
.item_id (string) = 2467
.alias (string) = mot-cle-psychotherapie
.title (string) = Psychothérapie
.url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/psychotherapie
.position (string) = 264
.active (string) = 1
.create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:33
.modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:33
.start_time (NULL) =
.end_time (NULL) =
.owner (string) = 1
.key1 (NULL) =
.key2 (NULL) =
.key3 (NULL) =
->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = { }
[1490] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
.item_id (string) = 1490
.alias (string) = mot-cle-puissance
.title (string) = Puissance
.url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/puissance
.position (string) = 265
.active (string) = 1
.create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:33
.modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:33
.start_time (NULL) =
.end_time (NULL) =
.owner (string) = 1
.key1 (NULL) =
.key2 (NULL) =
.key3 (NULL) =
->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = { }
[1492] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
.item_id (string) = 1492
.alias (string) = mot-cle-pulsions-et-libido
.title (string) = Pulsions et libido
.url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/pulsions-et-libido
.position (string) = 266
.active (string) = 1
.create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:33
.modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:33
.start_time (NULL) =
.end_time (NULL) =
.owner (string) = 1
.key1 (NULL) =
.key2 (NULL) =
.key3 (NULL) =
->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = { }
$LISEmotscles_items (array) = [
[1376] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
.item_id (string) = 1376
.alias (string) = mot-cle-p-n-l-et-a-t
.title (string) = P.N.L. et A.T.
.url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/p-n-l-et-a-t
.position (string) = 210
.active (string) = 1
.create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:27
.modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:27
.start_time (NULL) =
.end_time (NULL) =
.owner (string) = 1
.key1 (NULL) =
.key2 (NULL) =
.key3 (NULL) =
->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = { }
[1378] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
.item_id (string) = 1378
.alias (string) = mot-cle-paradoxe-et-intervention-paradoxale
.title (string) = Paradoxe et intervention paradoxale
.url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/paradoxe-et-intervention-paradoxale
.position (string) = 211
.active (string) = 1
.create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:27
.modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:27
.start_time (NULL) =
.end_time (NULL) =
.owner (string) = 1
.key1 (NULL) =
.key2 (NULL) =
.key3 (NULL) =
->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = { }
[1380] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
.item_id (string) = 1380
.alias (string) = mot-cle-parallele-processus
.title (string) = Parallèle (processus)
.url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/parallele-processus
.position (string) = 212
.active (string) = 1
.create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:27
.modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:27
.start_time (NULL) =
.end_time (NULL) =
.owner (string) = 1
.key1 (NULL) =
.key2 (NULL) =
.key3 (NULL) =
->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = { }
[1384] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
.item_id (string) = 1384
.alias (string) = mot-cle-paranoia
.title (string) = Paranoïa
.url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/paranoia
.position (string) = 213
.active (string) = 1
.create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:27
.modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:27
.start_time (NULL) =
.end_time (NULL) =
.owner (string) = 1
.key1 (NULL) =
.key2 (NULL) =
.key3 (NULL) =
->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = { }
[1382] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
.item_id (string) = 1382
.alias (string) = mot-cle-parasitage
.title (string) = Parasitage
.url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/parasitage
.position (string) = 214
.active (string) = 1
.create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:27
.modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:27
.start_time (NULL) =
.end_time (NULL) =
.owner (string) = 1
.key1 (NULL) =
.key2 (NULL) =
.key3 (NULL) =
->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = { }
[1386] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
.item_id (string) = 1386
.alias (string) = mot-cle-parasitaire-circuit-et-systeme-scenarique
.title (string) = Parasitaire (circuit) et système scénarique
.url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/parasitaire-circuit-et-systeme-scenarique
.position (string) = 215
.active (string) = 1
.create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:27
.modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:27
.start_time (NULL) =
.end_time (NULL) =
.owner (string) = 1
.key1 (NULL) =
.key2 (NULL) =
.key3 (NULL) =
->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = { }
[1388] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
.item_id (string) = 1388
.alias (string) = mot-cle-parasitaires-elements
.title (string) = Parasitaires (éléments)
.url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/parasitaires-elements
.position (string) = 216
.active (string) = 1
.create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:27
.modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:27
.start_time (NULL) =
.end_time (NULL) =
.owner (string) = 1
.key1 (NULL) =
.key2 (NULL) =
.key3 (NULL) =
->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = { }
[1390] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
.item_id (string) = 1390
.alias (string) = mot-cle-parasite-sentiment
.title (string) = Parasite (sentiment)
.url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/parasite-sentiment
.position (string) = 217
.active (string) = 1
.create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:27
.modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:27
.start_time (NULL) =
.end_time (NULL) =
.owner (string) = 1
.key1 (NULL) =
.key2 (NULL) =
.key3 (NULL) =
->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = { }
[1392] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
.item_id (string) = 1392
.alias (string) = mot-cle-pardon
.title (string) = Pardon
.url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/pardon
.position (string) = 218
.active (string) = 1
.create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:27
.modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:27
.start_time (NULL) =
.end_time (NULL) =
.owner (string) = 1
.key1 (NULL) =
.key2 (NULL) =
.key3 (NULL) =
->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = { }
[1394] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
.item_id (string) = 1394
.alias (string) = mot-cle-parent-etat-du-moi
.title (string) = Parent (état du moi)
.url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/parent-etat-du-moi
.position (string) = 219
.active (string) = 1
.create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:27
.modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:27
.start_time (NULL) =
.end_time (NULL) =
.owner (string) = 1
.key1 (NULL) =
.key2 (NULL) =
.key3 (NULL) =
->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = { }
[1398] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
.item_id (string) = 1398
.alias (string) = mot-cle-parentage
.title (string) = Parentage
.url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/parentage
.position (string) = 220
.active (string) = 1
.create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:28
.modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:28
.start_time (NULL) =
.end_time (NULL) =
.owner (string) = 1
.key1 (NULL) =
.key2 (NULL) =
.key3 (NULL) =
->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = { }
[1400] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
.item_id (string) = 1400
.alias (string) = mot-cle-parents
.title (string) = Parents
.url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/parents
.position (string) = 221
.active (string) = 1
.create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:28
.modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:28
.start_time (NULL) =
.end_time (NULL) =
.owner (string) = 1
.key1 (NULL) =
.key2 (NULL) =
.key3 (NULL) =
->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = { }
[1402] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
.item_id (string) = 1402
.alias (string) = mot-cle-passives-agressives-personnalites
.title (string) = Passives-agressives (personnalités)
.url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/passives-agressives-personnalites
.position (string) = 222
.active (string) = 1
.create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:28
.modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:28
.start_time (NULL) =
.end_time (NULL) =
.owner (string) = 1
.key1 (NULL) =
.key2 (NULL) =
.key3 (NULL) =
->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = { }
[1406] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
.item_id (string) = 1406
.alias (string) = mot-cle-passivite
.title (string) = Passivité
.url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/passivite
.position (string) = 223
.active (string) = 1
.create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:28
.modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:28
.start_time (NULL) =
.end_time (NULL) =
.owner (string) = 1
.key1 (NULL) =
.key2 (NULL) =
.key3 (NULL) =
->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = { }
[1405] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
.item_id (string) = 1405
.alias (string) = mot-cle-pensee-troubles-de-la
.title (string) = Pensée (troubles de la)
.url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/pensee-troubles-de-la
.position (string) = 224
.active (string) = 1
.create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:28
.modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:28
.start_time (NULL) =
.end_time (NULL) =
.owner (string) = 1
.key1 (NULL) =
.key2 (NULL) =
.key3 (NULL) =
->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = { }
[1408] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
.item_id (string) = 1408
.alias (string) = mot-cle-permission-protection-puissance
.title (string) = Permission, protection, puissance
.url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/permission-protection-puissance
.position (string) = 225
.active (string) = 1
.create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:28
.modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:28
.start_time (NULL) =
.end_time (NULL) =
.owner (string) = 1
.key1 (NULL) =
.key2 (NULL) =
.key3 (NULL) =
->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = { }
[1410] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
.item_id (string) = 1410
.alias (string) = mot-cle-persecuteur
.title (string) = Persécuteur
.url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/persecuteur
.position (string) = 226
.active (string) = 1
.create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:28
.modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:28
.start_time (NULL) =
.end_time (NULL) =
.owner (string) = 1
.key1 (NULL) =
.key2 (NULL) =
.key3 (NULL) =
->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = { }
[1412] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
.item_id (string) = 1412
.alias (string) = mot-cle-personnalite-troubles-de-la
.title (string) = Personnalité (troubles de la)
.url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/personnalite-troubles-de-la
.position (string) = 227
.active (string) = 1
.create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:28
.modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:28
.start_time (NULL) =
.end_time (NULL) =
.owner (string) = 1
.key1 (NULL) =
.key2 (NULL) =
.key3 (NULL) =
->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = { }
[1414] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
.item_id (string) = 1414
.alias (string) = mot-cle-personnalite-types-de
.title (string) = Personnalité (types de)
.url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/personnalite-types-de
.position (string) = 228
.active (string) = 1
.create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:28
.modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:28
.start_time (NULL) =
.end_time (NULL) =
.owner (string) = 1
.key1 (NULL) =
.key2 (NULL) =
.key3 (NULL) =
->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = { }
[1416] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
.item_id (string) = 1416
.alias (string) = mot-cle-perversions
.title (string) = Perversions
.url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/perversions
.position (string) = 229
.active (string) = 1
.create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:28
.modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:28
.start_time (NULL) =
.end_time (NULL) =
.owner (string) = 1
.key1 (NULL) =
.key2 (NULL) =
.key3 (NULL) =
->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = { }
[1418] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
.item_id (string) = 1418
.alias (string) = mot-cle-petit-professeur-adulte-dans-lenfant
.title (string) = Petit professeur (adulte dans l’enfant)
.url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/petit-professeur-adulte-dans-lenfant
.position (string) = 230
.active (string) = 1
.create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:28
.modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:28
.start_time (NULL) =
.end_time (NULL) =
.owner (string) = 1
.key1 (NULL) =
.key2 (NULL) =
.key3 (NULL) =
->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = { }
[1420] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
.item_id (string) = 1420
.alias (string) = mot-cle-peurs-nevrotiques
.title (string) = Peurs névrotiques
.url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/peurs-nevrotiques
.position (string) = 231
.active (string) = 1
.create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:29
.modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:29
.start_time (NULL) =
.end_time (NULL) =
.owner (string) = 1
.key1 (NULL) =
.key2 (NULL) =
.key3 (NULL) =
->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = { }
[1422] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
.item_id (string) = 1422
.alias (string) = mot-cle-philosophie-de-la-t
.title (string) = Philosophie de l’A.T.
.url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/philosophie-de-la-t
.position (string) = 232
.active (string) = 1
.create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:29
.modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:29
.start_time (NULL) =
.end_time (NULL) =
.owner (string) = 1
.key1 (NULL) =
.key2 (NULL) =
.key3 (NULL) =
->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = { }
[1424] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
.item_id (string) = 1424
.alias (string) = mot-cle-phobies
.title (string) = Phobies
.url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/phobies
.position (string) = 233
.active (string) = 1
.create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:29
.modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:29
.start_time (NULL) =
.end_time (NULL) =
.owner (string) = 1
.key1 (NULL) =
.key2 (NULL) =
.key3 (NULL) =
->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = { }
[1426] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
.item_id (string) = 1426
.alias (string) = mot-cle-photographie
.title (string) = Photographie
.url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/photographie
.position (string) = 234
.active (string) = 1
.create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:29
.modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:29
.start_time (NULL) =
.end_time (NULL) =
.owner (string) = 1
.key1 (NULL) =
.key2 (NULL) =
.key3 (NULL) =
->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = { }
[1428] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
.item_id (string) = 1428
.alias (string) = mot-cle-physis
.title (string) = Physis
.url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/physis
.position (string) = 235
.active (string) = 1
.create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:29
.modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:29
.start_time (NULL) =
.end_time (NULL) =
.owner (string) = 1
.key1 (NULL) =
.key2 (NULL) =
.key3 (NULL) =
->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = { }
[1430] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
.item_id (string) = 1430
.alias (string) = mot-cle-piaget-et-la-t
.title (string) = Piaget et l’A.T.
.url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/piaget-et-la-t
.position (string) = 236
.active (string) = 1
.create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:29
.modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:29
.start_time (NULL) =
.end_time (NULL) =
.owner (string) = 1
.key1 (NULL) =
.key2 (NULL) =
.key3 (NULL) =
->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = { }
[1432] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
.item_id (string) = 1432
.alias (string) = mot-cle-plan-de-traitement
.title (string) = Plan de traitement
.url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/plan-de-traitement
.position (string) = 237
.active (string) = 1
.create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:29
.modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:29
.start_time (NULL) =
.end_time (NULL) =
.owner (string) = 1
.key1 (NULL) =
.key2 (NULL) =
.key3 (NULL) =
->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = { }
[1436] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
.item_id (string) = 1436
.alias (string) = mot-cle-politique-et-sociale-dimension
.title (string) = Politique et sociale (dimension)
.url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/politique-et-sociale-dimension
.position (string) = 238
.active (string) = 1
.create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:29
.modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:29
.start_time (NULL) =
.end_time (NULL) =
.owner (string) = 1
.key1 (NULL) =
.key2 (NULL) =
.key3 (NULL) =
->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = { }
[1434] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
.item_id (string) = 1434
.alias (string) = mot-cle-porte-ouverte-porte-visee-porte-piegee
.title (string) = Porte ouverte, porte visée, porte piégée
.url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/porte-ouverte-porte-visee-porte-piegee
.position (string) = 239
.active (string) = 1
.create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:29
.modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:29
.start_time (NULL) =
.end_time (NULL) =
.owner (string) = 1
.key1 (NULL) =
.key2 (NULL) =
.key3 (NULL) =
->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = { }
[1438] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
.item_id (string) = 1438
.alias (string) = mot-cle-positions-de-vie
.title (string) = Positions de vie
.url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/positions-de-vie
.position (string) = 240
.active (string) = 1
.create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:30
.modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:30
.start_time (NULL) =
.end_time (NULL) =
.owner (string) = 1
.key1 (NULL) =
.key2 (NULL) =
.key3 (NULL) =
->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = { }
[1440] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
.item_id (string) = 1440
.alias (string) = mot-cle-pouvoir
.title (string) = Pouvoir
.url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/pouvoir
.position (string) = 241
.active (string) = 1
.create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:30
.modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:30
.start_time (NULL) =
.end_time (NULL) =
.owner (string) = 1
.key1 (NULL) =
.key2 (NULL) =
.key3 (NULL) =
->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = { }
[1444] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
.item_id (string) = 1444
.alias (string) = mot-cle-prejuges-sociaux
.title (string) = Préjugés sociaux
.url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/prejuges-sociaux
.position (string) = 242
.active (string) = 1
.create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:31
.modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:31
.start_time (NULL) =
.end_time (NULL) =
.owner (string) = 1
.key1 (NULL) =
.key2 (NULL) =
.key3 (NULL) =
->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = { }
[1447] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
.item_id (string) = 1447
.alias (string) = mot-cle-prisons
.title (string) = Prisons
.url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/prisons
.position (string) = 243
.active (string) = 1
.create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:27
.modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:27
.start_time (NULL) =
.end_time (NULL) =
.owner (string) = 1
.key1 (NULL) =
.key2 (NULL) =
.key3 (NULL) =
->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = { }
[1448] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
.item_id (string) = 1448
.alias (string) = mot-cle-prix-eric-berne
.title (string) = Prix Eric Berne
.url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/prix-eric-berne
.position (string) = 244
.active (string) = 1
.create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:31
.modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:31
.start_time (NULL) =
.end_time (NULL) =
.owner (string) = 1
.key1 (NULL) =
.key2 (NULL) =
.key3 (NULL) =
->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = { }
[1450] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
.item_id (string) = 1450
.alias (string) = mot-cle-prix-raymond-hostie
.title (string) = Prix Raymond Hostie
.url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/prix-raymond-hostie
.position (string) = 245
.active (string) = 1
.create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:31
.modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:31
.start_time (NULL) =
.end_time (NULL) =
.owner (string) = 1
.key1 (NULL) =
.key2 (NULL) =
.key3 (NULL) =
->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = { }
[1452] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
.item_id (string) = 1452
.alias (string) = mot-cle-proactivite
.title (string) = Proactivité
.url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/proactivite
.position (string) = 246
.active (string) = 1
.create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:31
.modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:31
.start_time (NULL) =
.end_time (NULL) =
.owner (string) = 1
.key1 (NULL) =
.key2 (NULL) =
.key3 (NULL) =
->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = { }
[1454] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
.item_id (string) = 1454
.alias (string) = mot-cle-procedures-dintervention
.title (string) = Procédures d’intervention
.url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/procedures-dintervention
.position (string) = 247
.active (string) = 1
.create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:31
.modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:31
.start_time (NULL) =
.end_time (NULL) =
.owner (string) = 1
.key1 (NULL) =
.key2 (NULL) =
.key3 (NULL) =
->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = { }
[1456] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
.item_id (string) = 1456
.alias (string) = mot-cle-processus-de-groupe
.title (string) = Processus de groupe
.url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/processus-de-groupe
.position (string) = 248
.active (string) = 1
.create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:31
.modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:31
.start_time (NULL) =
.end_time (NULL) =
.owner (string) = 1
.key1 (NULL) =
.key2 (NULL) =
.key3 (NULL) =
->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = { }
[1458] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
.item_id (string) = 1458
.alias (string) = mot-cle-processus-de-nouvelle-identite-et-a-t
.title (string) = Processus de nouvelle identité et A.T.
.url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/processus-de-nouvelle-identite-et-a-t
.position (string) = 249
.active (string) = 1
.create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:32
.modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:32
.start_time (NULL) =
.end_time (NULL) =
.owner (string) = 1
.key1 (NULL) =
.key2 (NULL) =
.key3 (NULL) =
->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = { }
[1460] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
.item_id (string) = 1460
.alias (string) = mot-cle-processus-therapeutique
.title (string) = Processus thérapeutique
.url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/processus-therapeutique
.position (string) = 250
.active (string) = 1
.create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:32
.modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:32
.start_time (NULL) =
.end_time (NULL) =
.owner (string) = 1
.key1 (NULL) =
.key2 (NULL) =
.key3 (NULL) =
->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = { }
[1462] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
.item_id (string) = 1462
.alias (string) = mot-cle-programmation-neurolinguistique-et-a-t
.title (string) = Programmation neurolinguistique et A.T.
.url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/programmation-neurolinguistique-et-a-t
.position (string) = 251
.active (string) = 1
.create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:32
.modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:32
.start_time (NULL) =
.end_time (NULL) =
.owner (string) = 1
.key1 (NULL) =
.key2 (NULL) =
.key3 (NULL) =
->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = { }
[1464] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
.item_id (string) = 1464
.alias (string) = mot-cle-projection
.title (string) = Projection
.url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/projection
.position (string) = 252
.active (string) = 1
.create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:32
.modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:32
.start_time (NULL) =
.end_time (NULL) =
.owner (string) = 1
.key1 (NULL) =
.key2 (NULL) =
.key3 (NULL) =
->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = { }
[1466] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
.item_id (string) = 1466
.alias (string) = mot-cle-projets-institues
.title (string) = Projets institués
.url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/projets-institues
.position (string) = 253
.active (string) = 1
.create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:32
.modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:32
.start_time (NULL) =
.end_time (NULL) =
.owner (string) = 1
.key1 (NULL) =
.key2 (NULL) =
.key3 (NULL) =
->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = { }
[1468] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
.item_id (string) = 1468
.alias (string) = mot-cle-protection
.title (string) = Protection
.url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/protection
.position (string) = 254
.active (string) = 1
.create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:32
.modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:32
.start_time (NULL) =
.end_time (NULL) =
.owner (string) = 1
.key1 (NULL) =
.key2 (NULL) =
.key3 (NULL) =
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[1472] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
.item_id (string) = 1472
.alias (string) = mot-cle-protocole
.title (string) = Protocole
.url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/protocole
.position (string) = 255
.active (string) = 1
.create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:32
.modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:32
.start_time (NULL) =
.end_time (NULL) =
.owner (string) = 1
.key1 (NULL) =
.key2 (NULL) =
.key3 (NULL) =
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[1470] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
.item_id (string) = 1470
.alias (string) = mot-cle-psychanalyse-et-a-t
.title (string) = Psychanalyse et A.T.
.url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/psychanalyse-et-a-t
.position (string) = 256
.active (string) = 1
.create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:32
.modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:32
.start_time (NULL) =
.end_time (NULL) =
.owner (string) = 1
.key1 (NULL) =
.key2 (NULL) =
.key3 (NULL) =
->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = { }
[1474] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
.item_id (string) = 1474
.alias (string) = mot-cle-psychanalyse-transactionnelle
.title (string) = Psychanalyse Transactionnelle
.url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/psychanalyse-transactionnelle
.position (string) = 257
.active (string) = 1
.create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:32
.modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:32
.start_time (NULL) =
.end_time (NULL) =
.owner (string) = 1
.key1 (NULL) =
.key2 (NULL) =
.key3 (NULL) =
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[1476] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
.item_id (string) = 1476
.alias (string) = mot-cle-psychiatrie-et-a-t
.title (string) = Psychiatrie et A.T.
.url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/psychiatrie-et-a-t
.position (string) = 258
.active (string) = 1
.create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:32
.modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:32
.start_time (NULL) =
.end_time (NULL) =
.owner (string) = 1
.key1 (NULL) =
.key2 (NULL) =
.key3 (NULL) =
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[1478] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
.item_id (string) = 1478
.alias (string) = mot-cle-psychiatrie-sociale
.title (string) = Psychiatrie sociale
.url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/psychiatrie-sociale
.position (string) = 259
.active (string) = 1
.create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:32
.modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:32
.start_time (NULL) =
.end_time (NULL) =
.owner (string) = 1
.key1 (NULL) =
.key2 (NULL) =
.key3 (NULL) =
->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = { }
[1482] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
.item_id (string) = 1482
.alias (string) = mot-cle-psychodynamique-approche-de-la-t
.title (string) = Psychodynamique (approche) de l'A.T.
.url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/psychodynamique-approche-de-la-t
.position (string) = 260
.active (string) = 1
.create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:33
.modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:33
.start_time (NULL) =
.end_time (NULL) =
.owner (string) = 1
.key1 (NULL) =
.key2 (NULL) =
.key3 (NULL) =
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[1481] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
.item_id (string) = 1481
.alias (string) = mot-cle-psychopathie
.title (string) = Psychopathie
.url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/psychopathie
.position (string) = 261
.active (string) = 1
.create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:33
.modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:33
.start_time (NULL) =
.end_time (NULL) =
.owner (string) = 1
.key1 (NULL) =
.key2 (NULL) =
.key3 (NULL) =
->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = { }
[1484] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
.item_id (string) = 1484
.alias (string) = mot-cle-psychoses
.title (string) = Psychoses
.url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/psychoses
.position (string) = 262
.active (string) = 1
.create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:33
.modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:33
.start_time (NULL) =
.end_time (NULL) =
.owner (string) = 1
.key1 (NULL) =
.key2 (NULL) =
.key3 (NULL) =
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[1486] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
.item_id (string) = 1486
.alias (string) = mot-cle-psychosomatiques-troubles
.title (string) = Psychosomatiques (troubles)
.url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/psychosomatiques-troubles
.position (string) = 263
.active (string) = 1
.create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:33
.modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:33
.start_time (NULL) =
.end_time (NULL) =
.owner (string) = 1
.key1 (NULL) =
.key2 (NULL) =
.key3 (NULL) =
->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = { }
[2467] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
.item_id (string) = 2467
.alias (string) = mot-cle-psychotherapie
.title (string) = Psychothérapie
.url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/psychotherapie
.position (string) = 264
.active (string) = 1
.create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:33
.modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:33
.start_time (NULL) =
.end_time (NULL) =
.owner (string) = 1
.key1 (NULL) =
.key2 (NULL) =
.key3 (NULL) =
->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = { }
[1490] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
.item_id (string) = 1490
.alias (string) = mot-cle-puissance
.title (string) = Puissance
.url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/puissance
.position (string) = 265
.active (string) = 1
.create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:33
.modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:33
.start_time (NULL) =
.end_time (NULL) =
.owner (string) = 1
.key1 (NULL) =
.key2 (NULL) =
.key3 (NULL) =
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[1492] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
.item_id (string) = 1492
.alias (string) = mot-cle-pulsions-et-libido
.title (string) = Pulsions et libido
.url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/pulsions-et-libido
.position (string) = 266
.active (string) = 1
.create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:33
.modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:33
.start_time (NULL) =
.end_time (NULL) =
.owner (string) = 1
.key1 (NULL) =
.key2 (NULL) =
.key3 (NULL) =
->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = { }
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.hierarchy (string) = 00001
.id_hierarchy (string) = 16
.hierarchy_path (string) = a
.create_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:08
.modified_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:08
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.6 (string) = 923
.7 (string) = 934
.8 (string) = 936
.9 (string) = 939
.10 (string) = 941
.11 (string) = 943
.12 (string) = 945
.13 (string) = 2469
.14 (string) = 947
.15 (string) = 949
.16 (string) = 951
.17 (string) = 953
.18 (string) = 955
.19 (string) = 957
.20 (string) = 959
.21 (string) = 2473
.22 (string) = 961
.23 (string) = 963
.24 (string) = 965
.25 (string) = 967
.26 (string) = 969
.27 (string) = 981
.28 (string) = 971
.29 (string) = 973
.30 (string) = 983
.31 (string) = 723
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.parent_id (string) = -1
.hierarchy (string) = 00002
.id_hierarchy (string) = 17
.hierarchy_path (string) = b
.create_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:10
.modified_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:10
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.4 (string) = 994
.5 (string) = 996
.6 (string) = 998
.7 (string) = 1000
.8 (string) = 1001
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.position (string) = 3
.parent_id (string) = -1
.hierarchy (string) = 00003
.id_hierarchy (string) = 29
.hierarchy_path (string) = c
.create_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:13
.modified_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:13
.key1 (NULL) =
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.2 (string) = 1009
.3 (string) = 1011
.4 (string) = 1014
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.6 (string) = 1017
.7 (string) = 1020
.8 (string) = 1019
.9 (string) = 1023
.10 (string) = 1026
.11 (string) = 1025
.12 (string) = 1029
.13 (string) = 1031
.14 (string) = 1033
.15 (string) = 1035
.16 (string) = 2471
.17 (string) = 1037
.18 (string) = 1039
.19 (string) = 1041
.20 (string) = 1043
.21 (string) = 1045
.22 (string) = 1047
.23 (string) = 1050
.24 (string) = 1049
.25 (string) = 1054
.26 (string) = 1053
.27 (string) = 1058
.28 (string) = 1057
.29 (string) = 1061
.30 (string) = 1063
.31 (string) = 1067
.32 (string) = 1070
.33 (string) = 1073
.34 (string) = 1072
.35 (string) = 1076
.36 (string) = 1078
.37 (string) = 1080
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.url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/c/29/25
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.menutext (string) = C
.parent (boolean) =
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[3] (object of type: LISECategory) = {
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.alias (string) = d
.name (string) = D
.description (string) =
.active (string) = 1
.position (string) = 4
.parent_id (string) = -1
.hierarchy (string) = 00004
.id_hierarchy (string) = 18
.hierarchy_path (string) = d
.create_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:15
.modified_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:15
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.2 (string) = 1085
.3 (string) = 1089
.4 (string) = 1091
.5 (string) = 1093
.6 (string) = 734
.7 (string) = 1095
.8 (string) = 1097
.9 (string) = 1099
.10 (string) = 1101
.11 (string) = 1103
.12 (string) = 1105
.13 (string) = 1107
.14 (string) = 1109
.15 (string) = 1111
.16 (string) = 1114
.17 (string) = 1113
.18 (string) = 1117
.19 (string) = 1120
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.menutext (string) = D
.parent (boolean) =
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[4] (object of type: LISECategory) = {
.category_id (string) = 30
.alias (string) = e
.name (string) = E
.description (string) =
.active (string) = 1
.position (string) = 5
.parent_id (string) = -1
.hierarchy (string) = 00005
.id_hierarchy (string) = 30
.hierarchy_path (string) = e
.create_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:18
.modified_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:18
.key1 (NULL) =
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.key3 (NULL) =
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.1 (string) = 1123
.2 (string) = 1125
.3 (string) = 1126
.4 (string) = 1159
.5 (string) = 1161
.6 (string) = 1164
.7 (string) = 1166
.8 (string) = 1168
.9 (string) = 1170
.10 (string) = 1173
.11 (string) = 1172
.12 (string) = 1176
.13 (string) = 1178
.14 (string) = 1181
.15 (string) = 1184
.16 (string) = 1183
.17 (string) = 1186
.18 (string) = 1189
.19 (string) = 1191
.20 (string) = 1193
.21 (string) = 1195
.22 (string) = 1197
.23 (string) = 1199
.24 (string) = 1201
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.index (integer) = 4
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.parent (boolean) =
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[5] (object of type: LISECategory) = {
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.alias (string) = f
.name (string) = F
.description (string) =
.active (string) = 1
.position (string) = 6
.parent_id (string) = -1
.hierarchy (string) = 00006
.id_hierarchy (string) = 31
.hierarchy_path (string) = f
.create_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:19
.modified_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:19
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.key2 (NULL) =
.key3 (NULL) =
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.1 (string) = 1206
.2 (string) = 1210
.3 (string) = 1212
.4 (string) = 1215
.5 (string) = 1218
.6 (string) = 1219
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.url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/f/31/25
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.parent (boolean) =
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[6] (object of type: LISECategory) = {
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.description (string) =
.active (string) = 1
.position (string) = 7
.parent_id (string) = -1
.hierarchy (string) = 00007
.id_hierarchy (string) = 32
.hierarchy_path (string) = g
.create_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:19
.modified_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:19
.key1 (NULL) =
.key2 (NULL) =
.key3 (NULL) =
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.1 (string) = 1224
.2 (string) = 1226
.3 (string) = 1228
.4 (string) = 1230
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.depth (integer) = 1
.prevdepth (integer) = 1
.url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/g/32/25
.index (integer) = 6
.menutext (string) = G
.parent (boolean) =
.current (boolean) =
[7] (object of type: LISECategory) = {
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.parent_id (string) = -1
.hierarchy (string) = 00008
.id_hierarchy (string) = 33
.hierarchy_path (string) = h
.create_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:20
.modified_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:20
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.2 (string) = 1236
.3 (string) = 1237
.4 (string) = 1239
.5 (string) = 1241
.6 (string) = 1243
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.prevdepth (integer) = 1
.url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/h/33/25
.index (integer) = 7
.menutext (string) = H
.parent (boolean) =
.current (boolean) =
[8] (object of type: LISECategory) = {
.category_id (string) = 34
.alias (string) = i
.name (string) = I
.description (string) =
.active (string) = 1
.position (string) = 9
.parent_id (string) = -1
.hierarchy (string) = 00009
.id_hierarchy (string) = 34
.hierarchy_path (string) = i
.create_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:22
.modified_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:22
.key1 (NULL) =
.key2 (NULL) =
.key3 (NULL) =
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.1 (string) = 1247
.2 (string) = 1249
.3 (string) = 1251
.4 (string) = 1253
.5 (string) = 1255
.6 (string) = 1257
.7 (string) = 1259
.8 (string) = 1261
.9 (string) = 1263
.10 (string) = 1265
.11 (string) = 1267
.12 (string) = 1269
.13 (string) = 1271
.14 (string) = 1273
.15 (string) = 1275
.16 (string) = 2465
.17 (string) = 1277
.18 (string) = 1279
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.depth (integer) = 1
.prevdepth (integer) = 1
.url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/i/34/25
.index (integer) = 8
.menutext (string) = I
.parent (boolean) =
.current (boolean) =
[9] (object of type: LISECategory) = {
.category_id (string) = 35
.alias (string) = j
.name (string) = J
.description (string) =
.active (string) = 1
.position (string) = 10
.parent_id (string) = -1
.hierarchy (string) = 00010
.id_hierarchy (string) = 35
.hierarchy_path (string) = j
.create_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:22
.modified_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:22
.key1 (NULL) =
.key2 (NULL) =
.key3 (NULL) =
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.1 (string) = 1281
.2 (string) = 1285
.3 (string) = 1287
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.depth (integer) = 1
.prevdepth (integer) = 1
.url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/j/35/25
.index (integer) = 9
.menutext (string) = J
.parent (boolean) =
.current (boolean) =
[10] (object of type: LISECategory) = {
.category_id (string) = 37
.alias (string) = l
.name (string) = L
.description (string) =
.active (string) = 1
.position (string) = 11
.parent_id (string) = -1
.hierarchy (string) = 00011
.id_hierarchy (string) = 37
.hierarchy_path (string) = l
.create_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:23
.modified_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:23
.key1 (NULL) =
.key2 (NULL) =
.key3 (NULL) =
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.1 (string) = 1293
.2 (string) = 1291
.3 (string) = 1295
.4 (string) = 1297
.5 (string) = 1299
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.depth (integer) = 1
.prevdepth (integer) = 1
.url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/l/37/25
.index (integer) = 10
.menutext (string) = L
.parent (boolean) =
.current (boolean) =
[11] (object of type: LISECategory) = {
.category_id (string) = 38
.alias (string) = m
.name (string) = M
.description (string) =
.active (string) = 1
.position (string) = 12
.parent_id (string) = -1
.hierarchy (string) = 00012
.id_hierarchy (string) = 38
.hierarchy_path (string) = m
.create_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:25
.modified_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:25
.key1 (NULL) =
.key2 (NULL) =
.key3 (NULL) =
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.0 (string) = 1303
.1 (string) = 1301
.2 (string) = 1305
.3 (string) = 1307
.4 (string) = 1309
.5 (string) = 1311
.6 (string) = 1313
.7 (string) = 1315
.8 (string) = 1317
.9 (string) = 1319
.10 (string) = 1321
.11 (string) = 1323
.12 (string) = 1325
.13 (string) = 1327
.14 (string) = 1329
.15 (string) = 1331
.16 (string) = 1333
.17 (string) = 1335
.18 (string) = 1337
.19 (string) = 1339
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.depth (integer) = 1
.prevdepth (integer) = 1
.url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/m/38/25
.index (integer) = 11
.menutext (string) = M
.parent (boolean) =
.current (boolean) =
[12] (object of type: LISECategory) = {
.category_id (string) = 39
.alias (string) = n
.name (string) = N
.description (string) =
.active (string) = 1
.position (string) = 13
.parent_id (string) = -1
.hierarchy (string) = 00013
.id_hierarchy (string) = 39
.hierarchy_path (string) = n
.create_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:26
.modified_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:26
.key1 (NULL) =
.key2 (NULL) =
.key3 (NULL) =
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.1 (string) = 1343
.2 (string) = 1345
.3 (string) = 1347
.4 (string) = 1349
.5 (string) = 1351
.6 (string) = 1354
.7 (string) = 1356
->children (array) = [
.depth (integer) = 1
.prevdepth (integer) = 1
.url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/n/39/25
.index (integer) = 12
.menutext (string) = N
.parent (boolean) =
.current (boolean) =
[13] (object of type: LISECategory) = {
.category_id (string) = 40
.alias (string) = o
.name (string) = O
.description (string) =
.active (string) = 1
.position (string) = 14
.parent_id (string) = -1
.hierarchy (string) = 00014
.id_hierarchy (string) = 40
.hierarchy_path (string) = o
.create_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:26
.modified_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:26
.key1 (NULL) =
.key2 (NULL) =
.key3 (NULL) =
->items (array) = [
.0 (string) = 1358
.1 (string) = 1360
.2 (string) = 1362
.3 (string) = 1364
.4 (string) = 1366
.5 (string) = 1368
.6 (string) = 1370
.7 (string) = 1372
.8 (string) = 1374
->children (array) = [
.depth (integer) = 1
.prevdepth (integer) = 1
.url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/o/40/25
.index (integer) = 13
.menutext (string) = O
.parent (boolean) =
.current (boolean) =
[14] (object of type: LISECategory) = {
.category_id (string) = 41
.alias (string) = p
.name (string) = P
.description (string) =
.active (string) = 1
.position (string) = 15
.parent_id (string) = -1
.hierarchy (string) = 00015
.id_hierarchy (string) = 41
.hierarchy_path (string) = p
.create_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:33
.modified_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:33
.key1 (NULL) =
.key2 (NULL) =
.key3 (NULL) =
->items (array) = [
.0 (string) = 1376
.1 (string) = 1378
.2 (string) = 1380
.3 (string) = 1384
.4 (string) = 1382
.5 (string) = 1386
.6 (string) = 1388
.7 (string) = 1390
.8 (string) = 1392
.9 (string) = 1394
.10 (string) = 1398
.11 (string) = 1400
.12 (string) = 1402
.13 (string) = 1406
.14 (string) = 1405
.15 (string) = 1408
.16 (string) = 1410
.17 (string) = 1412
.18 (string) = 1414
.19 (string) = 1416
.20 (string) = 1418
.21 (string) = 1420
.22 (string) = 1422
.23 (string) = 1424
.24 (string) = 1426
.25 (string) = 1428
.26 (string) = 1430
.27 (string) = 1432
.28 (string) = 1436
.29 (string) = 1434
.30 (string) = 1438
.31 (string) = 1440
.32 (string) = 1444
.33 (string) = 1447
.34 (string) = 1448
.35 (string) = 1450
.36 (string) = 1452
.37 (string) = 1454
.38 (string) = 1456
.39 (string) = 1458
.40 (string) = 1460
.41 (string) = 1462
.42 (string) = 1464
.43 (string) = 1466
.44 (string) = 1468
.45 (string) = 1472
.46 (string) = 1470
.47 (string) = 1474
.48 (string) = 1476
.49 (string) = 1478
.50 (string) = 1482
.51 (string) = 1481
.52 (string) = 1484
.53 (string) = 1486
.54 (string) = 2467
.55 (string) = 1490
.56 (string) = 1492
->children (array) = [
.depth (integer) = 1
.prevdepth (integer) = 1
.url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/p/41/25
.index (integer) = 14
.menutext (string) = P
.parent (boolean) =
.current (boolean) = 1
[15] (object of type: LISECategory) = {
.category_id (string) = 43
.alias (string) = r
.name (string) = R
.description (string) =
.active (string) = 1
.position (string) = 16
.parent_id (string) = -1
.hierarchy (string) = 00016
.id_hierarchy (string) = 43
.hierarchy_path (string) = r
.create_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:35
.modified_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:35
.key1 (NULL) =
.key2 (NULL) =
.key3 (NULL) =
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.0 (string) = 1496
.1 (string) = 1498
.2 (string) = 1494
.3 (string) = 1500
.4 (string) = 1502
.5 (string) = 1504
.6 (string) = 1506
.7 (string) = 1508
.8 (string) = 1510
.9 (string) = 1512
.10 (string) = 1514
.11 (string) = 1516
.12 (string) = 1528
.13 (string) = 1518
.14 (string) = 1530
.15 (string) = 1532
.16 (string) = 1534
.17 (string) = 1536
.18 (string) = 1538
.19 (string) = 1540
.20 (string) = 1542
->children (array) = [
.depth (integer) = 1
.prevdepth (integer) = 1
.url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/r/43/25
.index (integer) = 15
.menutext (string) = R
.parent (boolean) =
.current (boolean) =
[16] (object of type: LISECategory) = {
.category_id (string) = 44
.alias (string) = s
.name (string) = S
.description (string) =
.active (string) = 1
.position (string) = 17
.parent_id (string) = -1
.hierarchy (string) = 00017
.id_hierarchy (string) = 44
.hierarchy_path (string) = s
.create_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:38
.modified_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:38
.key1 (NULL) =
.key2 (NULL) =
.key3 (NULL) =
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.0 (string) = 1544
.1 (string) = 1546
.2 (string) = 1548
.3 (string) = 1550
.4 (string) = 1552
.5 (string) = 1554
.6 (string) = 1556
.7 (string) = 1558
.8 (string) = 1560
.9 (string) = 1562
.10 (string) = 1564
.11 (string) = 1570
.12 (string) = 1572
.13 (string) = 1574
.14 (string) = 1576
.15 (string) = 1578
.16 (string) = 1580
.17 (string) = 1582
.18 (string) = 1583
.19 (string) = 1585
.20 (string) = 1589
.21 (string) = 1588
.22 (string) = 1592
.23 (string) = 1594
.24 (string) = 1599
.25 (string) = 1598
.26 (string) = 1602
.27 (string) = 1603
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.depth (integer) = 1
.prevdepth (integer) = 1
.url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/s/44/25
.index (integer) = 16
.menutext (string) = S
.parent (boolean) =
.current (boolean) =
[17] (object of type: LISECategory) = {
.category_id (string) = 45
.alias (string) = t
.name (string) = T
.description (string) =
.active (string) = 1
.position (string) = 18
.parent_id (string) = -1
.hierarchy (string) = 00018
.id_hierarchy (string) = 45
.hierarchy_path (string) = t
.create_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:40
.modified_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:40
.key1 (NULL) =
.key2 (NULL) =
.key3 (NULL) =
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.1 (string) = 1607
.2 (string) = 1609
.3 (string) = 1611
.4 (string) = 1613
.5 (string) = 1616
.6 (string) = 1619
.7 (string) = 1618
.8 (string) = 1623
.9 (string) = 1622
.10 (string) = 1625
.11 (string) = 1628
.12 (string) = 1631
.13 (string) = 1634
.14 (string) = 1635
.15 (string) = 1637
.16 (string) = 1641
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.depth (integer) = 1
.prevdepth (integer) = 1
.url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/t/45/25
.index (integer) = 17
.menutext (string) = T
.parent (boolean) =
.current (boolean) =
[18] (object of type: LISECategory) = {
.category_id (string) = 47
.alias (string) = v
.name (string) = V
.description (string) =
.active (string) = 1
.position (string) = 19
.parent_id (string) = -1
.hierarchy (string) = 00019
.id_hierarchy (string) = 47
.hierarchy_path (string) = v
.create_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:40
.modified_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:40
.key1 (NULL) =
.key2 (NULL) =
.key3 (NULL) =
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.1 (string) = 1643
.2 (string) = 1646
.3 (string) = 1648
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.prevdepth (integer) = 1
.url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/v/47/25
.index (integer) = 18
.menutext (string) = V
.parent (boolean) =
.current (boolean) =
$item (object of type: LISEItem) = {
.item_id (string) = 1492
.alias (string) = mot-cle-pulsions-et-libido
.title (string) = Pulsions et libido
.url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/pulsions-et-libido
.position (string) = 266
.active (string) = 1
.create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:33
.modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:33
.start_time (NULL) =
.end_time (NULL) =
.owner (string) = 1
.key1 (NULL) =
.key2 (NULL) =
.key3 (NULL) =
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