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Paradoxe et intervention paradoxale

BATESON G., Espistémologie des organisations, A.A.T., 96, 2000, pp. 153-160. C.A.T., 7, pp. 16-23.
MASSEY R.F., Intégrer l'A.T. et l'approche systémique en thérapie de couples : 2. les techniques, A.A.T., 55, 1990, pp. 120-133. C.A.T., 8, pp. 22-34.
FUKAZAWA M., Kinjiro Ninomiya, ou le paradoxe dans la culture japonaise, A.A.T., 38, 1986, pp. 85-87. Perspectives multiculturelles et A.T., Eds A.T., 2012, pp. 75-77.
NASIELSKI S., La transaction de provocation : outil de stimulation de la motivation à changer, A.A.T., 80, 1996, pp. 151-156. C.A.T., 6, pp. 109-114.
GELLERT S.D. et WILSON G., Les contrats, A.A.T., 13, 1980, pp. 4-9. C.A.T., 1, pp. 200-205.
NASH CHANG V., Les interactions menaçantes pour le Soi, A.A.T., 83, 1997, pp. 109-116.
PRICE R., Les interventions paradoxales en A.T., A.A.T., 39, 1986, pp. 101-107. C.A.T., 6, pp. 80-86.
WHATNEY S., L'intervention paradoxale en A.T. et en Gestalt., A.A.T., 32, 1984, pp. 169-174. C.A.T., 4, pp. 207-212.
MASSEY R.F., Passivité, paradoxe et changement dans les systèmes familiaux, A.A.T., 34, 1985, pp. 53-63. C.A.T., 5, pp. 131-141.
GREGOIRE J., Résumé de l'introduction à "Epistémologie des organisations" de Bateson, A.A.T., 96, 2000, pp. 151-152. C.A.T., 7, pp. 13-15.
MANOR O., Théorie des relations d'objet et approche systémique, A.A.T., 70, 1994, pp. 84-96.

Parallèle (processus)

GOBES L., "4C-4P", une liste de contrôle pour la "consultation", A.A.T., 72, 1994, pp. 162-164.
CLARKSON P., A travers le miroir (II), A.A.T., 89, 1999, pp. 16-26. C.A.T., 7, pp. 107-117.
DEKONINCK J., La supervision, A.A.T., 78, 1996, pp. 63-68. Ajouter au panier.
NOE J.P., Le processus parallèle, A.A.T., 82, 1997, pp. 43-46. C.A.T., 8, pp. 149-152.
RAMOND C. et FILLIOZAT R., Une tranche de vie dans un groupe didactique "éducation-guidance", A.A.T., 72, 1994, pp. 159-161.


HYAMS H., La honte : l'ennemi intérieur, A.A.T., 81, 1997, pp. 15-20.


ENGLISH F., Deux modes de parasitages, A.A.T., 103, 2002, pp. 126-129.
ENGLISH F., Le parasitage, A.A.T., 7, 1978, pp. 119-121. C.A.T., 1, pp. 172-174.
ENGLISH F., Les rôles de Victime dans le triangle dramatique, A.A.T., 7, 1978, pp. 122-124. C.A.T., 1, pp. 130-132.
ERNST F.H. Jr, Les sentiments-parasites et l'enclos OK, A.A.T., 7, 1978, pp. 114-118. C.A.T., 1, pp. 143-147.
LE GUERNIC A., Les transactions dans la relation d'influence, A.A.T., 107, 2003, pp. 35-44. THUNISSEN M.M., Tout est dans le jeu psychologique : le travail avec les jeux psychologiques et les sentiments parasites, A.A.T., 126, 2008, pp. 23-32.

Parasitaire (circuit) et système scénarique

- 1. Circuit parasitaire (système scénarique)
ZALCMAN M.J., Analyse des jeux psychologiques et analyse du racket, A.A.T., 65, 1993, pp. 21-39.
SICHEM V., Inhibition intellectuelle et utilisation du circuit du sentiment-parasite, A.A.T., 67, 1993, pp. 107-114, (E. A.A.T. 68 p. 169).
ERSKINE R.G., La honte et l'attitude "sans reproche" : perspectives transactionnelles et interventions cliniques, A.A.T., 76, 1995, pp. 163-182.
HINE J., La nature bilatérale et continue des jeux psychologiques, A.A.T., 74, 1995, pp. 73-86.
ERSKINE R.G. et ZALCMAN M.J., Le circuit du sentiment parasite : un modèle d'analyse, A.A.T., 12, 1979, pp. 148-156. C.A.T., 1, pp. 185-193.
HOHMUTH A.V. et GORMLY A.V., Le circuit du sentiment-parasite et l'analyse structurale, A.A.T., 24, 1982, pp. 184-186. C.A.T., 5, pp. 181-183.
WOUTERS A. et SMALE G., Le diagnostic selon le système des personnalités de Millon et ses implications pour l'A.T., A.A.T., 69, 1994, pp. 36-46.
STEERE D.A., Le protocole, A.A.T., 41, 1987, pp. 4-17.
CRESPELLE A., Le sable et la bicyclette : un essai sur la conduite parasitaire instrumentale, A.A.T., 26, 1983, pp. 97-99. C.A.T., 3, pp. 102-104.
CLARKSON P., L'épuisement et les circuits parasitaires des aidants professionnels, A.A.T., 73, 1995, pp. 32-37.
GREGOIRE J., Pratiques méditatives orientales et thérapie d'Occident : la méditation-parasite, A.A.T., 38, 1986, pp. 71-77.
- 2. Circuits parasitaires interconnectés
JELLOUSCHEK H., A.T. et thérapie familiale : orientation individuelle et orientation systémique, A.A.T., 34, 1985, pp. 73-77. C.A.T., 5, pp. 142-146.
HOLTBY M.E., Circuits parasitaires interconnectés, A.A.T., 12, 1979, pp. 157-161. C.A.T., 1, pp. 194-198.
MASSEY R.F., Intégrer l'A.T. et l'approche systémique en thérapie de couples : 1. aspects théoriques, A.A.T., 55, 1990, pp. 109-119. C.A.T., 8, pp. 11-21.
MASSEY R.F., Intégrer l'A.T. et l'approche systémique en thérapie de couples : 2. les techniques, A.A.T., 55, 1990, pp. 120-133. C.A.T., 8, pp. 22-34.
MASSEY R.F. et DAVIS MASSEY S., Le traitement des enfants avec leur famille : une approche systémique, A.A.T., 51, 1989, pp. 111-126.
MAES J.M., Utilisation des circuits du sentiment-parasite interconnectés dans le traitement de l'éthylisme, A.A.T., 23, 1982, pp. 152-156. C.A.T., 3, pp. 94-98.
- 3. Dimension culturelle
RAMOND C. et SICHEM V., Des chocs culturels au dialogue transculturel, A.A.T., 88, 1998, pp. 133-141. Perspectives multiculturelles et A.T., Eds A.T., 2012, pp. 141-149.


WAHKING H;, Le pardon : une thérapie du ressentiment., A.A.T., 24, 1982, pp. 187-188. C.A.T., 3, pp. 100-101.
ERSKINE R.G., Les six étapes du traitement., A.A.T., 7, 1978, pp. 140-142. C.A.T., 2, pp. 191-193.
HYAMS H., L'Œdipe de Sophocle, un mythe de la honte : sa rel
ation à Freud et à sa théorie, A.A.T., 81, 1997, pp. 21-26.

Parent (état du moi)

- 1. En général
NOE J.P., (Edit.) Éditorial, A.A.T., 80, 1996, p. 130.
NASIELSKI S., (Edit.) Le parent en A.T., A.A.T., 6, 1978, pp. 50-51.
HOSTIE R., (Edit.) Le Parent et le parentage en A.T., A.A.T., 29, 1984, pp. 2-4.
NOVEY T.B., PORTER-STEELE N., GOBES L. et MASSEY R.F., Les états du moi et le Soi: Une discussion en panel, A.A.T., 97, 2001, pp. 16-32.
SAMUELS S.D., L'état du moi Parent., A.A.T., 22, 1982, pp. 79-88. C.A.T., 3, pp. 39-48.
WOODS K., Une vue rétrospective sur les états du moi, A.A.T., 108, 2003, pp. 25-38.
- 2. Aspects structuraux (1er ordre)
ERSKINE R.G., La honte et l'attitude "sans reproche" : perspectives transactionnelles et interventions cliniques, A.A.T., 76, 1995, pp. 163-182.
ERNST F.H. Jr, L'apport le plus important de Berne : l'état du moi Parent et son diagramme, A.A.T., 29, 1984, pp. 12-20. C.A.T., 3, pp. 61-69.
ROMANINI M.T., Le Parent du psychothérapeute et le psychothérapeute Parent., A.A.T., 80, 1996, pp. 131-142. C.A.T., 6, pp. 35-46.
ROMANINI M.T., Le Parent, instrument de la relation au groupe humain, A.A.T., 80, 1996, pp. 157-168. C.A.T., 6, pp. 226-237.
FORNARO A., Les noyaux de l'identité personnelle et familiale au sein du Parent., A.A.T., 84, 1997, pp. 135-138.
LORIA B.R., L'état du moi Parent : fondements berniens et altérations ultérieures, A.A.T., 60, 1991, pp. 152-160.
GOBES L., Problèmes d'abandon et d'envahissement dans la thérapie des relations, A.A.T., 44, 1987, pp. 188-192. C.A.T., 8, pp. 121-124.
- 3. Aspects structuraux (2e et 3e ordres)
STUNTZ E.C., La structure du second ordre du Parent., A.A.T., 6, 1978, pp. 64-67. C.A.T., 1, pp. 49-52.
KOUWENHOVEN M., Systèmes parentaux absents, déficients et déviants, A.A.T., 28, 1983, pp. 179-184. C.A.T., 4, pp. 110-115.
KAHN SCHNEIDER J., Un usage thérapeutique de la structure du deuxième ordre du Parent., A.A.T., 17, 1981, pp. 55-57. C.A.T., 6, pp. 72-73.
- 4. Aspects fonctionnels
KAHLER T., Analyse structurale : un éclairage sur la cohérence des signes de reconnaissance, le fonctionnement du Parent et les égogrammes, A.A.T., 4, 1977, pp. 181-185. C.A.T., 1, pp. 88-92.
FRANK J.S., L'Enfant Adapté et le Parent Critique, A.A.T., 6, 1978, pp. 76-77. C.A.T., 6, pp. 190-191.
EDWARDS M., Les deux Parents, A.A.T., 6, 1978, pp. 62-63. C.A.T., 1, pp. 47-48.
- 5. Organisations
WALTER M., (Forum) Fonction et usage du Parent, A.A.T., 107, 2003, pp. 58-60.
SUMMERTON O., Le coup de pouce du Parent, A.A.T., 50, 1989, pp. 88-90.
- 6. Aspects collectifs
NOCE J.S., NOCE S.F. et McLELLAN A.T., La fonction parentale collective dans une communauté pour alcooliques, A.A.T., 22, 1982, pp. 109-112. C.A.T., 6, pp. 207-210.
DREGO P., Le Parent culturel, A.A.T., 33, 1985, pp. 4-8. Perspectives multiculturelles et A.T., Eds A.T., 2012, pp. 45-49.
NOCE J.S., Le parentage collectif dans des communautés thérapeutiques, A.A.T., 22, 1982, pp. 103-108. C.A.T., 4, pp. 104-109.
DREGO P., Parent et mutations sociales, A.A.T., 22, 1982, pp. 71-78. C.A.T., 5, pp. 54-61.
DAGOSTINO L., Restructurer le Parent organisationnel, A.A.T., 66, 1993, pp. 75-81.
- 7. Interventions
DUPIN C.M., (Forum) De l'usage du Parent dans ma pratique, A.A.T., 107, 2003, pp. 55-56.
GIUSTI M.A., Etapes de la thérapie et plan d'intervention, A.A.T., 106, 2003, pp. 1-26.
McNEEL J. R., La demande archaïque, A.A.T., 22, 1982, pp. 68-70. C.A.T., 3, pp. 36-38.
MITCHELL A., La greffe du Parent., A.A.T., 29, 1984, pp. 36-38. C.A.T., 6, pp. 214-216.
DASHIELL S.R., La résolution dans le Parent : reprogrammer les incorporations parentales, A.A.T., 17, 1981, pp. 22-27. C.A.T., 4, pp. 83-88.
OBLAS A.S., La suggestion indirecte dans l'interview du parent, A.A.T., 22, 1982, pp. 89-92. C.A.T., 3, pp. 49-52.
KOUWENHOVEN M., La thérapie des systèmes parentaux absents et déficients, A.A.T., 28, 1983, pp. 185-190. C.A.T., 4, pp. 116-121.
McGEE B.A., La thérapie du Parent à double face, A.A.T., 6, 1978, pp. 71-75. C.A.T., 6, pp. 58-62.
LAMMERS W., L'A.T. et le traitement de l'asthme chez l'adulte, A.A.T., 62, 1992, pp. 84-92.
MELLOR K. et ANDREWARTHA G., Le parentage du Parent dans les redécisions, A.A.T., 17, 1981, pp. 28-34. C.A.T., 4, pp. 89-95.
McNEEL J. R., L'interview du parent, A.A.T., 6, 1978, pp. 78-85. C.A.T., 1, pp. 56-63.
TACHKER-BRUN F., Qui est sur la chaise d'en face ?, A.A.T., 71, 1994, pp. 140-144.
MAYSTADT M., (Forum) Réflexions sur l'usage du Parent dans la pratique en Guidance, A.A.T., 107, 2003, pp. 57-58.
KAHN SCHNEIDER J., Un usage thérapeutique de la structure du deuxième ordre du Parent., A.A.T., 17, 1981, pp. 55-57. C.A.T., 6, pp. 72-73.


PRICE R., Hypnose, régression et auto-parentage, A.A.T., 41, 1987, pp. 40-48.
NOCE J.S., NOCE S.F. et McLELLAN A.T., La fonction parentale collective dans une communauté pour alcooliques, A.A.T., 22, 1982, pp. 109-112. C.A.T., 6, pp. 207-210.
DASHIELL S.R., La résolution dans le Parent : reprogrammer les incorporations parentales, A.A.T., 17, 1981, pp. 22-27. C.A.T., 4, pp. 83-88.
JAMES M., L'autoparentage: théorie et processus, A.A.T., 29, 1984, pp. 5-11. C.A.T., 4, pp. 122-128.
HOSTIE R., (Edit.) Le Parent et le parentage en A.T., A.A.T., 29, 1984, pp. 2-4. Télécharger.
VAGO M. et KNAPP B.W., Le Parentage : protéger pour permettre la croissance, A.A.T., 6, 1978, pp. 90-91. C.A.T., 6, pp. 56-57.
MELLOR K. et ANDREWARTHA G., Le parentage du Parent dans les redécisions, A.A.T., 17, 1981, pp. 28-34. C.A.T., 4, pp. 89-95.
OSNES R.E., Le parentage ponctuel, A.A.T., 17, 1981, pp. 15-21. C.A.T., 4, pp. 76-82.
WEISS L., L'éthique du parentage et du reparentage en psychothérapie, A.A.T., 77, 1996, pp. 17-19.
DEL CASALE F.P., MUNILLA H.L., ROVERA de DEL CASALE L. et FULLONE E., parentage déficient et parentage thérapeutique, A.A.T., 29, 1984, pp. 28-32. C.A.T., 4, pp. 129-133.
HOSTIE R., (Edit.) Parentage et reparentage, A.A.T., 17, 1981, pp. 2-3.
MORONEY M.K., Parentage et reparentage en A.T. : cinq méthodes, A.A.T., 54, 1990, pp. 69-76.
DUNN S.R., Recréer le Parent Nourricier : une résolution de l'impasse du troisième degré, A.A.T., 12, 1979, pp. 183-184. C.A.T., 1, pp. 64-66.
WHITE A., Un dialogue des trois chaises pour le parentage, A.A.T., 29, 1984, pp. 33-34. C.A.T., 4, pp. 134-135.


BENOIT M., (Forum) A propos d'un tableau !, A.A.T., 106, 2003, pp. 57-58.
REUSS H., Blocages, altérations et marchandage dans le travail de deuil, A.A.T., 106, 2003, pp. 43-55.
MASSEY R.F., Intégrer l'A.T. et l'approche systémique en thérapie de couples : 1. aspects théoriques, A.A.T., 55, 1990, pp. 109-119. C.A.T., 8, pp. 11-21.
WAYNE HART E., La courbe de l'escalade, A.A.T., 4, 1977, pp. 207-208.
SCHIFF J.L., La passivité et sa confrontation : un aperçu historique, A.A.T., 47, 1988, pp. 122-126.
ANDRE B., Le défi de la démotivation, A.A.T., 78, 1996, pp. 57-62.
DIVAC-JOVANOVIC M. et RADOJKOVIC S., Le traitement des phénomènes borderline, indépendamment des catégories diagnostiques, A.A.T., 45, 1988, pp. 14-22.
CADOT H., (Forum) L'écoute des diverses expressions de la passivité : un fil d'Ariane précieux pour les psychothérapeutes, A.A.T., 106, 2003, pp. 58-61.
REDDY M., (Edit.) Les Schiff et le traitement de la passivité, A.A.T., 3, 1977, pp. 98-99.
EDWARDS S.A., L'hyperactivité : un comportement passif, A.A.T., 13, 1980, pp. 42-44. C.A.T., 7, pp. 225-227.
SCHIFF A.W. et SCHIFF J.L., Passivité, A.A.T., 3, 1977, pp. 121-128. C.A.T., 2, pp. 139-146.
MASSEY R.F., Passivité, paradoxe et changement dans les systèmes familiaux, A.A.T., 34, 1985, pp. 53-63. C.A.T., 5, pp. 131-141.
CRESPELLE A., Trois pièges de la passivité : les enjeux confondus, les enjeux accrochés, les enjeux cachés, A.A.T., 34, 1985, pp. 92-96. C.A.T., 5, pp. 176-180.

Pensée (troubles de la)

CARTMEL Ge., Les dysfonctionnements cognitifs dans les troubles psychosomatiques, A.A.T., 69, 1994, pp. 15-24.

Permission, protection, puissance

- 1. Ensemble : les trois ‘P’ ou le triangle d’autonomie
JONGEWARD D. et BLAKENEY R.N., Appliquer l'A.T. dans les organismes, A.A.T., 18, 1981, pp. 60-64. C.A.T., 7, pp. 272-275.
GREGOIRE J., Autour de l'article "permission et protection" de Pat Crossman, A.A.T., 104, 2002, p. 181.
SICHEM V. et NASIELSKI S., (Edit.) Education, A.A.T., 84, 1997, pp. 123-124.
PARRY T.A., Etre ou ne pas être OK : le développement de l'Enfant., A.A.T., 15, 1980, pp. 136-142. C.A.T., 5, pp. 91-97.
REUSS H., L'autorité saine, A.A.T., 84, 1997, pp. 130-134.
TRAUBE P., Le groupe supra-thérapeute, A.A.T., 54, 1990, pp. 88-96.
TRAUBE P., Le groupe thérapeutique en A.T. : dispositif verrouillé et mégathérapeute, A.A.T., 16, 1980, pp. 195-196.
GUICQUERO A.M., (Forum) Les 3P, comment les penser aujourd'hui, A.A.T., 105, 2003, p. 71.
LORIA B.R., L'état du moi Parent : fondements berniens et altérations ultérieures, A.A.T., 60, 1991, pp. 152-160.
CROSSMAN P., Permission et Protection, A.A.T., 2, 1977, pp. 51-53, (Cf. A.A.T. 104 p. 181). C.A.T., 2, pp. 81-83.
BUSSAT F., (Forum) Permission et Protection : Deux réalités psychorelationnelles et psycho-physiologiques, A.A.T., 105, 2003, pp. 67-69.
SEYS M.C., (Forum) Permissions et Protection en Education, A.A.T., 105, 2003, pp. 72-73.
SICHEM V., Protection, Permission, Puissance : au cœur du débat en éducation, A.A.T., 84, 1997, pp. 125-129.
GREGOIRE J., (Forum) Un concept n'est pas un texte, A.A.T., 105, 2003, pp. 69-70.
- 2. Permission
MILLARD VEEVERS H.M., Adoption et placement : quel enfant dans quelle famille ?, A.A.T., 63, 1992, pp. 127-133.
HOLLOWAY W.H., Au-delà de la Permission, A.A.T., 2, 1977, pp. 54-56. C.A.T., 2, pp. 84-86.
ALDEN M., Des injonctions en fils ténus, A.A.T., 58, 1991, pp. 85-88.
BOYCE M.H., Douze Permissions, A.A.T., 13, 1980, pp. 45-47. C.A.T., 2, pp. 90-92.
SICHEM V., Le cerveau propose, l'environnement dispose et l'individu "décide", A.A.T., 62, 1992, pp. 64-70.
KLEIN M., Les ennemis de l'amour, A.A.T., 67, 1993, pp. 127-134.
BEATTIE D.B. et ERSKINE R.G., Les Permissions dans le traitement des problèmes sexuels, A.A.T., 10, 1979, pp. 80-82. C.A.T., 2, pp. 228-230.
ANDRE B., Motiver pour enseigner, A.A.T., 79, 1996, pp. 120-125.
THWEATT W.H., Permissions et systèmes de représentation, A.A.T., 17, 1981, pp. 44-46. C.A.T., 7, pp. 185-186.
ALLEN J.R. et ALLEN B.A., Scénarios et permissions: hypothèses et connotations sous-jacentes, A.A.T., 58, 1991, pp. 55-67. C.A.T., 8, pp. 192-203.
ALLEN J.R. et ALLEN B.A., Scénarios, le rôle de la Permission, A.A.T., 2, 1977, pp. 57-59. C.A.T., 2, pp. 87-89.
- 3. Protection
MOTHERSOLE G., Evaluer le potentiel de violence d'une personne dans un cadre thérapeutique, A.A.T., 103, 2002, pp. 110-117.
CORNELL W.F. et OLIO K.A., La dimension affective du traitement d'abus corporels subis dans l'enfance, A.A.T., 72, 1994, pp. 179-192.
MENEGAUX A., La transaction de protection, A.A.T., 31, 1984, pp. 143-144. C.A.T., 6, pp. 78-79.
VAGO M. et KNAPP B.W., Le marchandage pour la protection, A.A.T., 12, 1979, pp. 174-176. C.A.T., 7, pp. 160-162.
VAGO M. et KNAPP B.W., Le Parentage : protéger pour permettre la croissance, A.A.T., 6, 1978, pp. 90-91. C.A.T., 6, pp. 56-57.
ROBINSON J., Le reparentage en communauté thérapeutique, A.A.T., 102, 2002, pp. 46-52.
CROSSMAN P., Permission et Protection, A.A.T., 2, 1977, pp. 51-53, (Cf. A.A.T. 104 p. 181). C.A.T., 2, pp. 81-83.
GREGOIRE J., Sur quels critères fonder la cohérence et les frontières d'un champ d'application de l'A.T., ou de la formation ?, A.A.T., 72, 1994, pp. 148-158.
- 4. Puissance
ANDERSON J.M., Allergies, visualisation, puissance, A.A.T., 32, 1984, pp. 189-192. C.A.T., 4, pp. 213-216.
NOE J.P., (Edit.) De la puissance, A.A.T., 62, 1992, pp. 50-51.
CAMPOS L.P., Déployer sa puissance, A.A.T., 7, 1978, pp. 134-137. C.A.T., 6, pp. 257-260.
CONWAY A. et CLARKSON P., Inductions hypnotiques quotidiennes, A.A.T., 48, 1988, pp. 156-164.
NOE J.P., La Puissance, A.A.T., 87, 1998, pp. 112-117.
HAIMOWITZ N., La puissance de l'Enfant Adapté du thérapeute, A.A.T., 8, 1978, pp. 171-176. C.A.T., 6, pp. 15-20.
MEREDITH K., La quatrième soif psychologique: le contrôle, A.A.T., 101, 2002, pp. 31-37.
ENGLISH F., La thérapeute et sa puissance, A.A.T., 27, 1983, pp. 120-122. C.A.T., 3, pp. 235-237.
TRAUBE P., Le groupe supra-thérapeute, A.A.T., 54, 1990, pp. 88-96.
HUSS C., Le potentiogramme, A.A.T., 24, 1982, pp. 167-171. C.A.T., 4, pp. 164-168.
BARNES G., Les métaphores de l'énergie : II. Les applications schiffiennes, A.A.T., 98, 2001, pp. 57-67. Ajouter au panier.
STEINER C.M., Un antidote à l'autoritarisme : les sept sources du pouvoir, A.A.T., 46, 1988, pp. 67-70. Pouvoir & autorité, Eds A.T., 2010, pp. 121-126.

Personnalité (troubles de la)

- 1. Théorie générale
JOINES V.S., Diagnostic et plan de traitement : un cadre de référence transactionnel, A.A.T., 54, 1990, pp. 63-68.
HOYT M.F., Le diagnostic des troubles de la personnalité, A.A.T., 61, 1992, pp. 12-26.
HAZELL J.W., Les drivers en tant que médiateurs des réactions de stress, A.A.T., 57, 1991, pp. 24-40.
WILMOTTE J., (Edit.) Plan de traitement, A.A.T., 35, 1985, pp. 98-99.
FILLIOZAT R., (Edit.) Troubles de la personnalité et psychoses, A.A.T., 28, 1983, pp. 154-155.
- 2. Personnalités borderline et narcissiques
KARAKASHIAN S.J., La personnalité borderline : diagnostic différentiel, A.A.T., 60, 1991, pp. 177-184.
BARR-BROWN M. et McDOUGALL I., La personnalité borderline en A.T., A.A.T., 35, 1985, pp. 100-106. C.A.T., 5, pp. 253-259.
WOODS M. et WOODS K., La scission du moi en A.T., A.A.T., 23, 1982, pp. 139-141. C.A.T., 3, pp. 53-55.
NOVELLINO M., L'analyse redécisionnelle du transfert : la dimension inconsciente, A.A.T., 48, 1988, pp. 148-154.
NOVELLINO M., L'anti-leadership dans les groupes d'A.T., A.A.T., 37, 1986, pp. 15-18.
NOVELLINO M. et MOISO C., L'approche psychodynamique en A.T., A.A.T., 70, 1994, pp. 66-72.
THUNISSEN M.M., Le développement structural de l'état du moi Enfant, A.A.T., 104, 2002, pp. 173-180. C.A.T., 8, pp. 256-263.
DIVAC-JOVANOVIC M. et RADOJKOVIC S., Le traitement des phénomènes borderline, indépendamment des catégories diagnostiques, A.A.T., 45, 1988, pp. 14-22.
McFARREN C., Narcissisme : "Je suis OK - tu n'es pas OK", A.A.T., 103, 2002, pp. 118-123.
MOISO C., Relation transférentielle et analyse structurale, A.A.T., 31, 1984, pp. 133-137. C.A.T., 4, pp. 192-196.
PRICE R., Repenser le trouble borderline de la personnalité, A.A.T., 69, 1994, pp. 28-35.
MOISO C., Transfert et états du moi, A.A.T., 41, 1987, pp. 23-30. C.A.T., 6, pp. 93-100.
SHMUKLER D., Transfert et transactions : croissance, transformation et relations d'objet., A.A.T., 70, 1994, pp. 73-82.
HAYKIN M.D., Troubles de la personnalité : l'impact des expériences archaïques sur la structure de l'Enfant, A.A.T., 23, 1982, pp. 115-125. C.A.T., 4, pp. 229-239.
- 3. Personnalités passives-agressives
BONDS-WHITE F., La personnalité passive-agressive : "Tu es ma chose ... spéciale", A.A.T., 35, 1985, pp. 107-114. C.A.T., 5, pp. 260-267.
BONDS-WHITE F., Le traitement de la personnalité passive-agressive, A.A.T., 35, 1985, pp. 115-124. C.A.T., 5, pp. 268-277.
COLE M., Pouvoir et contre-pouvoir : le jeu qui rend passif- agressif, A.A.T., 35, 1985, pp. 125-129. C.A.T., 5, pp. 278-282.
- 4. Autres
SUSSER L., Bourreaux de travail : un traitement de plein air, A.A.T., 24, 1982, pp. 163-166. C.A.T., 4, pp. 260-263.
BIRNBAUM J., Changer les signes de reconnaissance externes : une thérapie du trouble histrionique de la personnalité, A.A.T., 45, 1988, pp. 39-44.
HYAMS H., Dissociation: définitoin, diagnostic, manifestations, thérapie et lien avec les sectes, A.A.T., 102, 2002, pp. 59-68.
NOVELLINO M., Le syndrome de Pinocchio, A.A.T., 103, 2002, pp. 130-135.


WOODS K., Le danger de sadisme dans le reparentage de psychotique, A.A.T., 102, 2002, pp. 80-86.

Petit professeur (adulte dans l’enfant)

HOSTIE R., (Edit.) Adulte et Petit Professeur, A.A.T., 10, 1979, p. 50.
ROBINSON J.A., La rencontre du Petit Professeur chez le client psychotique, A.A.T., 13, 1980, pp. 36-37. C.A.T., 7, pp. 183-184.
STEERE D.A., Le protocole, A.A.T., 41, 1987, pp. 4-17.
GREGOIRE J., Logique de l'Adulte, logique de l'Enfant., A.A.T., 26, 1983, pp. 84-88. C.A.T., 3, pp. 56-60.
HUGHES R.L., Petit Professeur et cerveau droit., A.A.T., 10, 1979, pp. 67-69, sous le titre : Le Petit Professeur est-il adroit, est-il à droite ? C.A.T., 6, pp. 192-194.
HELMAN D.N. et AUSTIN V., Piaget et la mythologie du Petit Professeur, A.A.T., 10, 1979, pp. 57-63. C.A.T., 1, pp. 73-79.

Peurs névrotiques

Philosophie de l’A.T.

TUDOR K., Supervision en A.T. ou supervision analysée par l'A.T., A.A.T., 105, 2003, pp. 1-28.


ABIGNENTE G., CESARO M. et NOVELLINO M., Scénario, compulsion de répétition, mythe familial : une réflexion métapsychologique, A.A.T., 55, 1990, pp. 100-108. C.A.T., 8, pp. 184-191.
GELLERT S.D., Une cure rapide de certaines phobies, A.A.T., 5, 1978, pp. 46-48. C.A.T., 2, pp. 231-233.


ROUSTAN M., La thérapie par la photo et le concept d'image de soi, A.A.T., 82, 1997, pp. 56-60.


CLARKSON P., L'analyse transactionnelle, une psychothérapie humaniste, A.A.T., 78, 1996, pp. 51-56.
CLARKSON P., Metanoia : un processus de transformation, A.A.T., 96, 2000, pp. 124-134.

Piaget et l’A.T.

O'HEARNE ESLINGER J., L'A.T., Piaget et la pensée magique, A.A.T., 10, 1979, pp. 64-66. C.A.T., 1, pp. 80-82.
SICHEM V., L'inhibition intellectuelle dans la relation au savoir, A.A.T., 67, 1993, pp. 100-106.
HELMAN D.N. et AUSTIN V., Piaget et la mythologie du Petit Professeur, A.A.T., 10, 1979, pp. 57-63. C.A.T., 1, pp. 73-79.

Plan de traitement

GIUSTI M.A., Etapes de la thérapie et plan d'intervention, A.A.T., 106, 2003, pp. 1-26.
TUDOR K., Supervision en A.T. ou supervision analysée par l'A.T., A.A.T., 105, 2003, pp. 1-28.
JESSON A., Un tableau pour le diagnostic et le plan de traitement, A.A.T., 89, 1999, pp. 37-40. C.A.T., 7, pp. 172-175.

Politique et sociale (dimension)

Positions de vie

- 1. En général
voir Physis
MASSEY R.F., L'analyse transactionnelle en tan que psychologie sociale, A.A.T., 99, 2001, pp. 110-119.
CLARKSON P., L'analyse transactionnelle, une psychothérapie humaniste, A.A.T., 78, 1996, pp. 51-56.
ROBINSON J., Le reparentage en communauté thérapeutique, A.A.T., 102, 2002, pp. 46-52.
PORTER-STEELE N., Que signifie "Je suis OK - Tu es OK" ?, A.A.T., 21, 1982, pp. 26-28. C.A.T., 7, pp. 77-78.
NOVEY T.B., Une définition de la guérison : 95% du temps dans la position "Je suis OK - Tu es OK", A.A.T., 16, 1980, pp. 170-175. C.A.T., 2, pp. 244-249.
- 2. Positions de vie et étapes de la
ENGLISH F., "Je suis OK - Tu es OK (Adulte)", A.A.T., 10, 1979, pp. 76-79. C.A.T., 1, pp. 148-151.
NOE J.P., Cohérence des différentes conceptions de la genèse scénarique, A.A.T., 83, 1997, pp. 97-104. C.A.T., 7, pp. 69-76.
PARRY T.A., Etre ou ne pas être OK : le développement de l'Enfant., A.A.T., 15, 1980, pp. 136-142. C.A.T., 5, pp. 91-97.
HINE J., La dynamique des positions de vie, A.A.T., 25, 1983, pp. 25-30. C.A.T., 5, pp. 184-189.
- 3. Enclos OK
ERNST F.H. Jr, L'enclos OK, une grille pour "aller de l'avant avec l'autre", A.A.T., 6, 1978, pp. 52-61. C.A.T., 1, pp. 133-142.
ERNST F.H. Jr, Les sentiments-parasites et l'enclos OK, A.A.T., 7, 1978, pp. 114-118. C.A.T., 1, pp. 143-147.
- 4. Dynamique spécifiques
MAZZETTI M., Créer une relation "je suis ok - tu es ok" par-delà les cultures, A.A.T., 88, 1998, pp. 149-154. Perspectives multiculturelles et A.T., Eds A.T., 2012, pp. 109-114.
JOINES V.S., Diagnostic et plan de traitement : un cadre de référence transactionnel, A.A.T., 54, 1990, pp. 63-68.
HINE J., La nature bilatérale et continue des jeux psychologiques, A.A.T., 74, 1995, pp. 73-86.
SICHEM V., Le cerveau propose, l'environnement dispose et l'individu "décide", A.A.T., 62, 1992, pp. 64-70.
SYMOR N.K., Le cycle de la dépendance, A.A.T., 27, 1983, pp. 140-145. C.A.T., 3, pp. 241-246.
ANDRE B., Le défi de la démotivation, A.A.T., 78, 1996, pp. 57-62.
HOYT M.F., Le diagnostic des troubles de la personnalité, A.A.T., 61, 1992, pp. 12-26.
WOUTERS A. et SMALE G., Le diagnostic selon le système des personnalités de Millon et ses implications pour l'A.T., A.A.T., 69, 1994, pp. 36-46.
MASSEY R.F. et DAVIS MASSEY S., Le traitement des enfants avec leur famille : une approche systémique, A.A.T., 51, 1989, pp. 111-126.
ZERIN M., Le triangle dramatique en thérapie familiale, A.A.T., 59, 1991, pp. 137-144. C.A.T., 8, pp. 35-41.
CLARKSON P., L'épuisement et les circuits parasitaires des aidants professionnels, A.A.T., 73, 1995, pp. 32-37.
CLARKSON P., Les enfants maltraités : leurs dilemmes au niveau des états du moi, A.A.T., 53, 1990, pp. 37-48.
KARPMAN S.B., Réactions au débat sur le transfert : le transfert en tant que jeu psychologique, A.A.T., 64, 1992, pp. 164-170.
KASPER C.J. et ALFORD J.M., Thérapie redécisionnelle d'hommes auteurs d'abus sexuels sur des enfants, A.A.T., 56, 1990, pp. 177-185.
- 5. Organisations
WALLGREN K.R., L'enclos OK de la gestion, A.A.T., 8, 1978, pp. 166-168. C.A.T., 1, pp. 236-238.
KRAUSZ R., Management et A.T., A.A.T., 18, 1981, pp. 74-78. C.A.T., 3, pp. 143-147.
KRAUSZ R., Scénarios organisationnels, A.A.T., 71, 1994, pp. 100-110.


- 1. En général
JACOBS A., Analyse transactionnelle et applications sociales, A.A.T., 96, 2000, pp. 141-144.
RUBBERS B., (Edit.) Le pouvoir, pourquoi pas ?, A.A.T., 91, 1999, pp. 88-89.
STEINER C.M., Un antidote à l'autoritarisme : les sept sources du pouvoir, A.A.T., 46, 1988, pp. 67-70. Pouvoir & autorité, Eds A.T., 2010, pp. 121-126.
- 2. Relations et éducation
CAMPOS L.P., Augmenter le pouvoir de l'enfant pour prévenir la mise en place du scénario, A.A.T., 44, 1987, pp. 171-178. C.A.T., 8, pp. 176-183.
MARTORELL J.L., Mystifications et jeux psychologiques de pouvoir en thérapie de couples, A.A.T., 84, 1997, pp. 151-160. C.A.T., 8, pp. 42-52.
COLE M., Pouvoir et contre-pouvoir : le jeu qui rend passif- agressif, A.A.T., 35, 1985, pp. 125-129. C.A.T., 5, pp. 278-282.
- 3. Organisations
- 4. Dimension politique et sociale

Préjugés sociaux

JAMES N.L., Cadre de référence culturel et rencontres entre groupes sociaux, A.A.T., 77, 1996, pp. 3-7. Perspectives multiculturelles et A.T., Eds A.T., 2012, pp. 39-43.
PICKETT L., Des ateliers multiculturels pour la formation des enseignants, A.A.T., 79, 1996, pp. 92-102. Perspectives multiculturelles et A.T., Eds A.T., 2012, pp. 131-140.
Van POELJE S., La résistance aux actions pour la représentativité des groupes sociaux dans une organisation, A.A.T., 71, 1994, pp. 127-132.
KRUSE T.L., L'A.T. pour les personnes âgées, A.A.T., 39, 1986, pp. 140-145. C.A.T., 7, pp. 199-204.
ROBERTS D.L., Le problème de la suprématie, A.A.T., 38, 1986, pp. 83-84. Perspectives multiculturelles et A.T., Eds A.T., 2012, pp. 107-108.
BESLIJA A., Les Serbes, leur psychisme et l'escalade dans le comportement génocide, A.A.T., 88, 1998, pp. 144-148, (Cf. A.A.T. 89 p. 3).
RAMOND C., Une injonction sub-culturelle : "Ne change pas", A.A.T., 77, 1996, pp. 14-16. Perspectives multiculturelles et A.T., Eds A.T., 2012, pp. 95-97.

Prix Eric Berne

GREGOIRE J., Leonhard Schlegel, prix Eric Berne 2002, A.A.T., 107, 2003, pp. 1-5.
PRIX E. Berne, Les lauréats des Prix Scientifiques Eric Berne de 1971 à 1997, A.A.T., 87, 1998, pp. 118-120.
PRIX E. Berne, (Comm.) Prix Eric Berne, A.A.T., 89, 1999, p. 5.

Prix Raymond Hostie

PRIX R. Hostie, Articles primés 1996, A.A.T., 81, 1997, p. 38.
PRIX R. Hostie, Règlement 2000, A.A.T., 94, 2000, p. 80.
HAUZOUL C., (Comm.) Remerciement prix Raymond Hostie, A.A.T., 89, 1999, p. 4.
GREGOIRE J., Remerciement prix Raymond Hostie 1996,, A.A.T., 81, 1997, p. 39.


GARCIA F.N., La réactivité, A.A.T., 25, 1983, pp. 41-44. C.A.T., 3, pp. 277-280.
GARCIA F.N., La réceptivité active, A.A.T., 67, 1993, pp. 135-140.
FREEDMAN L.D., L'A.T. et le travail en équipe autogérée, A.A.T., 82, 1997, pp. 63-70. C.A.T., 8, pp. 79-86.

Procédures d’intervention

WOODS K., L'analyse indirecte des manifestations du transfert et du contre-transfert, A.A.T., 89, 1999, pp. 27-31. C.A.T., 7, pp. 118-122.
SUMMERTON O., Le sentiment parasite "à rebours", A.A.T., 89, 1999, pp. 32-36.
WALDERKRANZ-PISELLI C.K., Que faisons-nous avant de dire bonjour ? Le corps en tant que mise en scène du scénario, A.A.T., 104, 2002, pp. 155-172.
ALLEN J.R. et ALLEN B.A., Un nouveau type d'analyse transactionnelle : une version du travail sur le scénario à partir d'une sensibilité constructionniste, A.A.T., 93, 2000, pp. 7-18.

Processus de nouvelle identité et A.T.

ROSSEAU M., A.T. et Processus de Nouvelle Identité, A.A.T., 39, 1986, pp. 108-114.

Programmation neurolinguistique et A.T.

CASULA C., Compétence et stratégie dans la conduite d'un groupe, A.A.T., 59, 1991, pp. 104-110.
ARBUTHNOTT D. et ARBUTHNOTT K., Imaginaire et imagerie mentale dans le travail avec les adolescents, A.A.T., 48, 1988, pp. 187-192.
LEDERER A., Le "ralenti" au service de la redécision, A.A.T., 12, 1979, p. 185. C.A.T., 6, p. 63.
THWEATT W.H., Permissions et systèmes de représentation, A.A.T., 17, 1981, pp. 44-46. C.A.T., 7, pp. 185-186.
ROOS P., Projeter l'avenir dans l'imaginaire, A.A.T., 32, 1984, pp. 185-188. C.A.T., 7, pp. 79-81.

Projets institués


STEERE D.A., Le protocole, A.A.T., 41, 1987, pp. 4-17.
GREVE B., Scènes imaginaires et décisions de survie, A.A.T., 2, 1977, pp. 85-88. C.A.T., 2, pp. 110-113.

Psychanalyse et A.T.

PECK H.B., A.T. et psychanalyse : amis ou ennemis ?, A.A.T., 11, 1979, pp. 139-144.
NOE J.P., Cohérence des différentes conceptions de la genèse scénarique, A.A.T., 83, 1997, pp. 97-104. C.A.T., 7, pp. 69-76.
KAPUR R., La dépression : une approche transactionnelle et psychodynamique intégrée, A.A.T., 45, 1988, pp. 23-30.
NOVELLINO M., L'analyse redécisionnelle du transfert : la dimension inconsciente, A.A.T., 48, 1988, pp. 148-154.
HAUZOUL C., L'analyse transactionnelle, une pratique, A.A.T., 85, 1998, pp. 5-8. C.A.T., 8, pp. 158-159.
NOVELLINO M. et MOISO C., L'approche psychodynamique en A.T., A.A.T., 70, 1994, pp. 66-72.
NOE J.P., L'autorisation, A.A.T., 80, 1996, pp. 143-150. C.A.T., 6, pp. 101-108.
DRYE R.C., Les définitions psychanalytiques de la guérison : au-delà de l'accomplissement du contrat., A.A.T., 16, 1980, pp. 163-169. C.A.T., 2, pp. 237-243.
HYAMS H., L'Œdipe de Sophocle, un mythe de la honte : sa relation à Freud et à sa théorie, A.A.T., 81, 1997, pp. 21-26.
HAUZOUL C., Quelques réflexions comparatives à propos des processus thérapeutiques analytique et transactionnel, A.A.T., 85, 1998, pp. 9-16. C.A.T., 8, pp. 160-167.
SCHLEGEL L., Qu'est-ce que l'analyse transactionnelle ?, A.A.T., 85, 1998, pp. 17-32.
TACHKER-BRUN F., Qui est sur la chaise d'en face ?, A.A.T., 71, 1994, pp. 140-144.
CORNELL W.F., Si Berne avait rencontré Winnicott, A.A.T., 100, 2001, pp. 155-160.
CORNELL W.F., Théorie du scénario et recherches sur la croissance, A.A.T., 58, 1991, pp. 68-84.
O'HEARNE J.J., Un chagrin salutaire, A.A.T., 26, 1983, pp. 81-83. C.A.T., 3, pp. 23-25. GREGOIRE J., (Forum) L'intégration de nouveaux concepts : ni "anorexique" ni "boulimique", A.A.T., 126, 2008, pp. 59-61.

Psychanalyse Transactionnelle

GREGOIRE J., (Edit.) Inconscient et A.T., A.A.T., 110, 2004, pp. III-VIII, (Cf. A.A.T. 112 p. 63).
NOVELLINO M., La psychanalyse transactionnelle, A.A.T., 110, 2004, pp. 13-28.

Psychiatrie et A.T.

NASIELSKI S., (Edit.) Analyse transactionnelle et psychiatrie : rêvons un peu …, A.A.T., 43, 1987, pp. 98-99.
DELEU G., DEPAUW Y., Van WETTERE J.P. et WILMOTTE J., Eric, n'oublie pas tes psychiatres..., A.A.T., 52, 1989, pp. 155-163.
NASIELSKI S., (Edit.) Etre transactionnaliste aujourd'hui ?, A.A.T., 52, 1989, pp. 146-148.
WILMOTTE J., (Edit.) Psychiatrie et A.T., A.A.T., 23, 1982, p. 114.
BERNE E., Réunions de staff en présence des patients, A.A.T., 14, 1980, pp. 56-62. C.A.T., 2, pp. 182-190.

Psychiatrie sociale


- 1. En général
WHITE T., Contrats de non-psychose, A.A.T., 102, 2002, pp. 53-58.
WILMOTTE J., (Edit.) Contrats et psychoses, A.A.T., 13, 1980, pp. 2-3.
BOYD H.S. et COWLES-BOYD L.W., Entrer dans la folie, A.A.T., 24, 1982, pp. 172-173. C.A.T., 4, pp. 169-170.
NOVELLINO M. et MOISO C., L'approche psychodynamique en A.T., A.A.T., 70, 1994, pp. 66-72.
ETKIN M., Obésité et folie, A.A.T., 13, 1980, pp. 38-41. C.A.T., 7, pp. 166-169.
FILLIOZAT R., (Edit.) Troubles de la personnalité et psychoses, A.A.T., 28, 1983, pp. 154-155.
- 2. Schizophrénie
LEIBL R., Le traitement de la schizophrénie, A.A.T., 13, 1980, pp. 33-35. C.A.T., 2, pp. 222-224.
NASIELSKI S., (Edit.) Le traitement de la schizophrénie : défi technique et engagement contraignant, A.A.T., 102, 2002, pp. 42-44.
SCHIFF J.L., Reparentage de schizophrènes, A.A.T., 3, 1977, pp. 100-112. C.A.T., 2, pp. 126-138.
- 3. Paranoïa
WOODS K. et WOODS M., Le traitement de la paranoïa, A.A.T., 13, 1980, pp. 29-32. C.A.T., 2, pp. 218-221.
- 4. Autres
HYAMS H., Dissociation: définitoin, diagnostic, manifestations, thérapie et lien avec les sectes, A.A.T., 102, 2002, pp. 59-68.

Psychosomatiques (troubles)


-1. Principes généraux GREGOIRE J., (Forum) L'intégration de nouveaux concepts : ni "anorexique" ni "boulimique", A.A.T., 126, 2008, pp. 59-61. -2. Psychothérapie intégrative MAQUET J. et QUAZZA J.P., (Forum) A.T. et autres approches : intégration ou désintégration ?, A.A.T., 126, 2008, pp. 49-51. -3. Psychothérapie analytique dynamicienne et AT voir Analytique dynamicienne (psychothérapie) et A.T. -4. Traitements psychologiques THUNISSEN M.M., Tout est dans le jeu psychologique : le travail avec les jeux psychologiques et les sentiments parasites, A.A.T., 126, 2008, pp. 23-32.

Pulsions et libido

NOE J.P., L'autorisation, A.A.T., 80, 1996, pp. 143-150. C.A.T., 6, pp. 101-108.

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      .25 (string) = 1428
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      .19 (string) = 1416
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      .22 (string) = 1422
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      .26 (string) = 1430
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      .30 (string) = 1438
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      .32 (string) = 1444
      .33 (string) = 1447
      .34 (string) = 1448
      .35 (string) = 1450
      .36 (string) = 1452
      .37 (string) = 1454
      .38 (string) = 1456
      .39 (string) = 1458
      .40 (string) = 1460
      .41 (string) = 1462
      .42 (string) = 1464
      .43 (string) = 1466
      .44 (string) = 1468
      .45 (string) = 1472
      .46 (string) = 1470
      .47 (string) = 1474
      .48 (string) = 1476
      .49 (string) = 1478
      .50 (string) = 1482
      .51 (string) = 1481
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      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/p-n-l-et-a-t
      .position (string) = 210
      .active (string) = 1
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      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:27
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      .title (string) = Paradoxe et intervention paradoxale
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/paradoxe-et-intervention-paradoxale
      .position (string) = 211
      .active (string) = 1
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      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:27
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      .title (string) = Parallèle (processus)
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/parallele-processus
      .position (string) = 212
      .active (string) = 1
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      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:27
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      .active (string) = 1
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      .title (string) = Parasitage
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/parasitage
      .position (string) = 214
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:27
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:27
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      .title (string) = Parasitaire (circuit) et système scénarique
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/parasitaire-circuit-et-systeme-scenarique
      .position (string) = 215
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:27
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:27
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   [1388] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1388
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-parasitaires-elements
      .title (string) = Parasitaires (éléments)
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/parasitaires-elements
      .position (string) = 216
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:27
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:27
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      .end_time (NULL) =
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      .title (string) = Parasite (sentiment)
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/parasite-sentiment
      .position (string) = 217
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:27
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:27
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
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   [1392] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1392
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-pardon
      .title (string) = Pardon
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/pardon
      .position (string) = 218
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:27
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:27
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
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   [1394] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
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      .alias (string) = mot-cle-parent-etat-du-moi
      .title (string) = Parent (état du moi)
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/parent-etat-du-moi
      .position (string) = 219
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:27
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:27
      .start_time (NULL) =
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   [1398] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1398
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-parentage
      .title (string) = Parentage
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/parentage
      .position (string) = 220
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:28
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:28
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
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   [1400] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1400
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-parents
      .title (string) = Parents
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/parents
      .position (string) = 221
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:28
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:28
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
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      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
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   [1402] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1402
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-passives-agressives-personnalites
      .title (string) = Passives-agressives (personnalités)
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/passives-agressives-personnalites
      .position (string) = 222
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:28
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:28
      .start_time (NULL) =
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   [1406] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1406
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      .title (string) = Passivité
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/passivite
      .position (string) = 223
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:28
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:28
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      .end_time (NULL) =
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   [1405] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1405
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-pensee-troubles-de-la
      .title (string) = Pensée (troubles de la)
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/pensee-troubles-de-la
      .position (string) = 224
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:28
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:28
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
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      .title (string) = Permission, protection, puissance
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/permission-protection-puissance
      .position (string) = 225
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:28
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:28
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   [1410] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1410
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-persecuteur
      .title (string) = Persécuteur
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/persecuteur
      .position (string) = 226
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:28
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:28
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
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   [1412] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1412
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-personnalite-troubles-de-la
      .title (string) = Personnalité (troubles de la)
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/personnalite-troubles-de-la
      .position (string) = 227
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:28
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:28
      .start_time (NULL) =
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   [1414] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1414
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      .title (string) = Personnalité (types de)
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/personnalite-types-de
      .position (string) = 228
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:28
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:28
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
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   [1416] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1416
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-perversions
      .title (string) = Perversions
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/perversions
      .position (string) = 229
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:28
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:28
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
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      .key2 (NULL) =
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   [1418] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1418
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-petit-professeur-adulte-dans-lenfant
      .title (string) = Petit professeur (adulte dans l’enfant)
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/petit-professeur-adulte-dans-lenfant
      .position (string) = 230
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:28
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:28
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      .title (string) = Peurs névrotiques
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/peurs-nevrotiques
      .position (string) = 231
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:29
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:29
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
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   [1422] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1422
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-philosophie-de-la-t
      .title (string) = Philosophie de l’A.T.
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/philosophie-de-la-t
      .position (string) = 232
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:29
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:29
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
      ->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = {      }
   [1424] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1424
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-phobies
      .title (string) = Phobies
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/phobies
      .position (string) = 233
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:29
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:29
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
      ->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = {      }
   [1426] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1426
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-photographie
      .title (string) = Photographie
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/photographie
      .position (string) = 234
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:29
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:29
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
      ->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = {      }
   [1428] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1428
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-physis
      .title (string) = Physis
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/physis
      .position (string) = 235
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:29
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:29
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
      ->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = {      }
   [1430] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1430
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-piaget-et-la-t
      .title (string) = Piaget et l’A.T.
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/piaget-et-la-t
      .position (string) = 236
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:29
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:29
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
      ->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = {      }
   [1432] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1432
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-plan-de-traitement
      .title (string) = Plan de traitement
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/plan-de-traitement
      .position (string) = 237
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:29
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:29
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
      ->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = {      }
   [1436] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1436
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-politique-et-sociale-dimension
      .title (string) = Politique et sociale (dimension)
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/politique-et-sociale-dimension
      .position (string) = 238
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:29
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:29
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
      ->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = {      }
   [1434] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1434
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-porte-ouverte-porte-visee-porte-piegee
      .title (string) = Porte ouverte, porte visée, porte piégée
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/porte-ouverte-porte-visee-porte-piegee
      .position (string) = 239
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:29
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:29
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
      ->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = {      }
   [1438] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1438
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-positions-de-vie
      .title (string) = Positions de vie
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/positions-de-vie
      .position (string) = 240
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:30
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:30
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
      ->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = {      }
   [1440] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1440
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-pouvoir
      .title (string) = Pouvoir
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/pouvoir
      .position (string) = 241
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:30
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:30
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
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   [1444] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1444
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-prejuges-sociaux
      .title (string) = Préjugés sociaux
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/prejuges-sociaux
      .position (string) = 242
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:31
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:31
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
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   [1447] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1447
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-prisons
      .title (string) = Prisons
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/prisons
      .position (string) = 243
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:27
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:27
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
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   [1448] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1448
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-prix-eric-berne
      .title (string) = Prix Eric Berne
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/prix-eric-berne
      .position (string) = 244
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:31
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:31
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
      ->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = {      }
   [1450] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1450
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-prix-raymond-hostie
      .title (string) = Prix Raymond Hostie
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/prix-raymond-hostie
      .position (string) = 245
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:31
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:31
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
      ->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = {      }
   [1452] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1452
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-proactivite
      .title (string) = Proactivité
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/proactivite
      .position (string) = 246
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:31
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:31
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
      ->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = {      }
   [1454] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1454
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-procedures-dintervention
      .title (string) = Procédures d’intervention
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/procedures-dintervention
      .position (string) = 247
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:31
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:31
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
      ->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = {      }
   [1456] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1456
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-processus-de-groupe
      .title (string) = Processus de groupe
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/processus-de-groupe
      .position (string) = 248
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:31
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:31
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
      ->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = {      }
   [1458] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1458
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-processus-de-nouvelle-identite-et-a-t
      .title (string) = Processus de nouvelle identité et A.T.
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/processus-de-nouvelle-identite-et-a-t
      .position (string) = 249
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:32
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:32
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
      ->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = {      }
   [1460] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1460
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-processus-therapeutique
      .title (string) = Processus thérapeutique
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/processus-therapeutique
      .position (string) = 250
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:32
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:32
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
      ->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = {      }
   [1462] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1462
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-programmation-neurolinguistique-et-a-t
      .title (string) = Programmation neurolinguistique et A.T.
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/programmation-neurolinguistique-et-a-t
      .position (string) = 251
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:32
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:32
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
      ->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = {      }
   [1464] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1464
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-projection
      .title (string) = Projection
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/projection
      .position (string) = 252
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:32
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:32
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
      ->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = {      }
   [1466] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1466
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-projets-institues
      .title (string) = Projets institués
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/projets-institues
      .position (string) = 253
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:32
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:32
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
      ->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = {      }
   [1468] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1468
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-protection
      .title (string) = Protection
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/protection
      .position (string) = 254
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:32
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:32
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
      ->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = {      }
   [1472] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1472
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-protocole
      .title (string) = Protocole
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/protocole
      .position (string) = 255
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:32
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:32
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
      ->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = {      }
   [1470] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1470
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-psychanalyse-et-a-t
      .title (string) = Psychanalyse et A.T.
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/psychanalyse-et-a-t
      .position (string) = 256
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:32
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:32
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
      ->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = {      }
   [1474] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1474
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-psychanalyse-transactionnelle
      .title (string) = Psychanalyse Transactionnelle
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/psychanalyse-transactionnelle
      .position (string) = 257
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:32
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:32
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
      ->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = {      }
   [1476] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1476
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-psychiatrie-et-a-t
      .title (string) = Psychiatrie et A.T.
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/psychiatrie-et-a-t
      .position (string) = 258
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:32
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:32
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
      ->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = {      }
   [1478] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1478
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-psychiatrie-sociale
      .title (string) = Psychiatrie sociale
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/psychiatrie-sociale
      .position (string) = 259
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:32
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:32
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
      ->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = {      }
   [1482] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1482
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-psychodynamique-approche-de-la-t
      .title (string) = Psychodynamique (approche) de l'A.T.
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/psychodynamique-approche-de-la-t
      .position (string) = 260
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:33
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:33
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
      ->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = {      }
   [1481] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1481
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-psychopathie
      .title (string) = Psychopathie
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/psychopathie
      .position (string) = 261
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:33
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:33
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
      ->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = {      }
   [1484] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1484
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-psychoses
      .title (string) = Psychoses
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/psychoses
      .position (string) = 262
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:33
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:33
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
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   [1486] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1486
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-psychosomatiques-troubles
      .title (string) = Psychosomatiques (troubles)
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/psychosomatiques-troubles
      .position (string) = 263
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:33
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:33
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
      ->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = {      }
   [2467] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 2467
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-psychotherapie
      .title (string) = Psychothérapie
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/psychotherapie
      .position (string) = 264
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:33
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:33
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
      ->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = {      }
   [1490] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1490
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-puissance
      .title (string) = Puissance
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/puissance
      .position (string) = 265
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:33
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:33
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
      ->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = {      }
   [1492] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1492
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-pulsions-et-libido
      .title (string) = Pulsions et libido
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/pulsions-et-libido
      .position (string) = 266
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:33
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:33
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
      ->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = {      }
$LISEmotscles_items (array) = [
   [1376] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1376
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-p-n-l-et-a-t
      .title (string) = P.N.L. et A.T.
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/p-n-l-et-a-t
      .position (string) = 210
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:27
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:27
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
      ->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = {      }
   [1378] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1378
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-paradoxe-et-intervention-paradoxale
      .title (string) = Paradoxe et intervention paradoxale
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/paradoxe-et-intervention-paradoxale
      .position (string) = 211
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:27
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:27
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
      ->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = {      }
   [1380] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1380
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-parallele-processus
      .title (string) = Parallèle (processus)
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/parallele-processus
      .position (string) = 212
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:27
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:27
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
      ->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = {      }
   [1384] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1384
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-paranoia
      .title (string) = Paranoïa
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/paranoia
      .position (string) = 213
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:27
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:27
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
      ->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = {      }
   [1382] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1382
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-parasitage
      .title (string) = Parasitage
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/parasitage
      .position (string) = 214
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:27
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:27
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
      ->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = {      }
   [1386] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1386
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-parasitaire-circuit-et-systeme-scenarique
      .title (string) = Parasitaire (circuit) et système scénarique
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/parasitaire-circuit-et-systeme-scenarique
      .position (string) = 215
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:27
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:27
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
      ->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = {      }
   [1388] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1388
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-parasitaires-elements
      .title (string) = Parasitaires (éléments)
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/parasitaires-elements
      .position (string) = 216
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:27
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:27
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
      ->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = {      }
   [1390] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1390
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-parasite-sentiment
      .title (string) = Parasite (sentiment)
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/parasite-sentiment
      .position (string) = 217
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:27
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:27
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
      ->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = {      }
   [1392] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1392
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-pardon
      .title (string) = Pardon
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/pardon
      .position (string) = 218
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:27
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:27
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
      ->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = {      }
   [1394] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1394
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-parent-etat-du-moi
      .title (string) = Parent (état du moi)
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/parent-etat-du-moi
      .position (string) = 219
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:27
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:27
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
      ->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = {      }
   [1398] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1398
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-parentage
      .title (string) = Parentage
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/parentage
      .position (string) = 220
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:28
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:28
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
      ->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = {      }
   [1400] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1400
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-parents
      .title (string) = Parents
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/parents
      .position (string) = 221
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:28
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:28
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
      ->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = {      }
   [1402] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1402
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-passives-agressives-personnalites
      .title (string) = Passives-agressives (personnalités)
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/passives-agressives-personnalites
      .position (string) = 222
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:28
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:28
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
      ->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = {      }
   [1406] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1406
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-passivite
      .title (string) = Passivité
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/passivite
      .position (string) = 223
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:28
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:28
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
      ->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = {      }
   [1405] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1405
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-pensee-troubles-de-la
      .title (string) = Pensée (troubles de la)
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/pensee-troubles-de-la
      .position (string) = 224
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:28
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:28
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
      ->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = {      }
   [1408] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1408
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-permission-protection-puissance
      .title (string) = Permission, protection, puissance
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/permission-protection-puissance
      .position (string) = 225
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:28
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:28
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
      ->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = {      }
   [1410] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1410
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-persecuteur
      .title (string) = Persécuteur
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/persecuteur
      .position (string) = 226
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:28
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:28
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
      ->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = {      }
   [1412] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1412
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-personnalite-troubles-de-la
      .title (string) = Personnalité (troubles de la)
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/personnalite-troubles-de-la
      .position (string) = 227
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:28
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:28
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
      ->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = {      }
   [1414] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1414
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-personnalite-types-de
      .title (string) = Personnalité (types de)
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/personnalite-types-de
      .position (string) = 228
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:28
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:28
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
      ->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = {      }
   [1416] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1416
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-perversions
      .title (string) = Perversions
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/perversions
      .position (string) = 229
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:28
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:28
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
      ->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = {      }
   [1418] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1418
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-petit-professeur-adulte-dans-lenfant
      .title (string) = Petit professeur (adulte dans l’enfant)
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/petit-professeur-adulte-dans-lenfant
      .position (string) = 230
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:28
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:28
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
      ->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = {      }
   [1420] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1420
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-peurs-nevrotiques
      .title (string) = Peurs névrotiques
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/peurs-nevrotiques
      .position (string) = 231
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:29
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:29
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
      ->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = {      }
   [1422] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1422
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-philosophie-de-la-t
      .title (string) = Philosophie de l’A.T.
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/philosophie-de-la-t
      .position (string) = 232
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:29
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:29
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
      ->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = {      }
   [1424] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1424
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-phobies
      .title (string) = Phobies
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/phobies
      .position (string) = 233
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:29
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:29
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
      ->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = {      }
   [1426] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1426
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-photographie
      .title (string) = Photographie
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/photographie
      .position (string) = 234
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:29
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:29
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
      ->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = {      }
   [1428] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1428
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-physis
      .title (string) = Physis
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/physis
      .position (string) = 235
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:29
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:29
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
      ->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = {      }
   [1430] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1430
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-piaget-et-la-t
      .title (string) = Piaget et l’A.T.
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/piaget-et-la-t
      .position (string) = 236
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:29
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:29
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
      ->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = {      }
   [1432] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1432
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-plan-de-traitement
      .title (string) = Plan de traitement
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/plan-de-traitement
      .position (string) = 237
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:29
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:29
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
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   [1436] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1436
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-politique-et-sociale-dimension
      .title (string) = Politique et sociale (dimension)
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/politique-et-sociale-dimension
      .position (string) = 238
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:29
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:29
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
      ->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = {      }
   [1434] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1434
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-porte-ouverte-porte-visee-porte-piegee
      .title (string) = Porte ouverte, porte visée, porte piégée
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/porte-ouverte-porte-visee-porte-piegee
      .position (string) = 239
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:29
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:29
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
      ->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = {      }
   [1438] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1438
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-positions-de-vie
      .title (string) = Positions de vie
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/positions-de-vie
      .position (string) = 240
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:30
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:30
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
      ->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = {      }
   [1440] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1440
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-pouvoir
      .title (string) = Pouvoir
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/pouvoir
      .position (string) = 241
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:30
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:30
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
      ->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = {      }
   [1444] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1444
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-prejuges-sociaux
      .title (string) = Préjugés sociaux
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/prejuges-sociaux
      .position (string) = 242
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:31
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:31
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
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   [1447] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1447
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-prisons
      .title (string) = Prisons
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/prisons
      .position (string) = 243
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:27
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:27
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
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   [1448] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1448
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-prix-eric-berne
      .title (string) = Prix Eric Berne
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/prix-eric-berne
      .position (string) = 244
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:31
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:31
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
      ->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = {      }
   [1450] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1450
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-prix-raymond-hostie
      .title (string) = Prix Raymond Hostie
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/prix-raymond-hostie
      .position (string) = 245
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:31
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:31
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
      ->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = {      }
   [1452] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1452
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-proactivite
      .title (string) = Proactivité
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/proactivite
      .position (string) = 246
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:31
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:31
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
      ->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = {      }
   [1454] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1454
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-procedures-dintervention
      .title (string) = Procédures d’intervention
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/procedures-dintervention
      .position (string) = 247
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:31
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:31
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
      ->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = {      }
   [1456] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1456
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-processus-de-groupe
      .title (string) = Processus de groupe
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/processus-de-groupe
      .position (string) = 248
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:31
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:31
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
      ->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = {      }
   [1458] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1458
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-processus-de-nouvelle-identite-et-a-t
      .title (string) = Processus de nouvelle identité et A.T.
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/processus-de-nouvelle-identite-et-a-t
      .position (string) = 249
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:32
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:32
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
      ->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = {      }
   [1460] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1460
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-processus-therapeutique
      .title (string) = Processus thérapeutique
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/processus-therapeutique
      .position (string) = 250
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:32
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:32
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
      ->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = {      }
   [1462] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1462
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-programmation-neurolinguistique-et-a-t
      .title (string) = Programmation neurolinguistique et A.T.
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/programmation-neurolinguistique-et-a-t
      .position (string) = 251
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:32
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:32
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
      ->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = {      }
   [1464] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1464
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-projection
      .title (string) = Projection
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/projection
      .position (string) = 252
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:32
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:32
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
      ->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = {      }
   [1466] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1466
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-projets-institues
      .title (string) = Projets institués
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/projets-institues
      .position (string) = 253
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:32
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:32
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
      ->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = {      }
   [1468] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1468
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-protection
      .title (string) = Protection
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/protection
      .position (string) = 254
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:32
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:32
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
      ->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = {      }
   [1472] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1472
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-protocole
      .title (string) = Protocole
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/protocole
      .position (string) = 255
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:32
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:32
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
      ->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = {      }
   [1470] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1470
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-psychanalyse-et-a-t
      .title (string) = Psychanalyse et A.T.
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/psychanalyse-et-a-t
      .position (string) = 256
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:32
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:32
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
      ->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = {      }
   [1474] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1474
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-psychanalyse-transactionnelle
      .title (string) = Psychanalyse Transactionnelle
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/psychanalyse-transactionnelle
      .position (string) = 257
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:32
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:32
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
      ->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = {      }
   [1476] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1476
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-psychiatrie-et-a-t
      .title (string) = Psychiatrie et A.T.
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/psychiatrie-et-a-t
      .position (string) = 258
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:32
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:32
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
      ->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = {      }
   [1478] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1478
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-psychiatrie-sociale
      .title (string) = Psychiatrie sociale
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/psychiatrie-sociale
      .position (string) = 259
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:32
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:32
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
      ->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = {      }
   [1482] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1482
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-psychodynamique-approche-de-la-t
      .title (string) = Psychodynamique (approche) de l'A.T.
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/psychodynamique-approche-de-la-t
      .position (string) = 260
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:33
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:33
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
      ->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = {      }
   [1481] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1481
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-psychopathie
      .title (string) = Psychopathie
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/psychopathie
      .position (string) = 261
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:33
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:33
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
      ->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = {      }
   [1484] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1484
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-psychoses
      .title (string) = Psychoses
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/psychoses
      .position (string) = 262
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:33
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:33
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
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      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/psychosomatiques-troubles
      .position (string) = 263
      .active (string) = 1
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      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:33
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      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/psychotherapie
      .position (string) = 264
      .active (string) = 1
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      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:33
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      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/pulsions-et-libido
      .position (string) = 266
      .active (string) = 1
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      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:33
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$LISE_action (string) = default
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      .modified_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:08
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         .16 (string) = 951
         .17 (string) = 953
         .18 (string) = 955
         .19 (string) = 957
         .20 (string) = 959
         .21 (string) = 2473
         .22 (string) = 961
         .23 (string) = 963
         .24 (string) = 965
         .25 (string) = 967
         .26 (string) = 969
         .27 (string) = 981
         .28 (string) = 971
         .29 (string) = 973
         .30 (string) = 983
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      .hierarchy_path (string) = b
      .create_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:10
      .modified_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:10
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      .create_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:13
      .modified_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:13
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         .5 (string) = 1013
         .6 (string) = 1017
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         .11 (string) = 1025
         .12 (string) = 1029
         .13 (string) = 1031
         .14 (string) = 1033
         .15 (string) = 1035
         .16 (string) = 2471
         .17 (string) = 1037
         .18 (string) = 1039
         .19 (string) = 1041
         .20 (string) = 1043
         .21 (string) = 1045
         .22 (string) = 1047
         .23 (string) = 1050
         .24 (string) = 1049
         .25 (string) = 1054
         .26 (string) = 1053
         .27 (string) = 1058
         .28 (string) = 1057
         .29 (string) = 1061
         .30 (string) = 1063
         .31 (string) = 1067
         .32 (string) = 1070
         .33 (string) = 1073
         .34 (string) = 1072
         .35 (string) = 1076
         .36 (string) = 1078
         .37 (string) = 1080
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      .prevdepth (integer) = 1
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      .index (integer) = 2
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      .description (string) =
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      .position (string) = 4
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      .create_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:15
      .modified_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:15
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         .5 (string) = 1093
         .6 (string) = 734
         .7 (string) = 1095
         .8 (string) = 1097
         .9 (string) = 1099
         .10 (string) = 1101
         .11 (string) = 1103
         .12 (string) = 1105
         .13 (string) = 1107
         .14 (string) = 1109
         .15 (string) = 1111
         .16 (string) = 1114
         .17 (string) = 1113
         .18 (string) = 1117
         .19 (string) = 1120
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      .index (integer) = 3
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      .name (string) = E
      .description (string) =
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      .position (string) = 5
      .parent_id (string) = -1
      .hierarchy (string) = 00005
      .id_hierarchy (string) = 30
      .hierarchy_path (string) = e
      .create_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:18
      .modified_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:18
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      .key2 (NULL) =
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         .5 (string) = 1161
         .6 (string) = 1164
         .7 (string) = 1166
         .8 (string) = 1168
         .9 (string) = 1170
         .10 (string) = 1173
         .11 (string) = 1172
         .12 (string) = 1176
         .13 (string) = 1178
         .14 (string) = 1181
         .15 (string) = 1184
         .16 (string) = 1183
         .17 (string) = 1186
         .18 (string) = 1189
         .19 (string) = 1191
         .20 (string) = 1193
         .21 (string) = 1195
         .22 (string) = 1197
         .23 (string) = 1199
         .24 (string) = 1201
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      .prevdepth (integer) = 1
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      .index (integer) = 4
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      .name (string) = F
      .description (string) =
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      .position (string) = 6
      .parent_id (string) = -1
      .hierarchy (string) = 00006
      .id_hierarchy (string) = 31
      .hierarchy_path (string) = f
      .create_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:19
      .modified_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:19
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      .key2 (NULL) =
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         .5 (string) = 1218
         .6 (string) = 1219
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      .depth (integer) = 1
      .prevdepth (integer) = 1
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/f/31/25
      .index (integer) = 5
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      .parent (boolean) =
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      .name (string) = G
      .description (string) =
      .active (string) = 1
      .position (string) = 7
      .parent_id (string) = -1
      .hierarchy (string) = 00007
      .id_hierarchy (string) = 32
      .hierarchy_path (string) = g
      .create_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:19
      .modified_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:19
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      .key2 (NULL) =
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      .index (integer) = 6
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      .active (string) = 1
      .position (string) = 8
      .parent_id (string) = -1
      .hierarchy (string) = 00008
      .id_hierarchy (string) = 33
      .hierarchy_path (string) = h
      .create_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:20
      .modified_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:20
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      .key2 (NULL) =
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         .5 (string) = 1241
         .6 (string) = 1243
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      .index (integer) = 7
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      .name (string) = I
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      .active (string) = 1
      .position (string) = 9
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      .hierarchy_path (string) = i
      .create_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:22
      .modified_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:22
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         .6 (string) = 1257
         .7 (string) = 1259
         .8 (string) = 1261
         .9 (string) = 1263
         .10 (string) = 1265
         .11 (string) = 1267
         .12 (string) = 1269
         .13 (string) = 1271
         .14 (string) = 1273
         .15 (string) = 1275
         .16 (string) = 2465
         .17 (string) = 1277
         .18 (string) = 1279
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      .depth (integer) = 1
      .prevdepth (integer) = 1
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      .index (integer) = 8
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      .category_id (string) = 35
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      .name (string) = J
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      .active (string) = 1
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      .hierarchy_path (string) = j
      .create_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:22
      .modified_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:22
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      .key2 (NULL) =
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      .prevdepth (integer) = 1
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      .active (string) = 1
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      .id_hierarchy (string) = 37
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      .create_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:23
      .modified_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:23
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      .index (integer) = 10
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      .create_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:25
      .modified_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:25
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         .5 (string) = 1311
         .6 (string) = 1313
         .7 (string) = 1315
         .8 (string) = 1317
         .9 (string) = 1319
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         .12 (string) = 1325
         .13 (string) = 1327
         .14 (string) = 1329
         .15 (string) = 1331
         .16 (string) = 1333
         .17 (string) = 1335
         .18 (string) = 1337
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      .modified_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:26
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      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
      ->items (array) = [
         .0 (string) = 1341
         .1 (string) = 1343
         .2 (string) = 1345
         .3 (string) = 1347
         .4 (string) = 1349
         .5 (string) = 1351
         .6 (string) = 1354
         .7 (string) = 1356
      ->children (array) = [
      .depth (integer) = 1
      .prevdepth (integer) = 1
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/n/39/25
      .index (integer) = 12
      .menutext (string) = N
      .parent (boolean) =
      .current (boolean) =
   [13] (object of type: LISECategory) = {
      .category_id (string) = 40
      .alias (string) = o
      .name (string) = O
      .description (string) =
      .active (string) = 1
      .position (string) = 14
      .parent_id (string) = -1
      .hierarchy (string) = 00014
      .id_hierarchy (string) = 40
      .hierarchy_path (string) = o
      .create_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:26
      .modified_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:26
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
      ->items (array) = [
         .0 (string) = 1358
         .1 (string) = 1360
         .2 (string) = 1362
         .3 (string) = 1364
         .4 (string) = 1366
         .5 (string) = 1368
         .6 (string) = 1370
         .7 (string) = 1372
         .8 (string) = 1374
      ->children (array) = [
      .depth (integer) = 1
      .prevdepth (integer) = 1
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/o/40/25
      .index (integer) = 13
      .menutext (string) = O
      .parent (boolean) =
      .current (boolean) =
   [14] (object of type: LISECategory) = {
      .category_id (string) = 41
      .alias (string) = p
      .name (string) = P
      .description (string) =
      .active (string) = 1
      .position (string) = 15
      .parent_id (string) = -1
      .hierarchy (string) = 00015
      .id_hierarchy (string) = 41
      .hierarchy_path (string) = p
      .create_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:33
      .modified_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:33
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
      ->items (array) = [
         .0 (string) = 1376
         .1 (string) = 1378
         .2 (string) = 1380
         .3 (string) = 1384
         .4 (string) = 1382
         .5 (string) = 1386
         .6 (string) = 1388
         .7 (string) = 1390
         .8 (string) = 1392
         .9 (string) = 1394
         .10 (string) = 1398
         .11 (string) = 1400
         .12 (string) = 1402
         .13 (string) = 1406
         .14 (string) = 1405
         .15 (string) = 1408
         .16 (string) = 1410
         .17 (string) = 1412
         .18 (string) = 1414
         .19 (string) = 1416
         .20 (string) = 1418
         .21 (string) = 1420
         .22 (string) = 1422
         .23 (string) = 1424
         .24 (string) = 1426
         .25 (string) = 1428
         .26 (string) = 1430
         .27 (string) = 1432
         .28 (string) = 1436
         .29 (string) = 1434
         .30 (string) = 1438
         .31 (string) = 1440
         .32 (string) = 1444
         .33 (string) = 1447
         .34 (string) = 1448
         .35 (string) = 1450
         .36 (string) = 1452
         .37 (string) = 1454
         .38 (string) = 1456
         .39 (string) = 1458
         .40 (string) = 1460
         .41 (string) = 1462
         .42 (string) = 1464
         .43 (string) = 1466
         .44 (string) = 1468
         .45 (string) = 1472
         .46 (string) = 1470
         .47 (string) = 1474
         .48 (string) = 1476
         .49 (string) = 1478
         .50 (string) = 1482
         .51 (string) = 1481
         .52 (string) = 1484
         .53 (string) = 1486
         .54 (string) = 2467
         .55 (string) = 1490
         .56 (string) = 1492
      ->children (array) = [
      .depth (integer) = 1
      .prevdepth (integer) = 1
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/p/41/25
      .index (integer) = 14
      .menutext (string) = P
      .parent (boolean) =
      .current (boolean) = 1
   [15] (object of type: LISECategory) = {
      .category_id (string) = 43
      .alias (string) = r
      .name (string) = R
      .description (string) =
      .active (string) = 1
      .position (string) = 16
      .parent_id (string) = -1
      .hierarchy (string) = 00016
      .id_hierarchy (string) = 43
      .hierarchy_path (string) = r
      .create_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:35
      .modified_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:35
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
      ->items (array) = [
         .0 (string) = 1496
         .1 (string) = 1498
         .2 (string) = 1494
         .3 (string) = 1500
         .4 (string) = 1502
         .5 (string) = 1504
         .6 (string) = 1506
         .7 (string) = 1508
         .8 (string) = 1510
         .9 (string) = 1512
         .10 (string) = 1514
         .11 (string) = 1516
         .12 (string) = 1528
         .13 (string) = 1518
         .14 (string) = 1530
         .15 (string) = 1532
         .16 (string) = 1534
         .17 (string) = 1536
         .18 (string) = 1538
         .19 (string) = 1540
         .20 (string) = 1542
      ->children (array) = [
      .depth (integer) = 1
      .prevdepth (integer) = 1
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/r/43/25
      .index (integer) = 15
      .menutext (string) = R
      .parent (boolean) =
      .current (boolean) =
   [16] (object of type: LISECategory) = {
      .category_id (string) = 44
      .alias (string) = s
      .name (string) = S
      .description (string) =
      .active (string) = 1
      .position (string) = 17
      .parent_id (string) = -1
      .hierarchy (string) = 00017
      .id_hierarchy (string) = 44
      .hierarchy_path (string) = s
      .create_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:38
      .modified_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:38
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
      ->items (array) = [
         .0 (string) = 1544
         .1 (string) = 1546
         .2 (string) = 1548
         .3 (string) = 1550
         .4 (string) = 1552
         .5 (string) = 1554
         .6 (string) = 1556
         .7 (string) = 1558
         .8 (string) = 1560
         .9 (string) = 1562
         .10 (string) = 1564
         .11 (string) = 1570
         .12 (string) = 1572
         .13 (string) = 1574
         .14 (string) = 1576
         .15 (string) = 1578
         .16 (string) = 1580
         .17 (string) = 1582
         .18 (string) = 1583
         .19 (string) = 1585
         .20 (string) = 1589
         .21 (string) = 1588
         .22 (string) = 1592
         .23 (string) = 1594
         .24 (string) = 1599
         .25 (string) = 1598
         .26 (string) = 1602
         .27 (string) = 1603
      ->children (array) = [
      .depth (integer) = 1
      .prevdepth (integer) = 1
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/s/44/25
      .index (integer) = 16
      .menutext (string) = S
      .parent (boolean) =
      .current (boolean) =
   [17] (object of type: LISECategory) = {
      .category_id (string) = 45
      .alias (string) = t
      .name (string) = T
      .description (string) =
      .active (string) = 1
      .position (string) = 18
      .parent_id (string) = -1
      .hierarchy (string) = 00018
      .id_hierarchy (string) = 45
      .hierarchy_path (string) = t
      .create_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:40
      .modified_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:40
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
      ->items (array) = [
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         .1 (string) = 1607
         .2 (string) = 1609
         .3 (string) = 1611
         .4 (string) = 1613
         .5 (string) = 1616
         .6 (string) = 1619
         .7 (string) = 1618
         .8 (string) = 1623
         .9 (string) = 1622
         .10 (string) = 1625
         .11 (string) = 1628
         .12 (string) = 1631
         .13 (string) = 1634
         .14 (string) = 1635
         .15 (string) = 1637
         .16 (string) = 1641
      ->children (array) = [
      .depth (integer) = 1
      .prevdepth (integer) = 1
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/t/45/25
      .index (integer) = 17
      .menutext (string) = T
      .parent (boolean) =
      .current (boolean) =
   [18] (object of type: LISECategory) = {
      .category_id (string) = 47
      .alias (string) = v
      .name (string) = V
      .description (string) =
      .active (string) = 1
      .position (string) = 19
      .parent_id (string) = -1
      .hierarchy (string) = 00019
      .id_hierarchy (string) = 47
      .hierarchy_path (string) = v
      .create_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:40
      .modified_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:40
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
      ->items (array) = [
         .0 (string) = 1640
         .1 (string) = 1643
         .2 (string) = 1646
         .3 (string) = 1648
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      .depth (integer) = 1
      .prevdepth (integer) = 1
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/v/47/25
      .index (integer) = 18
      .menutext (string) = V
      .parent (boolean) =
      .current (boolean) =
$item (object of type: LISEItem) = {
   .item_id (string) = 1492
   .alias (string) = mot-cle-pulsions-et-libido
   .title (string) = Pulsions et libido
   .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/pulsions-et-libido
   .position (string) = 266
   .active (string) = 1
   .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:33
   .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:33
   .start_time (NULL) =
   .end_time (NULL) =
   .owner (string) = 1
   .key1 (NULL) =
   .key2 (NULL) =
   .key3 (NULL) =
   ->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = {   }