• 04 78 28 28 18

Maltraitance de mineurs

- 1. Les victimes : dynamiques et thérapie
SWEET P., Abus sexuels vis-à-vis d'enfants : traitement et prévention, A.A.T., 44, 1987, pp. 183-187.
NASIELSKI S., (Edit.) Ceci est un appel, A.A.T., 56, 1990, pp. 146-147.
NASIELSKI S., (Edit.) Éditorial, A.A.T., 72, 1994, pp. 146-147.
CORNELL W.F. et OLIO K.A., La dimension affective du traitement d'abus corporels subis dans l'enfance, A.A.T., 72, 1994, pp. 179-192.
HOPPING M.W., FRADY B.J. et PLAUT M.W., La thérapie de l'enfant meurtri, A.A.T., 56, 1990, pp. 148-157.
OSNES R.E. et RENDACK S., La thérapie des personnes ayant subi dans leur enfance des mauvais traitements prolongés, A.A.T., 56, 1990, pp. 158-166.
JUSTICE R. et JUSTICE B., Les abus sur les mineurs et la loi : n'être ni Persécuteur ni Victime, A.A.T., 72, 1994, pp. 165-172.
CLARKSON P., Les enfants maltraités : leurs dilemmes au niveau des états du moi, A.A.T., 53, 1990, pp. 37-48.
PRICE R., Repenser le trouble borderline de la personnalité, A.A.T., 69, 1994, pp. 28-35.
OLIO K.A., Se réapproprier en thérapie le souvenir d'abus sexuels subis dans l'enfance, A.A.T., 56, 1990, pp. 167-176.
SIGMUND E., Se réveiller en plein cauchemar : les victimes d'abus d'enfance se souviennent., A.A.T., 72, 1994, pp. 173-178.
- 2. Les auteurs des abus
KASPER C.J., BAUMAN R.C. et ALFORD J.M., Abus sexuels vis-à-vis de mineurs : une suite d'une enfance solitaire, A.A.T., 35, 1985, pp. 130-134. C.A.T., 5, pp. 238-242.
SWEET P., Abus sexuels vis-à-vis d'enfants : traitement et prévention, A.A.T., 44, 1987, pp. 183-187.
BARY B.B. et OHLSON R.W., Le dilemme de la relation père-fille : inceste et contre-inceste, A.A.T., 44, 1987, pp. 179-182.
CLARKSON P., Les enfants maltraités : leurs dilemmes au niveau des états du moi, A.A.T., 53, 1990, pp. 37-48.
BREDEHOFT D.J., Parents violents : une recherche, A.A.T., 63, 1992, pp. 121-126.
JUSTICE R. et JUSTICE B., Renversement de la symbiose dans des familles qui maltraitent leurs enfants, A.A.T., 3, 1977, pp. 152-155. C.A.T., 5, pp. 117-120.
KASPER C.J. et ALFORD J.M., Thérapie redécisionnelle d'hommes auteurs d'abus sexuels sur des enfants, A.A.T., 56, 1990, pp. 177-185.

Maniaco-dépressive (structure)

LOOMIS M.E. et LANDSMAN S.G., La structure maniaco-dépressive : diagnostic et développement., A.A.T., 23, 1982, pp. 126-132. C.A.T., 4, pp. 240-246.
LOOMIS M.E. et LANDSMAN S.G., La structure maniaco-dépressive : stratégies de traitement., A.A.T., 23, 1982, pp. 133-138. C.A.T., 4, pp. 247-252.

Mécanismes de défense

- 1. En général
TUDOR K., Intégrer l'A.T. et la Gestalt dans des groupes d'enfants, A.A.T., 68, 1993, pp. 150-158.
LEDERER A., La défense narcissique de "l'Enfant non désiré", A.A.T., 94, 2000, pp. 73-78. C.A.T., 7, pp. 176-182.
ERSKINE R.G., La honte et l'attitude "sans reproche" : perspectives transactionnelles et interventions cliniques, A.A.T., 76, 1995, pp. 163-182.
NASIELSKI S., La transaction de provocation : outil de stimulation de la motivation à changer, A.A.T., 80, 1996, pp. 151-156. C.A.T., 6, pp. 109-114.
HOYT M.F., Le diagnostic des troubles de la personnalité, A.A.T., 61, 1992, pp. 12-26.
CHENEY W., Le scénario de vie comme défense du moi, A.A.T., 9, 1979, pp. 38-41. C.A.T., 7, pp. 33-36.
DRYE R.C., Les définitions psychanalytiques de la guérison : au-delà de l'accomplissement du contrat., A.A.T., 16, 1980, pp. 163-169. C.A.T., 2, pp. 237-243.
WALDERKRANZ-PISELLI C.K., Que faisons-nous avant de dire bonjour ? Le corps en tant que mise en scène du scénario, A.A.T., 104, 2002, pp. 155-172.
KARPMAN S.B., Réactions au débat sur le transfert : le transfert en tant que jeu psychologique, A.A.T., 64, 1992, pp. 164-170.
ERSKINE R.G., Structure du moi, fonction intrapsychique et mécanismes de défense : les concepts originels de Berne, A.A.T., 53, 1990, pp. 16-22.
MANOR O., Théorie des relations d'objet et approche systémique, A.A.T., 70, 1994, pp. 84-96.
ERSKINE R.G., Transfert et transactions, A.A.T., 64, 1992, pp. 147-163.
- 2. Projection
ALLEN J.R. et ALLEN B.A., La violence : influences de la première enfance, de la famille, du contexte social, A.A.T., 103, 2002, pp. 95-109.
CHANG V. et JAMES M., L'angoisse et la projection dans les jeux psychologiques et dans les scénarios, A.A.T., 58, 1991, pp. 89-96.
GHIRINGHELLI H., BERNARD C. et LE BIHAN-SCHMIDT M., L'emprise dans les foules et les groupes, A.A.T., 107, 2003, pp. 7-16.
ABIGNENTE G., CESARO M. et NOVELLINO M., Scénario, compulsion de répétition, mythe familial : une réflexion métapsychologique, A.A.T., 55, 1990, pp. 100-108. C.A.T., 8, pp. 184-191.
PINCHERIE L.T., Une méthode pratique pour analyser des projections, A.A.T., 12, 1979, pp. 181-182. C.A.T., 6, pp. 66-67.
- 3. Clivage
HYAMS H., La honte : l'ennemi intérieur, A.A.T., 81, 1997, pp. 15-20.
GHIRINGHELLI H., BERNARD C. et LE BIHAN-SCHMIDT M., L'emprise dans les foules et les groupes, A.A.T., 107, 2003, pp. 7-16.
BLACKSTONE P., L'Enfant dynamique: intégrer la structure de deuxième ordre, les relations d'objets et la psychologie du Soi, A.A.T., 92, 1999, pp. 125-142.
- 4. Identification projective
PETRIGLIERI G. et DENFELD WOOD J., L'invisible dévoilé : la collusion comme porte d'entrée vers l'inconscient du groupe, A.A.T., 111, 2004, pp. 25-50.
- 5. Cuirasse corporelle
- 6. Déni du traumatisme et dissociation
HYAMS H., Dissociation: définitoin, diagnostic, manifestations, thérapie et lien avec les sectes, A.A.T., 102, 2002, pp. 59-68.
- 7. Organisations
CHAWLA P., Un mécanisme de défense en organisations : l'exagération des doléances, A.A.T., 30, 1984, pp. 87-90. C.A.T., 3, pp. 184-187.
- 8. Culture
PICKETT L., Des ateliers multiculturels pour la formation des enseignants, A.A.T., 79, 1996, pp. 92-102. Perspectives multiculturelles et A.T., Eds A.T., 2012, pp. 131-140.


REUSS H., Blocages, altérations et marchandage dans le travail de deuil, A.A.T., 106, 2003, pp. 43-55.
BENOIT M., 'Eurêka' : le tableau des prises de conscience, A.A.T., 73, 1995, pp. 27-31.
HINE J., La nature bilatérale et continue des jeux psychologiques, A.A.T., 74, 1995, pp. 73-86.
Van POELJE S., La résistance aux actions pour la représentativité des groupes sociaux dans une organisation, A.A.T., 71, 1994, pp. 127-132.
HAY J., L'alliance de développement en organisation : utiliser pleinement les ressources de l'A.T., A.A.T., 101, 2002, pp. 4-14. C.A.T., 8, pp. 108-118.
ANDRE B., Le défi de la démotivation, A.A.T., 78, 1996, pp. 57-62.
CLARKSON P., Le rôle dramatique de Spectateur, A.A.T., 59, 1991, pp. 130-136.
CHOY A., Le triangle du gagnant, A.A.T., 61, 1992, pp. 29-35.
ALLEN P.M., Le triangle du traitement : un outil de diagnostic et de thérapie, A.A.T., 67, 1993, pp. 121-126.
MELLOR K. et SCHIFF E.W., Méconnaissances, A.A.T., 3, 1977, pp. 133-139. C.A.T., 2, pp. 151-157.
ANDRE B., Motiver pour enseigner, A.A.T., 79, 1996, pp. 120-125.
RAMOND C., Processus parallèle dans les organisations, A.A.T., 71, 1994, pp. 123-126.
SCHLEGEL L., Qu'est-ce que l'analyse transactionnelle ?, A.A.T., 85, 1998, pp. 17-32.
NASIELSKI S., Traitement de l'homme qui recourt à la violence à l'égard de sa femme, A.A.T., 106, 2003, pp. 27-42.
COOPER T. et KAHLER T., Une classification des signes de reconnaissance et des méconnaissances, A.A.T., 5, 1978, pp. 33-34. C.A.T., 1, pp. 100-101.

Médecine et A.T.

- 1. Psychosomatique
ANDERSON J.M., Allergies, visualisation, puissance, A.A.T., 32, 1984, pp. 189-192. C.A.T., 4, pp. 213-216.
ERSKINE R.G., Guérir le scénario : niveaux comportemental, intra-psychique et physiologique, A.A.T., 16, 1980, pp. 155-159. C.A.T., 2, pp. 202-206.
CONWAY A. et CLARKSON P., Inductions hypnotiques quotidiennes, A.A.T., 48, 1988, pp. 156-164.
HYAMS H., La honte : l'ennemi intérieur, A.A.T., 81, 1997, pp. 15-20.
GLENDE N., La quatrième issue secrète : la maladie, A.A.T., 28, 1983, pp. 202-204. C.A.T., 7, pp. 170-171.
CARTMEL Ge. et CARTMEL Gl., La réaction émotionnelle dans les troubles psychosomatiques, A.A.T., 50, 1989, pp. 71-80.
MONTUSCHI F., Les comportements de dépendance et leur prévention par l'éducation familiale, A.A.T., 63, 1992, pp. 112-120.
CARTMEL Ge., Les dysfonctionnements cognitifs dans les troubles psychosomatiques, A.A.T., 69, 1994, pp. 15-24.
CARTMEL Ge., Les troubles psychosomatiques, A.A.T., 50, 1989, pp. 59-70.
COWLES-BOYD L.W., Troubles psychosomatiques et bénéfices tragiques du scénario, A.A.T., 19, 1981, p. 157. C.A.T., 7, p. 165.
- 2. A.T., psychothérapie et médecine
COLE M., Chronicité, injonctions et bénéfices secondaires, A.A.T., 83, 1997, pp. 117-120. C.A.T., 7, pp. 37-40.
LENON R.A., La gestion médicale de l'anorexie nerveuse, A.A.T., 43, 1987, pp. 109-114.
REDDY M. et ORTON-JONES S., L'A.T. chez le dentiste, A.A.T., 18, 1981, pp. 79-81. C.A.T., 7, pp. 290-291.
LAMMERS W., L'A.T. et le traitement de l'asthme chez l'adulte, A.A.T., 62, 1992, pp. 84-92.
FISK S.B., Le traitement hospitalier des troubles de l'alimentation, A.A.T., 43, 1987, pp. 130-134.
SIMERLY R.T. et KARAKASHIAN S.J., Psychothérapie et S.I.D.A. : aspects cliniques et pratiques, A.A.T., 57, 1991, pp. 11-23.
ORANO A., Sexualité et scénario chez des femmes atteintes de sclérose multiple, A.A.T., 69, 1994, pp. 25-27.
- 3. A.T. et modèle médical
WILSON J. et KALINA I., Comment enlever une écharde ? Les écoles en A.T., A.A.T., 15, 1980, pp. 131-135. C.A.T., 1, pp. 25-29.
GUIMARAES B., Toute-puissance médicale et A.T.: une proposition pédagogique pour la formation des futurs médecin au Brésil, A.A.T., 96, 2000, pp. 136-140.


GREGOIRE J., Pratiques méditatives orientales et thérapie d'Occident : la méditation-parasite, A.A.T., 38, 1986, pp. 71-77.


ALLEN J.R., Biologie et analyse transactionnelle : un état de la question sur le développement neurologique, A.A.T., 104, 2002, pp. 144-154.

Mémoire du traumatisme

McNAMARA J. et LISTER-FORD C., Les états du moi et la psychologie de la mémoire, A.A.T., 97, 2001, pp. 7-15. C.A.T., 8, pp. 246-255.

Messages contraignants

voir Drivers

Messages inhibiteurs


voir Contes
voir Mythes
- 1. Théorie
NASIELSKI S., (Edit.) D'où vient l'histoire à raconter ?, A.A.T., 50, 1989, pp. 50-51.
GOBES L., Les états du moi : métaphore ou réalité ?, A.A.T., 70, 1994, pp. 52-54.
CARACUSHANSKY S.R. et GIAMPEITRO A.C., Mythes, contes de fées et psychothérapie bernienne, A.A.T., 49, 1989, pp. 39-48.
LORIA B.R., Réponse à Landy Gobes, A.A.T., 70, 1994, pp. 55-56.
- 2. St cyr
St CYR C., St CYR se. et St CYR So. cf. index des auteurs
HOSTIE R., Cyprian St Cyr, alias ... Eric Berne, A.A.T., 30, 1984, pp. 91-95.
GREGOIRE J., Exit Cyprian St. Cyr, A.A.T., 52, 1989, pp. 187-189.
- 3. Autres
SIX-BRILLANTS S.S. cf. index des auteurs
WILMOTTE J., (Edit.) Alice au pays des merveilles, A.A.T., 42, 1987, p. 50.
CARROLL L., Alice et la Licorne, A.A.T., 93, 2000, p. 40.
MICHOLT N. et TREVINO R., Et pourquoi pas l'Enfant Libre ?, A.A.T., 18, 1981, pp. 100-102. C.A.T., 7, pp. 287-289.
WELLS O.R., Jenny : un conte, A.A.T., 12, 1979, pp. 188-191.
BONGARD M., La scénario de Dieu, A.A.T., 35, 1985, pp. 143-144.
CRESPELLE A., (Edit.) Le kaléidoscope, A.A.T., 48, 1988, pp. 146-147.
CRESPELLE A., (Edit.) Le savant et l'enfant., A.A.T., 54, 1990, pp. 50-51.
CRESPELLE A., L'huître et le poulpe, A.A.T., 91, 1999, pp. 86-87.
CRESPELLE A., L'important, c'est d'aimer sa maman, A.A.T., 52, 1989, pp. 190-192.
HOSTIE R., Un conte-rendu, A.A.T., 91, 1999, pp. 84-85.


- 1. Dans son ensemble
HINE J., La nature bilatérale et continue des jeux psychologiques, A.A.T., 74, 1995, pp. 73-86.
KAHLER T. et CAPERS H., Le mini-scénario, A.A.T., 4, 1977, pp. 163-180. C.A.T., 2, pp. 41-58.
ESTIENNE F., Le mini-scénario : son application avec des adolescents en logothérapie, A.A.T., 26, 1983, pp. 100-102. C.A.T., 4, pp. 63-66.
HOSTIE R., (Edit.) Le mini-scénario : un apport de la troisième génération, A.A.T., 4, 1977, p. 162.
CAPERS H. et GOODMAN L., Le processus de survie : à propos du mini-scénario, A.A.T., 32, 1984, pp. 149-156. C.A.T., 4, pp. 67-73.
KLEIN M., Les ennemis de l'amour, A.A.T., 67, 1993, pp. 127-134.
REDDY M., Taibi Kahler sous la loupe, A.A.T., 30, 1984, pp. 63-66. C.A.T., 3, pp. 174-177.
- 2. Eléments du mini-scénario


MARX C., Entre mission et scénario, quelle place pour la liberté, A.A.T., 88, 1998, pp. 155-159.

Moi réel

ROMANINI M.T., Le Parent du psychothérapeute et le psychothérapeute Parent., A.A.T., 80, 1996, pp. 131-142. C.A.T., 6, pp. 35-46.
ROMANINI M.T., Le Parent, instrument de la relation au groupe humain, A.A.T., 80, 1996, pp. 157-168. C.A.T., 6, pp. 226-237.


JACOBS A., Analyse transactionnelle et applications sociales, A.A.T., 96, 2000, pp. 141-144.
MOUTAIN A., Fermer les issues secrètes en thérapie: l'importance de la culture et de la relation, A.A.T., 101, 2002, pp. 21-29.


ANDRE B., Le défi de la démotivation, A.A.T., 78, 1996, pp. 57-62.
ANDRE B., Motiver pour enseigner, A.A.T., 79, 1996, pp. 120-125.


MARTORELL J.L., Mystifications et jeux psychologiques de pouvoir en thérapie de couples, A.A.T., 84, 1997, pp. 151-160. C.A.T., 8, pp. 42-52.


HYAMS H., L'Œdipe de Sophocle, un mythe de la honte : sa relation à Freud et à sa théorie, A.A.T., 81, 1997, pp. 21-26.

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      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
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   [1307] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1307
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-mecanismes-de-defense
      .title (string) = Mécanismes de défense
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/mecanismes-de-defense
      .position (string) = 176
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:23
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:23
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
      ->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = {      }
   [1309] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1309
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-meconnaissances
      .title (string) = Méconnaissances
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/meconnaissances
      .position (string) = 177
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:23
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:23
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
      ->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = {      }
   [1311] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1311
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-medecine-et-a-t
      .title (string) = Médecine et A.T.
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/medecine-et-a-t
      .position (string) = 178
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:23
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:23
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
      ->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = {      }
   [1313] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1313
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-meditation
      .title (string) = Méditation
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/meditation
      .position (string) = 179
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:24
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:24
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
      ->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = {      }
   [1315] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1315
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-memoire
      .title (string) = Mémoire
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/memoire
      .position (string) = 180
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:24
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:24
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
      ->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = {      }
   [1317] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1317
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-memoire-du-traumatisme
      .title (string) = Mémoire du traumatisme
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/memoire-du-traumatisme
      .position (string) = 181
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:24
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:24
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
      ->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = {      }
   [1319] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1319
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-messages-contraignants
      .title (string) = Messages contraignants
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/messages-contraignants
      .position (string) = 182
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:24
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:24
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
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   [1321] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1321
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-messages-de-scenario
      .title (string) = Messages de scénario
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/messages-de-scenario
      .position (string) = 183
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:24
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:24
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
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   [1323] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1323
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-messages-inhibiteurs
      .title (string) = Messages inhibiteurs
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/messages-inhibiteurs
      .position (string) = 184
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:24
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:24
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
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   [1325] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1325
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-metaphores
      .title (string) = Métaphores
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/metaphores
      .position (string) = 185
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:24
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:24
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
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   [1327] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1327
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-mini-scenario
      .title (string) = Mini-scénario
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/mini-scenario
      .position (string) = 186
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:24
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:24
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
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   [1329] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1329
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-mission
      .title (string) = Mission
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/mission
      .position (string) = 187
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:24
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:24
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
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   [1331] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1331
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-moi-reel
      .title (string) = Moi réel
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/moi-reel
      .position (string) = 188
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:25
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:25
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
      ->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = {      }
   [1333] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1333
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-mort
      .title (string) = Mort
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/mort
      .position (string) = 189
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:25
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:25
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
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   [1335] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1335
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-motivation
      .title (string) = Motivation
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/motivation
      .position (string) = 190
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:25
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:25
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
      ->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = {      }
   [1337] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1337
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-mystification
      .title (string) = Mystification
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/mystification
      .position (string) = 191
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:25
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:25
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
      ->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = {      }
   [1339] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1339
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-mythes
      .title (string) = Mythes
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/mythes
      .position (string) = 192
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:25
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:25
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
      ->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = {      }
$LISEmotscles_items (array) = [
   [1303] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1303
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-maltraitance-de-mineurs
      .title (string) = Maltraitance de mineurs
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/maltraitance-de-mineurs
      .position (string) = 173
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:23
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:23
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
      ->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = {      }
   [1301] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1301
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-management
      .title (string) = Management
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/management
      .position (string) = 174
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:23
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:23
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
      ->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = {      }
   [1305] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1305
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-maniaco-depressive-structure
      .title (string) = Maniaco-dépressive (structure)
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/maniaco-depressive-structure
      .position (string) = 175
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:23
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:23
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
      ->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = {      }
   [1307] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1307
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-mecanismes-de-defense
      .title (string) = Mécanismes de défense
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/mecanismes-de-defense
      .position (string) = 176
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:23
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:23
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
      ->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = {      }
   [1309] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1309
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-meconnaissances
      .title (string) = Méconnaissances
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/meconnaissances
      .position (string) = 177
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:23
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:23
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
      ->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = {      }
   [1311] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1311
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-medecine-et-a-t
      .title (string) = Médecine et A.T.
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/medecine-et-a-t
      .position (string) = 178
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:23
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:23
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
      ->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = {      }
   [1313] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1313
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-meditation
      .title (string) = Méditation
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/meditation
      .position (string) = 179
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:24
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:24
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
      ->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = {      }
   [1315] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1315
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-memoire
      .title (string) = Mémoire
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/memoire
      .position (string) = 180
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:24
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:24
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
      ->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = {      }
   [1317] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1317
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-memoire-du-traumatisme
      .title (string) = Mémoire du traumatisme
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/memoire-du-traumatisme
      .position (string) = 181
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:24
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:24
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
      ->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = {      }
   [1319] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1319
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-messages-contraignants
      .title (string) = Messages contraignants
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/messages-contraignants
      .position (string) = 182
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:24
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:24
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
      ->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = {      }
   [1321] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1321
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-messages-de-scenario
      .title (string) = Messages de scénario
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/messages-de-scenario
      .position (string) = 183
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:24
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:24
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
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   [1323] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1323
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-messages-inhibiteurs
      .title (string) = Messages inhibiteurs
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/messages-inhibiteurs
      .position (string) = 184
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:24
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:24
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
      .owner (string) = 1
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
      ->fielddefs (object of type: LISEFielddefArray) = {      }
   [1325] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
      .item_id (string) = 1325
      .alias (string) = mot-cle-metaphores
      .title (string) = Métaphores
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/metaphores
      .position (string) = 185
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:24
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:24
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
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      .alias (string) = mot-cle-mini-scenario
      .title (string) = Mini-scénario
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/mini-scenario
      .position (string) = 186
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:24
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:24
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
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   [1329] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
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      .title (string) = Mission
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/mission
      .position (string) = 187
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:24
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:24
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      .end_time (NULL) =
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      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/moi-reel
      .position (string) = 188
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:25
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:25
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
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   [1333] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
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      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/mort
      .position (string) = 189
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:25
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:25
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
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   [1335] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
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      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/motivation
      .position (string) = 190
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:25
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:25
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      .end_time (NULL) =
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   [1337] (object of type: LISEItem) = {
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      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/mystification
      .position (string) = 191
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:25
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:25
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      .end_time (NULL) =
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      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/mythes
      .position (string) = 192
      .active (string) = 1
      .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:25
      .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:25
      .start_time (NULL) =
      .end_time (NULL) =
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$LISE_action (string) = default
$categories (array) = [
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      .description (string) =
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      .position (string) = 1
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      .id_hierarchy (string) = 16
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      .create_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:08
      .modified_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:08
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         .5 (string) = 738
         .6 (string) = 923
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         .15 (string) = 949
         .16 (string) = 951
         .17 (string) = 953
         .18 (string) = 955
         .19 (string) = 957
         .20 (string) = 959
         .21 (string) = 2473
         .22 (string) = 961
         .23 (string) = 963
         .24 (string) = 965
         .25 (string) = 967
         .26 (string) = 969
         .27 (string) = 981
         .28 (string) = 971
         .29 (string) = 973
         .30 (string) = 983
         .31 (string) = 723
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      .prevdepth (integer) = 1
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      .index (integer) = 0
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      .description (string) =
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      .position (string) = 2
      .parent_id (string) = -1
      .hierarchy (string) = 00002
      .id_hierarchy (string) = 17
      .hierarchy_path (string) = b
      .create_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:10
      .modified_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:10
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      .key2 (NULL) =
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         .5 (string) = 996
         .6 (string) = 998
         .7 (string) = 1000
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      .index (integer) = 1
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      .description (string) =
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      .position (string) = 3
      .parent_id (string) = -1
      .hierarchy (string) = 00003
      .id_hierarchy (string) = 29
      .hierarchy_path (string) = c
      .create_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:13
      .modified_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:13
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      .key2 (NULL) =
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         .1 (string) = 1006
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         .4 (string) = 1014
         .5 (string) = 1013
         .6 (string) = 1017
         .7 (string) = 1020
         .8 (string) = 1019
         .9 (string) = 1023
         .10 (string) = 1026
         .11 (string) = 1025
         .12 (string) = 1029
         .13 (string) = 1031
         .14 (string) = 1033
         .15 (string) = 1035
         .16 (string) = 2471
         .17 (string) = 1037
         .18 (string) = 1039
         .19 (string) = 1041
         .20 (string) = 1043
         .21 (string) = 1045
         .22 (string) = 1047
         .23 (string) = 1050
         .24 (string) = 1049
         .25 (string) = 1054
         .26 (string) = 1053
         .27 (string) = 1058
         .28 (string) = 1057
         .29 (string) = 1061
         .30 (string) = 1063
         .31 (string) = 1067
         .32 (string) = 1070
         .33 (string) = 1073
         .34 (string) = 1072
         .35 (string) = 1076
         .36 (string) = 1078
         .37 (string) = 1080
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      .depth (integer) = 1
      .prevdepth (integer) = 1
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/c/29/25
      .index (integer) = 2
      .menutext (string) = C
      .parent (boolean) =
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      .alias (string) = d
      .name (string) = D
      .description (string) =
      .active (string) = 1
      .position (string) = 4
      .parent_id (string) = -1
      .hierarchy (string) = 00004
      .id_hierarchy (string) = 18
      .hierarchy_path (string) = d
      .create_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:15
      .modified_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:15
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      .key2 (NULL) =
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         .1 (string) = 1086
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         .3 (string) = 1089
         .4 (string) = 1091
         .5 (string) = 1093
         .6 (string) = 734
         .7 (string) = 1095
         .8 (string) = 1097
         .9 (string) = 1099
         .10 (string) = 1101
         .11 (string) = 1103
         .12 (string) = 1105
         .13 (string) = 1107
         .14 (string) = 1109
         .15 (string) = 1111
         .16 (string) = 1114
         .17 (string) = 1113
         .18 (string) = 1117
         .19 (string) = 1120
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      .depth (integer) = 1
      .prevdepth (integer) = 1
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      .index (integer) = 3
      .menutext (string) = D
      .parent (boolean) =
      .current (boolean) =
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      .category_id (string) = 30
      .alias (string) = e
      .name (string) = E
      .description (string) =
      .active (string) = 1
      .position (string) = 5
      .parent_id (string) = -1
      .hierarchy (string) = 00005
      .id_hierarchy (string) = 30
      .hierarchy_path (string) = e
      .create_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:18
      .modified_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:18
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      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
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         .1 (string) = 1123
         .2 (string) = 1125
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         .4 (string) = 1159
         .5 (string) = 1161
         .6 (string) = 1164
         .7 (string) = 1166
         .8 (string) = 1168
         .9 (string) = 1170
         .10 (string) = 1173
         .11 (string) = 1172
         .12 (string) = 1176
         .13 (string) = 1178
         .14 (string) = 1181
         .15 (string) = 1184
         .16 (string) = 1183
         .17 (string) = 1186
         .18 (string) = 1189
         .19 (string) = 1191
         .20 (string) = 1193
         .21 (string) = 1195
         .22 (string) = 1197
         .23 (string) = 1199
         .24 (string) = 1201
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      .depth (integer) = 1
      .prevdepth (integer) = 1
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/e/30/25
      .index (integer) = 4
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      .category_id (string) = 31
      .alias (string) = f
      .name (string) = F
      .description (string) =
      .active (string) = 1
      .position (string) = 6
      .parent_id (string) = -1
      .hierarchy (string) = 00006
      .id_hierarchy (string) = 31
      .hierarchy_path (string) = f
      .create_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:19
      .modified_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:19
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      .key2 (NULL) =
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         .1 (string) = 1206
         .2 (string) = 1210
         .3 (string) = 1212
         .4 (string) = 1215
         .5 (string) = 1218
         .6 (string) = 1219
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      .depth (integer) = 1
      .prevdepth (integer) = 1
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/f/31/25
      .index (integer) = 5
      .menutext (string) = F
      .parent (boolean) =
      .current (boolean) =
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      .category_id (string) = 32
      .alias (string) = g
      .name (string) = G
      .description (string) =
      .active (string) = 1
      .position (string) = 7
      .parent_id (string) = -1
      .hierarchy (string) = 00007
      .id_hierarchy (string) = 32
      .hierarchy_path (string) = g
      .create_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:19
      .modified_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:19
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
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         .0 (string) = 1222
         .1 (string) = 1224
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      .depth (integer) = 1
      .prevdepth (integer) = 1
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/g/32/25
      .index (integer) = 6
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      .category_id (string) = 33
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      .name (string) = H
      .description (string) =
      .active (string) = 1
      .position (string) = 8
      .parent_id (string) = -1
      .hierarchy (string) = 00008
      .id_hierarchy (string) = 33
      .hierarchy_path (string) = h
      .create_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:20
      .modified_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:20
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      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
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         .0 (string) = 1232
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         .2 (string) = 1236
         .3 (string) = 1237
         .4 (string) = 1239
         .5 (string) = 1241
         .6 (string) = 1243
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      .depth (integer) = 1
      .prevdepth (integer) = 1
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/h/33/25
      .index (integer) = 7
      .menutext (string) = H
      .parent (boolean) =
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      .category_id (string) = 34
      .alias (string) = i
      .name (string) = I
      .description (string) =
      .active (string) = 1
      .position (string) = 9
      .parent_id (string) = -1
      .hierarchy (string) = 00009
      .id_hierarchy (string) = 34
      .hierarchy_path (string) = i
      .create_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:22
      .modified_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:22
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      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
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         .5 (string) = 1255
         .6 (string) = 1257
         .7 (string) = 1259
         .8 (string) = 1261
         .9 (string) = 1263
         .10 (string) = 1265
         .11 (string) = 1267
         .12 (string) = 1269
         .13 (string) = 1271
         .14 (string) = 1273
         .15 (string) = 1275
         .16 (string) = 2465
         .17 (string) = 1277
         .18 (string) = 1279
      ->children (array) = [
      .depth (integer) = 1
      .prevdepth (integer) = 1
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/i/34/25
      .index (integer) = 8
      .menutext (string) = I
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      .current (boolean) =
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      .category_id (string) = 35
      .alias (string) = j
      .name (string) = J
      .description (string) =
      .active (string) = 1
      .position (string) = 10
      .parent_id (string) = -1
      .hierarchy (string) = 00010
      .id_hierarchy (string) = 35
      .hierarchy_path (string) = j
      .create_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:22
      .modified_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:22
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      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
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      .depth (integer) = 1
      .prevdepth (integer) = 1
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/j/35/25
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      .active (string) = 1
      .position (string) = 11
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      .hierarchy (string) = 00011
      .id_hierarchy (string) = 37
      .hierarchy_path (string) = l
      .create_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:23
      .modified_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:23
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      .key2 (NULL) =
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         .5 (string) = 1299
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      .depth (integer) = 1
      .prevdepth (integer) = 1
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/l/37/25
      .index (integer) = 10
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      .current (boolean) =
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      .category_id (string) = 38
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      .name (string) = M
      .description (string) =
      .active (string) = 1
      .position (string) = 12
      .parent_id (string) = -1
      .hierarchy (string) = 00012
      .id_hierarchy (string) = 38
      .hierarchy_path (string) = m
      .create_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:25
      .modified_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:25
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      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
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         .1 (string) = 1301
         .2 (string) = 1305
         .3 (string) = 1307
         .4 (string) = 1309
         .5 (string) = 1311
         .6 (string) = 1313
         .7 (string) = 1315
         .8 (string) = 1317
         .9 (string) = 1319
         .10 (string) = 1321
         .11 (string) = 1323
         .12 (string) = 1325
         .13 (string) = 1327
         .14 (string) = 1329
         .15 (string) = 1331
         .16 (string) = 1333
         .17 (string) = 1335
         .18 (string) = 1337
         .19 (string) = 1339
      ->children (array) = [
      .depth (integer) = 1
      .prevdepth (integer) = 1
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/m/38/25
      .index (integer) = 11
      .menutext (string) = M
      .parent (boolean) =
      .current (boolean) = 1
   [12] (object of type: LISECategory) = {
      .category_id (string) = 39
      .alias (string) = n
      .name (string) = N
      .description (string) =
      .active (string) = 1
      .position (string) = 13
      .parent_id (string) = -1
      .hierarchy (string) = 00013
      .id_hierarchy (string) = 39
      .hierarchy_path (string) = n
      .create_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:26
      .modified_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:26
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      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
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         .1 (string) = 1343
         .2 (string) = 1345
         .3 (string) = 1347
         .4 (string) = 1349
         .5 (string) = 1351
         .6 (string) = 1354
         .7 (string) = 1356
      ->children (array) = [
      .depth (integer) = 1
      .prevdepth (integer) = 1
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/n/39/25
      .index (integer) = 12
      .menutext (string) = N
      .parent (boolean) =
      .current (boolean) =
   [13] (object of type: LISECategory) = {
      .category_id (string) = 40
      .alias (string) = o
      .name (string) = O
      .description (string) =
      .active (string) = 1
      .position (string) = 14
      .parent_id (string) = -1
      .hierarchy (string) = 00014
      .id_hierarchy (string) = 40
      .hierarchy_path (string) = o
      .create_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:26
      .modified_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:26
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
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         .1 (string) = 1360
         .2 (string) = 1362
         .3 (string) = 1364
         .4 (string) = 1366
         .5 (string) = 1368
         .6 (string) = 1370
         .7 (string) = 1372
         .8 (string) = 1374
      ->children (array) = [
      .depth (integer) = 1
      .prevdepth (integer) = 1
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/o/40/25
      .index (integer) = 13
      .menutext (string) = O
      .parent (boolean) =
      .current (boolean) =
   [14] (object of type: LISECategory) = {
      .category_id (string) = 41
      .alias (string) = p
      .name (string) = P
      .description (string) =
      .active (string) = 1
      .position (string) = 15
      .parent_id (string) = -1
      .hierarchy (string) = 00015
      .id_hierarchy (string) = 41
      .hierarchy_path (string) = p
      .create_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:33
      .modified_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:33
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
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         .0 (string) = 1376
         .1 (string) = 1378
         .2 (string) = 1380
         .3 (string) = 1384
         .4 (string) = 1382
         .5 (string) = 1386
         .6 (string) = 1388
         .7 (string) = 1390
         .8 (string) = 1392
         .9 (string) = 1394
         .10 (string) = 1398
         .11 (string) = 1400
         .12 (string) = 1402
         .13 (string) = 1406
         .14 (string) = 1405
         .15 (string) = 1408
         .16 (string) = 1410
         .17 (string) = 1412
         .18 (string) = 1414
         .19 (string) = 1416
         .20 (string) = 1418
         .21 (string) = 1420
         .22 (string) = 1422
         .23 (string) = 1424
         .24 (string) = 1426
         .25 (string) = 1428
         .26 (string) = 1430
         .27 (string) = 1432
         .28 (string) = 1436
         .29 (string) = 1434
         .30 (string) = 1438
         .31 (string) = 1440
         .32 (string) = 1444
         .33 (string) = 1447
         .34 (string) = 1448
         .35 (string) = 1450
         .36 (string) = 1452
         .37 (string) = 1454
         .38 (string) = 1456
         .39 (string) = 1458
         .40 (string) = 1460
         .41 (string) = 1462
         .42 (string) = 1464
         .43 (string) = 1466
         .44 (string) = 1468
         .45 (string) = 1472
         .46 (string) = 1470
         .47 (string) = 1474
         .48 (string) = 1476
         .49 (string) = 1478
         .50 (string) = 1482
         .51 (string) = 1481
         .52 (string) = 1484
         .53 (string) = 1486
         .54 (string) = 2467
         .55 (string) = 1490
         .56 (string) = 1492
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      .depth (integer) = 1
      .prevdepth (integer) = 1
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/p/41/25
      .index (integer) = 14
      .menutext (string) = P
      .parent (boolean) =
      .current (boolean) =
   [15] (object of type: LISECategory) = {
      .category_id (string) = 43
      .alias (string) = r
      .name (string) = R
      .description (string) =
      .active (string) = 1
      .position (string) = 16
      .parent_id (string) = -1
      .hierarchy (string) = 00016
      .id_hierarchy (string) = 43
      .hierarchy_path (string) = r
      .create_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:35
      .modified_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:35
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
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         .1 (string) = 1498
         .2 (string) = 1494
         .3 (string) = 1500
         .4 (string) = 1502
         .5 (string) = 1504
         .6 (string) = 1506
         .7 (string) = 1508
         .8 (string) = 1510
         .9 (string) = 1512
         .10 (string) = 1514
         .11 (string) = 1516
         .12 (string) = 1528
         .13 (string) = 1518
         .14 (string) = 1530
         .15 (string) = 1532
         .16 (string) = 1534
         .17 (string) = 1536
         .18 (string) = 1538
         .19 (string) = 1540
         .20 (string) = 1542
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      .prevdepth (integer) = 1
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/r/43/25
      .index (integer) = 15
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      .parent (boolean) =
      .current (boolean) =
   [16] (object of type: LISECategory) = {
      .category_id (string) = 44
      .alias (string) = s
      .name (string) = S
      .description (string) =
      .active (string) = 1
      .position (string) = 17
      .parent_id (string) = -1
      .hierarchy (string) = 00017
      .id_hierarchy (string) = 44
      .hierarchy_path (string) = s
      .create_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:38
      .modified_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:38
      .key1 (NULL) =
      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
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         .1 (string) = 1546
         .2 (string) = 1548
         .3 (string) = 1550
         .4 (string) = 1552
         .5 (string) = 1554
         .6 (string) = 1556
         .7 (string) = 1558
         .8 (string) = 1560
         .9 (string) = 1562
         .10 (string) = 1564
         .11 (string) = 1570
         .12 (string) = 1572
         .13 (string) = 1574
         .14 (string) = 1576
         .15 (string) = 1578
         .16 (string) = 1580
         .17 (string) = 1582
         .18 (string) = 1583
         .19 (string) = 1585
         .20 (string) = 1589
         .21 (string) = 1588
         .22 (string) = 1592
         .23 (string) = 1594
         .24 (string) = 1599
         .25 (string) = 1598
         .26 (string) = 1602
         .27 (string) = 1603
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      .prevdepth (integer) = 1
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/s/44/25
      .index (integer) = 16
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      .current (boolean) =
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      .alias (string) = t
      .name (string) = T
      .description (string) =
      .active (string) = 1
      .position (string) = 18
      .parent_id (string) = -1
      .hierarchy (string) = 00018
      .id_hierarchy (string) = 45
      .hierarchy_path (string) = t
      .create_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:40
      .modified_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:40
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      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
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         .1 (string) = 1607
         .2 (string) = 1609
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         .5 (string) = 1616
         .6 (string) = 1619
         .7 (string) = 1618
         .8 (string) = 1623
         .9 (string) = 1622
         .10 (string) = 1625
         .11 (string) = 1628
         .12 (string) = 1631
         .13 (string) = 1634
         .14 (string) = 1635
         .15 (string) = 1637
         .16 (string) = 1641
      ->children (array) = [
      .depth (integer) = 1
      .prevdepth (integer) = 1
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/t/45/25
      .index (integer) = 17
      .menutext (string) = T
      .parent (boolean) =
      .current (boolean) =
   [18] (object of type: LISECategory) = {
      .category_id (string) = 47
      .alias (string) = v
      .name (string) = V
      .description (string) =
      .active (string) = 1
      .position (string) = 19
      .parent_id (string) = -1
      .hierarchy (string) = 00019
      .id_hierarchy (string) = 47
      .hierarchy_path (string) = v
      .create_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:40
      .modified_date (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:40
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      .key2 (NULL) =
      .key3 (NULL) =
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      .prevdepth (integer) = 1
      .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/v/47/25
      .index (integer) = 18
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      .parent (boolean) =
      .current (boolean) =
$item (object of type: LISEItem) = {
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   .alias (string) = mot-cle-mythes
   .title (string) = Mythes
   .url (string) = https://www.eat-lyon.fr/publications/mots-cles/mythes
   .position (string) = 192
   .active (string) = 1
   .create_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:25
   .modified_time (string) = 2023-10-02 08:57:25
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   .end_time (NULL) =
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